My Name is Olivia and I'm a Lightworker | Steve Beckow

My Name is Olivia and I’m a Lightworker

October 7, 2018
By Steve Beckow

When Olivia, 23, expressed her concern for what was happening on the planet and its population, I, 72, asked her to write us an article. That article follows.

I guess you could say that my spiritual awakening began when I was 11 years old. My mom gave me her Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God books. I devoured those, along with any new material he had put out since she started reading them, after my grandfather died.

I was raised Christian and went to church and catechism when I was young, but I was never confirmed and I always preferred spirituality to religion.

My life has not been easy. I never knew my father. The man I thought was my dad left when I was three, which I don’t blame him for, but it was painful for my child self. My grandfather died when I was about 5 and a half. I’ve dealt with both abuse and neglect, being kicked out of the house at a young age, more than once.

I’ve dealt with a narcissistic, alcoholic parent. I’ve been through depression, anxiety, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, the whole shebang.

Quite frankly I’ve been through hell and back and from what I’m hearing and seeing, so have the rest of us. But I have only grown as a person from everything I went through, it has helped me to cultivate my sense of compassion, generosity, empathy for others, and most importantly, FORGIVENESS.

If there was one thing I would never trade from the hell I experienced here, it’s knowing how to heal and move on. Knowing my own power and how that extends to my wholeness as an individual. The strength to be found in love, friendship, and forgiveness.

I have the most amazing best friend anyone could ever hope or ask for. I know that someday I will partner with my twin flame. I have met so many amazing people in my life, many of them from the other side of a keyboard, which only makes the exchange more magical. Those moments of joy and hope have anchored me in phenomenal ways, I am determined to remain here and do this work come Hell or High Water. (again)

What I am noticing in this community and the world at large essentially is that people are remembering love, their own innate power, and divinity. The religious institutions of the world are hemorrhaging parishioners. Politicians are roasted left and right. Millennials are happily claiming their identity, with gen Z right behind them.

Youtube is the new tv. Microloaning of cash payments are lifting people out of poverty by the day. Peace is well on its way in North Korea and East/South Africa and the Middle East. The SWIFT financial network is up, and Tim Berner Lee is bringing out the next step in a more integrated, connected online experience for us all without Google and Facebook etc to ruin it.

For some context, I was a psychology major in college, with a minor in sociology. I’ve been interested in social issues my whole life. I am currently 23, and the changes the internet have brought to the world is something I got to grow up with and experience first hand, which was amazing for a student that always hated school.

My iphone made the experience so much better. I see beautiful happenings everywhere I look. People are finally considering universal basic income in a major way, which I and many others believe is the only way out of the automation crisis we are in the midst of currently.

Desertification and pollution are being fought with rooftop and community/urban gardens, planting forests and the Green Walls of China and Africa. New forms of technology are introduced just about every day from hydro trains to medical devices. Just check out the Good News Network online to see them.

This is really it, folks. We are HERE, NOW. I am dying to work and meet with you all. My personal message to each and every one of you is that I love you, I see you, I know you, and I am here for you. Even if we have not met in this life, our souls are familiar to each other, for we are all one big universal family.

I welcome our galactic neighbors. I welcome all those who would join me in peace. I join with those who seek to embrace love over fear, and joy over sorrow, life, rather than death, which is but an illusion.

This past summer of 2018, my mom who has been quite ill for some time and was in the hospital in a coma on what was essentially her death bed last year, had another seizure and was hospitalised for the whole summer.

In that time when I was alone in the house with nothing to surround me but my own thoughts, the beauty of nature, and whatever music or cannabis I indulged in in that moment, I experienced several moments of grace. I have felt our Mother right down my spine, and whispering in my ear, and in the music that I so adore. I know now of our connection, our unity, and our missions and purpose, founded in joy and anchored in love.

My vision for Nova Earth is pretty similar to Neale’s. Full disclosure and complete transparency in all matters of government and business. All prices, costs, salaries, etc., all posted publicly and maintained accurately. Free energy devices for all, every hoarded technology for medical use or the healing of Gaia, etc to be released.

All forms of oppression wiped off the face of the Earth forever. Children free to grow and learn in a safe environment and study subjects of their choosing, instead of the hellish school system that drives so many of our young people to suicide (I was very nearly one of them).

Clean water, shelter, and medical care for everyone, which we lack even in America. I see our world clean and shining and full of Love + Light that we are all so craving for. We don’t need to wait for ships up in the sky or outside observers to aid us, although I extend the utmost gratitude and appreciation for all our family on the other side have done.

This is about US. This is about we don’t need permission or to wait for anything. So join with me, take my hand, and let’s build this new world together, day by day, moment by moment, never for us to be torn apart again. My name is Olivia and I am a lightworker.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
My Name is Olivia and I'm a Lightworker | Steve Beckow My Name is Olivia and I'm a Lightworker | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/07/2018 12:17:00 PM Rating: 5

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