_________Message from the 'Team'_________

Weaving Your Reality
Peggy Black and the 'team'
We are here offering insights and support as you move more fully into the higher dimensions. You truly are in the process of shifting and increasing your vibrations. You are actually straddling two realities most of the time. You are more focused on your third dimension because it demands your attention. However, you continue to sense or feel something is different.
That something different is the awareness that the Universe is communicating with you.
You are aware of moments that cause you to pause, and marvel at this unfolding mystery. You are stepping out of your restricted mindset and programmed responses frequently, to realize the incredible truth that you are connected to a powerful conscious energy field.
This energy field, this quantum field, this Universal consciousness is responding to you and the vibrations you offer. You interface with this field at all times. It is the water that you swim in, so to speak. Most individuals are totally unaware of this energy or their relationship to it.
We are inviting you to begin a conscious conversation. Begin to observe what you are thinking, speaking and emotionally offering; these actions are your vibrational interaction with this field.
You and all beings are truly divine creators. Remember, this quantum field matches the most consistent or dominant vibrations offered. Most individuals use their creative ability upside down and backwards. They energize and focus on what they don't have, what they don't like, what is not working and get more of the same or a similar vibration. What you resist or push against will persist. This is true in your personal as well as global experiences.
So we are inviting you to change the conversation, change the vibrations you are offering. This is important and especially true as your begin to be aware that you are interfacing with a higher dimension of consciousness. Your vibrations, your intentions and emotional offerings will manifest more quickly as you move into the fifth dimension. This is part of the ascension process you are experiencing. You are being invited to refine the energies you are offering.
The Universe is responding to you. It is giving you signs. Begin to notice. These messages, this guidance comes in many forms, in conversations with others, on a broadcast, something you read or overhear, an inspiring idea or solution to a problem, an epiphany or a synchronicity. It might come as a thought, a feeling that feels just right, an inner knowing or instinct, people showing up at just the right moment. We invite you to begin to notice these signs along the way.
The more you notice and acknowledge these messages the more they will become obvious.
Once you begin your partnership with the energy field, once you honor the possibilities that will unfold in this relationship, you will begin to see patterns unfolding, doors opening, problems resolving. You will discover that the Universe, the quantum field will arrange itself to match your vibrations as well as present you with endless opportunities.
The key is the vibrations that you are offering. So make it a practice to increase the coherent uplifting energy vibration and frequency that you offer. Practice feeling appreciation, practice being grateful. These emotional vibrations are the easiest and begin to allow you to integrate and interface with the field in a more powerful positive manner.
We realize there are times in which the idea of being grateful or in appreciation might be the most difficult emotions to call forth. If you are suffering in some way, mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually or in a situation that feels difficult regarding your health or your finances or having problems with family or co-workers, it might feel impossible to be grateful or thankful, it might feel fake or false.
Let us assure you, this is the most important time to begin to engage or call forth even the tiniest shift into gratitude. Find something no matter how small or insignificant for which you can be thankful; continue to observe the situation looking for a reason to be grateful. It might be a stretch, you might find it difficult, however your simple willingness to look or discover a place where you could offer gratitude or appreciation will shift your vibration and your frequency.
When you make this shift the Universe is ready to mirror the slightest change in what you are offering. So pay attention, watch for signs that show this shift in your reality.
We know you will become skilled at raising your vibrations. There are many techniques and practices that can support and assist you. Meditation, being in nature, being with beloved friends or pets, laughter, dance and movement, doing something that you enjoy, all of these actions shift the frequency you are offering to the field.
Now, when you couple that with your words, actions and intentions, you are a powerful creative force. You are powerful beyond measure. Remember you are a magnificent divine being who is playing in this hologame. You are moving consciously from the limited third dimension to the fifth unlimited dimension.
Remember that synchronicities are happening all the time. You just need to trust yourself and the universe, notice and allow for this ongoing conversation. With your energetic thoughts, emotions and intent you become a co-creator with the Universe. Imagine for a moment as you are weaving your reality that the universe is providing the thread.
Your high frequency vibrations of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation will align you with all possibilities. These vibrations invite the best results to any situation; you are connecting to an energetic web of support where things and events unfold with grace and ease.
Also you are energetically stepping out of the limited third dimension and walking into a new energetic reality where your heart's desire and intentions for life sustaining realities become real.
You are here to anchor this awareness and this consciousness. You are here to transform any and all misqualified or negative emotions, thoughts, patterns or programs. You are here to assist humanity in moving into the fifth dimension where you know that you are truly connected to all.
We continue to empower you and remind you of your true magnificence. We invite you to practice extending more coherent vibrations of love, forgiveness, compassion, joy, gratitude and appreciation. We remind you to transform any discordant, misqualified or negative energies as the true multidimensional alchemist that you are. the 'team'
©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available

Weaving Your Reality
Peggy Black and the 'team'
We are here offering insights and support as you move more fully into the higher dimensions. You truly are in the process of shifting and increasing your vibrations. You are actually straddling two realities most of the time. You are more focused on your third dimension because it demands your attention. However, you continue to sense or feel something is different.
That something different is the awareness that the Universe is communicating with you.
You are aware of moments that cause you to pause, and marvel at this unfolding mystery. You are stepping out of your restricted mindset and programmed responses frequently, to realize the incredible truth that you are connected to a powerful conscious energy field.
This energy field, this quantum field, this Universal consciousness is responding to you and the vibrations you offer. You interface with this field at all times. It is the water that you swim in, so to speak. Most individuals are totally unaware of this energy or their relationship to it.
We are inviting you to begin a conscious conversation. Begin to observe what you are thinking, speaking and emotionally offering; these actions are your vibrational interaction with this field.
You and all beings are truly divine creators. Remember, this quantum field matches the most consistent or dominant vibrations offered. Most individuals use their creative ability upside down and backwards. They energize and focus on what they don't have, what they don't like, what is not working and get more of the same or a similar vibration. What you resist or push against will persist. This is true in your personal as well as global experiences.
So we are inviting you to change the conversation, change the vibrations you are offering. This is important and especially true as your begin to be aware that you are interfacing with a higher dimension of consciousness. Your vibrations, your intentions and emotional offerings will manifest more quickly as you move into the fifth dimension. This is part of the ascension process you are experiencing. You are being invited to refine the energies you are offering.
The Universe is responding to you. It is giving you signs. Begin to notice. These messages, this guidance comes in many forms, in conversations with others, on a broadcast, something you read or overhear, an inspiring idea or solution to a problem, an epiphany or a synchronicity. It might come as a thought, a feeling that feels just right, an inner knowing or instinct, people showing up at just the right moment. We invite you to begin to notice these signs along the way.
The more you notice and acknowledge these messages the more they will become obvious.
Once you begin your partnership with the energy field, once you honor the possibilities that will unfold in this relationship, you will begin to see patterns unfolding, doors opening, problems resolving. You will discover that the Universe, the quantum field will arrange itself to match your vibrations as well as present you with endless opportunities.
The key is the vibrations that you are offering. So make it a practice to increase the coherent uplifting energy vibration and frequency that you offer. Practice feeling appreciation, practice being grateful. These emotional vibrations are the easiest and begin to allow you to integrate and interface with the field in a more powerful positive manner.
We realize there are times in which the idea of being grateful or in appreciation might be the most difficult emotions to call forth. If you are suffering in some way, mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually or in a situation that feels difficult regarding your health or your finances or having problems with family or co-workers, it might feel impossible to be grateful or thankful, it might feel fake or false.
Let us assure you, this is the most important time to begin to engage or call forth even the tiniest shift into gratitude. Find something no matter how small or insignificant for which you can be thankful; continue to observe the situation looking for a reason to be grateful. It might be a stretch, you might find it difficult, however your simple willingness to look or discover a place where you could offer gratitude or appreciation will shift your vibration and your frequency.
When you make this shift the Universe is ready to mirror the slightest change in what you are offering. So pay attention, watch for signs that show this shift in your reality.
We know you will become skilled at raising your vibrations. There are many techniques and practices that can support and assist you. Meditation, being in nature, being with beloved friends or pets, laughter, dance and movement, doing something that you enjoy, all of these actions shift the frequency you are offering to the field.
Now, when you couple that with your words, actions and intentions, you are a powerful creative force. You are powerful beyond measure. Remember you are a magnificent divine being who is playing in this hologame. You are moving consciously from the limited third dimension to the fifth unlimited dimension.
Remember that synchronicities are happening all the time. You just need to trust yourself and the universe, notice and allow for this ongoing conversation. With your energetic thoughts, emotions and intent you become a co-creator with the Universe. Imagine for a moment as you are weaving your reality that the universe is providing the thread.
Your high frequency vibrations of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation will align you with all possibilities. These vibrations invite the best results to any situation; you are connecting to an energetic web of support where things and events unfold with grace and ease.
Also you are energetically stepping out of the limited third dimension and walking into a new energetic reality where your heart's desire and intentions for life sustaining realities become real.
You are here to anchor this awareness and this consciousness. You are here to transform any and all misqualified or negative emotions, thoughts, patterns or programs. You are here to assist humanity in moving into the fifth dimension where you know that you are truly connected to all.
We continue to empower you and remind you of your true magnificence. We invite you to practice extending more coherent vibrations of love, forgiveness, compassion, joy, gratitude and appreciation. We remind you to transform any discordant, misqualified or negative energies as the true multidimensional alchemist that you are. the 'team'
©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available
Weaving your Reality | Peggy Black and the 'Team'
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/22/2018 08:12:00 AM