Can we Trust the Galactics? Yes and No | Adamu

Adamu: Can We Trust the Galactics? Yes and No

November 26, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Zingdad, Adamu’s channeler

From 2012, a good reminder from Adamu that not all galactics serve the Light.

I’m unaware of any negative extraterrestrials around or in the planet at this time. Nonetheless, his discussion of the value of trust remains a sage one.

Adamu has graced us with his discussion of “Can we trust the galactics.”

Adamu is a higher-dimensional being who speaks through Zingdad in South Africa and has had a very formative influence on my own thinking, although he addresses us far less than I would wish.

His descriptions are often as colorful and yet as revealing as any galactic spokesperson I can think of.

Here he asks us how trustworthy are we humans? He warns us as well that some galactics are of lower consciousness and do communicate with us through channels. These also cannot be trusted. And others are indifferent or here merely out of curiosity.

Some are well-meaning but of lower consciousness as well. He reminds us of the damage that our “well-meaning” missionaries did.

He goes further to discuss how the best way to know whether a galactic is trustworthy is to consult the heart or inner voice. And he discusses what resonance really means. A very substantial meal, Adamu. Thank you for this.

Adamu: Greetings to you my friend. You ask a simple question but, as usual, if we are to do the question justice and learn as much as we can from it then we need to take some time with it.

The answer is both “no, you cannot trust the Galactics” and “yes, you can trust the Galactics.” Perhaps my ambivalent answer surprises you? Allow me to explain…

Why you CANNOT trust the Galactics

To assist us in gaining clarity, please allow me to turn the question around and ask “can you trust humans?”

If you were to simply put all of yourself and all of your energy at the disposal and mercy of any and every random human that you encountered, how long do you think it would be before you were denuded of every scrap of your personal assets and before you were used and abused in every conceivable way? Not too long, am I right?

So you simply cannot trust all humans. That way lies disaster.

But you can trust SOME humans. There are certainly many humans on earth right now that are good, kind and trustworthy, with whom you could throw in your lot and co-create.

And the same is true, only much more so, of the uncountable number of individual beings who fall under the label “the Galactics”. Because, indeed, “the Galactics” are, from your perspective, every sentient being living in the whole Galaxy, other than earth humans. That’s a LOT of beings!

Some of the Galactics are of fairly low consciousness. And some of those that are of this lower consciousness are able to travel space and time and find their way to your planet. If you were to simply welcome them in with open arms and give them free access to your planet and all it’s resources… well, that would NOT be in your best interests.

Some of these lower-consciousness beings are also making use of the psychic connections that are available to them in the form of what is called channelling. So those Galactics can’t be trusted and neither can their channelled messages. Their messages are designed to take from you your energy and to disempower you and render you more manipulable. That is what is in THEIR best interests… but clearly not in yours!

Many more Galactics are either indifferent to you or purely academically curious: they either have no interest in you or their interest is to simply observe, without interference, as you navigate this critical time in your journey.

Then there are those who actively wish your well-being. Those that would like to assist you in whatever way they can. Some of these, however, are ALSO not of a very high consciousness. “Well-meaning” is, itself, not an indicator of high consciousness.

I am reminded here of missionaries in your Earth history. In all well-meaning they brought their religious message to tribal peoples in far-flung places. The motivation was, mostly, good. They believed they were “saving souls.”

But what they actually did was to bring cultural devastation wherever they went. Not to mention diseases to which there was no resistance. And access to, and desire for, the artifacts of the missionaries’ culture supplanted highly-functional tribal cultural items.

And this religious incursion paved the way for even more destructive offerings from the missionary civilisation: distilled liquor, voracious acquisitiveness, destructive technologies and weapons and so on. And so there is little doubt that those tribal civilisations did not benefit from their interaction with those missionaries!

Should those tribal people have opened that door to trusting the missionaries? One can certainly argue they should not have. I make the point here that “well-meaning” is clearly not the same thing as “in your best interest!” Not in the case of human missionaries and neither in the case of Galactics.

But, of course, there most certainly are those of Galactic civilisations who are deeply loving towards you and who will also only act in your best interest. Who are they? They are the ones that know that you are not “other” than they are. They know that you and they are both motes of eternal, immortal consciousness. They know that you and they are, in reality, ONE.

They know that you are not, in truth, less than they are. They know that you are NOT best served by them rescuing you. They know that, very, very soon, when you are ready, there will be a time for a truly wonderful interaction between you. An interaction between equals. THESE are the beings that not only love you but also will only act in the best interests of ALL concerned.

So how will you know what kind of being you are listening to? What are you to do with the claim of a channelled entity such as “I speak to you from the higher dimensions and I come to you from the xyz star system.” Is it possible that this being does not tell the truth? Is it possible that the channel is distorting the message? Is it possible that the channel is entirely inventing this as a fiction? Perhaps a grand self-delusion? Or is it possible that the message is exactly as it seems to be and there is no deception at all?

If you are honest you will admit that all of the above are possible.

So how will you know the difference?

I submit to you that you will NOT know the difference if you are looking outside of yourself (to the message itself, for example) for THE TRUTH. Because THE TRUTH is not outside of you. There is, in point of fact, precious little that can be labelled as THE TRUTH. But what there is a great deal of is YOUR truth.

And so, if you wish to know when to trust (and when NOT to trust) the Galactics, then you must first find your connection to YOUR truth. I assure you with all the conviction in my being that you DO have access to your truth. You can dull it and silence it and then forget that you have it or you can pay it respect and listen to it attentively and in so doing hear it speak to you ever more clearly.

Your truth is “the little” voice that speaks to you sometimes. You can allow it to become the “big voice” if you would care to do so.

And so what I would invite you to do from here on out is to begin by regularly affirming the following to yourself:

“I trust MYSELF first. I trust my truth. I follow my heart. I do what is right for me to do. I know the truth when I hear it.”

Say this to yourself right now. And then repeat it to yourself regularly as you go about your life. Say it to yourself before reading any and all channelled messages. Say it to yourself before someone speaks to you and you are not sure of their motivations. Say it often. And, as you say it become very delicately aware of what happens in the centre of your heart.

You see, right where your physical heart muscle is, there is also an energy centre in your being that connects you to the eternal, infinite Oneness of All. This is where you are connected to divine will. It is where you can access infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge and infinite creativity. So become ever more sensitively aware of how this energy centre (called your heart chakra) FEELS when you say the above affirmation. (1) And then continue to FEEL it as you read the channelling or hear the other person out. And then trust what you feel and respond appropriately to that.

Now I will speak to you of “resonance”. This is a good word but it is somewhat abused in spiritual circles. When someone likes what someone else says, they often say “I resonate with that.” This is sad. It waters the meaning of the word down. “Like” is not “resonate”

If you are acutely aware of your inner-truth because you are delicately listening to your heart and someone offers you something that is SO RIGHT for you that it makes your heart sing… that you feel they are giving voice to your very own thoughts… then you are “in resonance”.

Then there are other thoughts that someone might offer that you simply feel “okay, sounds fine, but it doesn’t ring my bell”. That is then, probably THEIR truth and is something you can simply let be.

Sometimes you will encounter something that is directly “disresonant”. This is when, for example, a channelled entity and the channeller are working together to manipulate you into giving up your energy so as to feed themselves, their egos and their needs at your expense. If you are paying attention you will feel this as directly, diametrically opposed to your own truth. As DISresonance. Pay attention to that feeling! It means this message is something that you must discard without any further ado.

So, given all that I have said you are probably feeling a little pessimistic about trusting the Galactics. Well here I will offer you some good news and good advice too.

Why you SHOULD trust the Galactics

Firstly, as I have mentioned above, if you are attentively listening to your truth you will hone that skill and soon be discerning for yourself what is good for you from what is not.

Secondly, the more integral you become the more you will invite interaction with others of great integrity and less interaction those who are disintegral. Integrity means:

What you ARE is what you DO, it’s what you SAY, it’s what you THINK, it’s where you GO, it’s what you EXPERIENCE.

Do you understand? I am talking about all of your lining up in one direction in coherence with your truest nature. As you do this, so you cease to lie to yourself and others. You speak your truth. But you also live your truth in your every thought and action. All of YOU becomes aligned with your innermost self.

As this happens so you can expect wondrous things to occur in your life. You become a worthy co-creator and others, who are themselves also worthy co-creators seek you out to co-create with you. Miracles ensue.

But that is not what we are talking about here so allow me to remain on task. What I wish to indicate is that YOUR integrity or lack thereof, is what will bring you interaction with others, including the Galactics, who are of a similar vibration.

You see, the deepest reason that you should trust the Galactics is the same reason that you should trust all of life. It is because there is a fundamental rule of the universe that goes:

“What you put out is what you get back.”

Every single little thing in life works in accordance with this rule. It can do no other. You can absolutely trust life to mirror back to you what you are showing to it. To many of you this will seem untrue because the mirror can sometimes have a very long delay. This delay between cause and effect is called “time.”

Time is what separates your actions from the universe’s reactions. And sometimes that separation is long enough that it can span a number of lifetimes. When that happens you can forget how you set a ball in motion and be quite surprised when it comes bouncing back at you!

What you can do about this is: RIGHT NOW to become very, very conscious of what you are putting out. Put out ONLY what you want to get back. And then watch how your whole life transforms and becomes more joyful and loving. Then, secondly, practice great acceptance, forgiveness and patience when things come back at you that you do not understand.

So… you don’t remember putting this or that thing out? And yet here it is causing you distress! Fine. Don’t lash back at life with aggression! You’ll just make it worse! Accept it and go within. Go to your heart and ask your truth: “what is the deep, deep choice that I made that caused this to occur in my life?” Await the answer. Listen for it. And then, when it comes (it might take a little time) trust it and respond appropriately. When you discover a choice that has resulted in a negative or painful result, it is time to come to a new decision that is more loving.

THAT is how you heal the pain. Not by striking back!

Living like this WILL change your life in magnificent ways!

And most importantly, practicing this will show you in the most powerfully undeniable way that YOU CAN TRUST LIFE. If you live like this you will see, as a matter of your own life’s experience, that all of life always reflects you back at yourself. You get back what you put out. Or, put another way, what you do to another, you do to yourself also. Always it is so.

And if all of life is like this, then indeed the Galactics can not be any different!

Dear friend. You are right now in the window of choice. This is what this critical time in human history means. You, individually, are right now choosing what kind of a reality you will experience in the next cycle of creation. You are choosing this by where you put your energy: what you do, what you think and what you say. In these ways you alter your spiritual frequency. If you would pay dear old Adamu any mind at all then I would implore you, for the greater well-being of YOUR soul, to move directly to listening to and trusting your own truth. To becoming ever more integral and congruent. And to giving up on the desire to have some other external being or beings come and rescue you and tell you what must be true for you.

Trust your OWN inner truth above all!

With that I leave you.

I love you with the heart of Oneness.

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian Civilization


(1) The heart chakra is a portal to universal consciousness. It is also not the same as the hridayam or spiritual heart that houses the soul. They have different functions.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Can we Trust the Galactics? Yes and No | Adamu Can we Trust the Galactics? Yes and No | Adamu Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/26/2018 03:19:00 PM Rating: 5

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