The I Ching Weekly for October 8, 2018 | Bobby Klien

OCTOBER 8, 2018

Flowing waters sing
Falling leaves float on the river
Tranquility reigns


#11 Tai Peaceful Prosperity/Heaven on Earth
Above Kun Center of Earth; that on which everything
rests; the basis of all things
Below Qian/Gan Heaven; energy; spirit power

The Wisdom:

Correct connections will be made.
It is the time.
Heaven and Earth are joining;
Intuition is your guiding light.

There has been influence from dark forces that are now fading.. Conflicts can be resolved. This is an auspicious time when there is harmony on earth. Being in gratitude for these time will continue to enliven this rarified air all can now breathe equally and together.

Where there are conflicts or obstacles approach them with no fear. Peaceful resolution is possible. Quiet the ego and move without judgment of self or others and the road to peace and prosperity is open.

The message of Tai, this hexagram, is to inform you that you have, through diligence, called to the laws of attraction. This message comes in two parts. Firstly, note well that within in reach is a never before accessed storehouse of love, abundance and clarity of vision. The projects and relationships that have been stalled can now be activated. And so the second part of Tai’s teaching: with access to these blessings comes the responsibility of the visionary to check intentions and behavior. Remain humble and prepare yourself to receive. Because of all that you have sacrificed along the way, you have made way for this energy flow, which will be powerful, and in some cases perhaps even jarring in its intensity.

Friendships can be renewed
Long drawn out battles will be resolved
Through persistent small efforts
Peace and harmony can be achieved

Make ready your connection to source in body and in consciousness. In this way what will come will have a proper container of distribution and connectivity. There is no doubt these gifts will come, but without correct behavior and thought they will vanish like the morning mist above the lake. Savor times like this when all comes to order. Wear these times like a warm cloak on a winter day.

Your benefit is to be proactive, aware, and awake to accept this energy to make connections, complete tasks, and discern who your allies are and who are your detractors. Embrace your allies, whether near or far, and dismiss the detractors; ferret out the ones in your sphere whom you must constantly pull up to your level, and lovingly dismiss them, be it a friend, associate, lover, or relative. You will find that flattering attention is without substance and will ultimately be draining and destructive.

You are entering a new time of connectivity that can open the channel for true and continuing abundance. This oncoming force, imbued with an open consciousness, can now neutralize any doubts about yourself and your life’s work. You now will be able to dismiss the ego’s use of doubts and fears that have wakened you in the night and greeted you in the morning. They are dispelled.

This time of prospering has been activated by connection to inner wisdom, slowing things down and giving you time, through the tempering fire of adversity, to develop strength of intuition and purpose. Now, as you call from within for guidance to bring forth clarity, you will be placed in the correct frequency, which will propel you toward the best and highest good—for yourself, in your career and relationships, and for the greater, universal good.

Often we are advised or feel the need to go see the sage, the wise person in the tribe, or an intermediary between you and the divine. This is not such a time. This is the time to use and depend on personal wisdom and intuitive powers, which have been developing whilst being diligent on the path.

With proper intention and by initiating creative ritual, your vision, plans, and desires will be made manifest and brought to life. Be mindful and have crystal-clear intent as to what you want to manifest as this incredible surge of life force comes your way. Prepare with care the body, mind, and spirit. This will allow you to activate the magnificent, dignified, and compassionate being you truly are.

During the time of preparation, direct your energy pointedly toward yours and the greater good. Use this life force to activate what you want. Don’t squander this energy. Choose well your target and, in stillness, focus. By using your intuition to choose the point, aim, and then move with all your skill and intention toward that goal. Intent is like the archers arrow, it knows the center of the target before it is released.

This is an auspicious time for creative projects and organizations that are working for the greater good. Sun Tzu says in in The Art of War that the great leader does not lead from the front nor from the rear. The most compassionate and effective leader leads from the center, the middle where all is seen and all is possible. From this position it will be revealed who or what is not working for the good of a project or endeavor and can be removed from your sphere. As this clarity is revealed it will make way for guidance that has been waiting in the wings for you open your mind and heart to embrace correct thoughts and actions coming from your soul. Honor the ones who have given you strength and with their sacrifice, grace and integrity have left you space to grow and create; this has been a great gift for self-confidence, a confidence you will relish as the arrival of abundance in your career; love and health will also flourish.

Sexual energy, attraction and sensuality are part and parcel of this oncoming tide of creativity. You will be very sensitive as you ride this wave. Spread, through love, kindness, compassion, and laughter, this beautiful energetic; it is a manifestation of Shakti, the primordial cosmic energy and divine feminine creative power. Shakti is the Hindu mother Goddess that is healing light and can, when called, enliven your progress toward a happy, successful, and peaceful outcome. As this energy is on offer avoid the temptation, which can be great, to use this powerful energy, through seduction or inferred promises, to manipulate others to achieve your goals and dreams. To do so your goals would be diluted or would dissolve, and you would miss this time of completion and abundance.

The confidence necessary to take you to the heights you seek will come with knowing that you have shown strength of character and integrity through times of want, sacrifice, and obstruction. Your community and associates in your craft or commerce will now see you in this light of strength and self-assurance and will be of support and service. Those who have judged you will fade into the woodwork and will have no influence whatsoever on you, your work, or your advancement. This does not infer that the forces that were impeding your progress in the past have vanished. They may have been made impotent by your hard work, but they are still there lurking in the shadows, fully capable of rising again should you fall out of integrity.

To maintain the influence of Tai, appreciate how you got here and how hard you have worked to consciously join in the flow of blessings and abundance. Be generous with your joy, love, and success. Take nothing for granted.

Do not delude yourself into thinking that because you are entering a time of success and abundance you have completed your tasks and need not be diligent, aware, and awake. Just the opposite! Your benefit is to keep firmly on a righteous and virtuous path. This is just the beginning; it gets even better than this, much better. Have discipline to do your practice and meditation or whatever it is that gives you strength and peace in stillness.

Set firmly your intentions and be a fierce warrior as you proceed in truth and dignity. From this position, you will soon find yourself in a place of success and honor at the table of abundance that has been set for you at the karmic table. This is an abundant table, take only what you need and leave the rest for your fellow pilgrims on the road less travelled.

The I Ching Weekly for October 8, 2018 | Bobby Klien The I Ching Weekly for October 8, 2018 | Bobby Klien Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/08/2018 09:48:00 AM Rating: 5

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