The Life you Live | Heavenletters #6474

The Life You Live | Heavenletters

OCT 17 2018

God said:

Beloved, today you may feel that something is coming around the corner for you. You don’t exactly know what, yet you feel it’s on its way straight to you. You can hardly wait. It’s something you clearly welcome. In fact, you run to your computer in case a blessed email has already arrived.

You are aware that an easy-going hands-off approach to life generally is more effective than an insistent one.

You don’t want to scare good news away. After all, extra good news usually comes when it’s good and ready. Your role in life isn’t to be a bill collector. You will be a happy receiver rather than an impatient one who seems to demand of life: “Where have you been? What took you so long?”

You get it. There is a fine balance to keep. You are delighted to receive life as it comes, full well knowing that life has your interests at heart and is always looking out for you. You don’t want to be taken for an irate customer. All is well. You can do it. You can take life as it comes on its own terms.

You may have had an unrelated dream out of the blue, an inexplicable dream about old friends of yours, as it happens, a genially married couple that were always good friends to each other and to you. In real life, the couple had moved to California years ago. In this dream, you and the couple had been in business together and not only friends. In this dream, they arrived at your door with business-related packages for you. Your friends have been especially thinking of you and brought you some products. In the dream, this was a nice gesture but also somewhat confusing.

Anyway, you do not dream of dream interpretation. You want your known dreams to come true. Why would you have your big dreams if they were not to come true? You desire the real thing to come true right in front of you. Speculation does not satisfy you.

You ask Me: “God, let’s get right down to it. No more shilly-shallying along. No more wild guesses.”

Pretty much your favored dreams that do come true came through as surprises to you.

In retrospect, you may see some signposts. In one long view, you could have predicted some aspects of your life, but not all. And you also realize that if you had known in advance, you cannot be sure that you would do a rerun any better now even so. You are aware that what you have to do now is to be glad to have received all that did come your way. Never mind what you would have left out if you could have.

All in all, you did quite well. And, yes, if you could do it all over knowing what you know now, would you really have done it differently? You do have one clear desire, and that is to have appreciated yourself better all along the way.

You also understand now that nothing is for naught. Even if you didn’t make out as a one-day wonder, you did great. This is your life that you lived, and, indeed, you did live it. You have carried it through so far. I may even hear you say:

“Thank You, God, for staying by my side. You see me through the shallows and through the heights. Right now, God, I do not see what is to come. What I do know is that You will be with me hand in hand, and I will know the grace that You see in me, and I will know it well. Take me where You will, God, and thank you for the ride. Wherever you lead, that’s where I want to be with You.”

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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
The Life you Live | Heavenletters #6474 The Life you Live | Heavenletters #6474 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/17/2018 04:23:00 PM Rating: 5

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