A Holiday Called Thanksgiving – The Council
November 20, 2018

In two days, in the country in which this channel resides, a holiday called Thanksgiving will be observed. On this day each year, it is customary for you to gather for a feast, share with family and friends, and even perhaps spend a few moments pondering your blessings and giving thanks for them – my car, my house, my health, my family, etc. Before you do this, may we give you a few other things you might think about.
Usually, each of you direct your thanks to whatever or whomever you perceive to be the divine source in your life. And that is, of course, a very good thing to do. But we would suggest something further.
It is very likely that you have been the beneficiary of many of the following fellow beings during the past year, if not all of them. The most obvious are health workers, firefighters, etc. But it is also quite likely that someone has prepared food for you, so you did not have to. Someone else has served you that food. Someone has cleaned up after those meals, so you did not have to. Someone has removed the trash you created, so you did not have to. Someone has swept the streets, plowed the snow, filled the potholes, so you did not have to. Someone has driven a vehicle for you, a taxi, a bus, an airplane, a ship to fill your need. Someone has cleaned your hotel room, so you did not have to. The list could be exceedingly long.
It is very possible that many of those people performed their service when they were ill, when they had a migraine headache, or when they were in the midst of a stressful situation.
So this Thanksgiving holiday perhaps give a moment’s thought to all of those people. Send them thanks. Send them love and appreciation. Never doubt for a moment that you will uplift each of them in some way when you do this.
Let us here inject another thought. If everyone did this, you would be the recipient of much of this gratitude and love yourself. As you go through our daily activities, do you not do many things for others? Do you not often do them when you are not feeling your best? Each of you is dependent upon all of the rest of you. That is what makes your society possible.
So when you give thanks for what you have, do not forget those that produced it nor those that brought it to you. And realize also that you have done your own part. For that, we are grateful to you. We see what you have done, even when you have discounted or forgotten it.
So have a very wonderful day of thanks, and enjoy your family and friends. And if you should think of us for a moment, know we are with you.
There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/
November 20, 2018

In two days, in the country in which this channel resides, a holiday called Thanksgiving will be observed. On this day each year, it is customary for you to gather for a feast, share with family and friends, and even perhaps spend a few moments pondering your blessings and giving thanks for them – my car, my house, my health, my family, etc. Before you do this, may we give you a few other things you might think about.
Usually, each of you direct your thanks to whatever or whomever you perceive to be the divine source in your life. And that is, of course, a very good thing to do. But we would suggest something further.
It is very likely that you have been the beneficiary of many of the following fellow beings during the past year, if not all of them. The most obvious are health workers, firefighters, etc. But it is also quite likely that someone has prepared food for you, so you did not have to. Someone else has served you that food. Someone has cleaned up after those meals, so you did not have to. Someone has removed the trash you created, so you did not have to. Someone has swept the streets, plowed the snow, filled the potholes, so you did not have to. Someone has driven a vehicle for you, a taxi, a bus, an airplane, a ship to fill your need. Someone has cleaned your hotel room, so you did not have to. The list could be exceedingly long.
It is very possible that many of those people performed their service when they were ill, when they had a migraine headache, or when they were in the midst of a stressful situation.
So this Thanksgiving holiday perhaps give a moment’s thought to all of those people. Send them thanks. Send them love and appreciation. Never doubt for a moment that you will uplift each of them in some way when you do this.
Let us here inject another thought. If everyone did this, you would be the recipient of much of this gratitude and love yourself. As you go through our daily activities, do you not do many things for others? Do you not often do them when you are not feeling your best? Each of you is dependent upon all of the rest of you. That is what makes your society possible.
So when you give thanks for what you have, do not forget those that produced it nor those that brought it to you. And realize also that you have done your own part. For that, we are grateful to you. We see what you have done, even when you have discounted or forgotten it.
So have a very wonderful day of thanks, and enjoy your family and friends. And if you should think of us for a moment, know we are with you.
There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/
A Holiday Called Thanksgiving | The Council via Ronald Head
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/20/2018 06:13:00 PM