Sunday, September 9, 2018

Virgo New Moon Opens Fortunate Triangle of Abundance | Tania Gabrielle

VIRGO New Moon Opens Fortunate “Triangle of Abundance”!

Welcome the VIRGO New Moon on Sunday, September 9 – 9.9. !

This spectacular lunation opens the 11:11 Portal and a triple 2:2:2 code, attracting peace, prosperity and powerful new beginnings.

Virgo is a reliable, grounding EARTH sign focused on meticulous attention to detail, being of service, taking responsibility for your daily routine and health, and practical manifestation.

And the GOOD news is – this Virgo New Moon has a lovely GIFT for you…

Highly positive energy is deepening your confidence to ensure steady financial growth.

Here’s why:

Jupiter and Pluto are forming a spectacular Triangle of Abundance with the Sun and Moon!
  • You’ll be able to access wisdom and wealth with your newly empowered INTUITION.
  • You are being recalibrated to receive ABUNDANCE in ways you have not experienced before now!
  • Empowerment (Pluto) and Expansion (Jupiter) blend for start a new journey (New Moon) of ultimate Wealth and Fulfillment!
I can’t emphasize enough how magnificent this sacred geometry with Jupiter, Pluto and the Sun/Moon/Mercury conjunction is!

Other planetary aspects are enhancing the Triangle of Abundance:

Neptune lies opposite the New Moon/Mercury deepening the spiritual awakening in play now.
  • Neptune, the water planet, EXPANDS the REACH of the Triangle of Abundance by accessing opportunities that would have not been available until now.
  • Mercury opposite Neptune communicates TIMELESS messages from deep within your Soul, even giving you glimpses from parallel lifetimes…
Venus, planet of love, beauty and wealth, is opposite Uranus – the trailblazing, breakthrough planet!
  • Venus and Uranus create exciting shifts to bring your relationships and financial flow into BALANCE.
  • Freedom from co-dependency is a big call-to-action, as is your dedication to financial independence.
  • Your values may shift – especially regarding love and finances.
This beautiful star code is amplifying loving, high vibrational connections – or creating separations from situations or people who are no longer in harmony with you and your goals.

In the last months you have evolved energetically, embracing more and more what is for ONLY your highest good. Now you can’t go wrong in making empowered decisions about who and what you WANT to surround yourself with.

This is a VIRGO New Moon of such Power, Inner Peace and Prosperity!

It reminds you: How you spend our time on ANYTHING is the same way you manifest ALL results in your life.

You’re in control of fulfilling your Soul-level destiny.

So GO for it!

Have a gorgeous Virgo New Moon!

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. For the most in-depth daily stars and numbers forecast (including printable PDF transcript and monthly music selections) delivered to your inbox a month in ADVANCE so you can plan ahead with precision and confidence, check out our Premium Wealth Forecast!

Source: Tania Gabrielle