It’s the Love Quotient – Part 2/2
September 27, 2018
By Steve Beckow

(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
I’d like to add my comment to what Archangel Michael said yesterday, if you’d permit me.
Michael said:
“Our concern in this regard is the Lightworker community.
“And what is happening is [the Lightworker community] are putting all their attention on these distractions and on this event or that event and it is not about that.
“It is about the quotient, the heart quotient, the love quotient. And, when they are placing their attention outside on these manipulations, it is not helping the process.” (1)
All the opinions we hear about this event or that event being the trigger for the release of the Reval, Michael is saying, are apparently not true.
What’s true is that the architects of the Reval are waiting for many in the Lightworker community to release themselves from a position of entitlement to one of service to the Mother.
It doesn’t sound like a long wait now but this is, it seems, the reason for it.
No one, I believe, is about to be given large sums of money because they somehow are entitled to them.
It isn’t that they’re not entitled to them either. It’s that no one is giving it to them for that reason.
The Divine Mother is giving it to all of us because we volunteered our services to help her spread the water of abundance throughout a parched society – in a measured and sensitive manner, but impartially and universally.
We’re here to turn the desert into a watered plain and rescue the oceans and the planet itself – in every respect.
We’re here to save women and children from exploitation (2) and to see that everyone has universal access to health and medical care, the courts, housing, education, transportation, etc., irrespective of income, race, nationality, religion, etc.
We’ll be given the means for this via the Reval. Later, we’ll be helped by technology – med beds, replicators, free-energy devices, etc.
Sometime after that a universal plan of abundance will come into effect and poverty on this planet will be a forgotten thing.
Where we go off the rails is in why we think we’re receiving these funds.
We think we’re entitled to them. But what does entitlement mean?
It turns out it’s a Third-Dimensional concept. For me, the truth is not its opposite.
The truth is that the entitlement/non-entitlement discussion does not go on at all in the higher dimensions. It’s simply absent and nothing takes its place.
That may be incomprehensible to the Third-Dimensional mind but it becomes clear to anyone who’s spent time in the Fifth Dimension. (3)
Anyone awash in the love of the Fifth Dimension would think the discussion manifestly solved. All are equally entitled. Love is free. Where’s the problem?
However this kind of love does not seem to be available to the entitled and others of similar lower-dimensional attitudes. I think they remain ignorant of its existence. Some seem to think they know it but neither their words nor their actions suggest they do.
When they approach humanitarian philanthropy from a standpoint of entitlement, they exert a drag on the effort.
Just as anger can be a drag on the family’s well-functioning, so too entitlement can be a drag on the Lightworker community’s well-functioning.
From self-observation, I know that, when I’m arrogant, I feel arrogant. I don’t feel love. And without love we have no love quotient to speak of.
This kind of love is only available to those who can put self aside. One way to do that is to serve a much bigger and broader ideal.
What might that ideal be? The ideal I suggest – which I think is big enough to cause our hearts to swell – is, in the words of Werner Erhard, a world that works for everyone.
A world that works because it’s awash in pure love, real love. A world in which any sense of entitlement shows up as ludicrous. A world in which the thought of harming another would naturally never arise.
No one is entitled to love. Love was, is, and always will be free to all.
And if we only knew this kind of love, if we’d only have tasted it, we’d have no questions about it at all.
“It is about the quotient, the heart quotient, the love quotient.”
Yes, I agree it is.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 21, 2018.
(2) From human trafficking, sex slavery, forced marriage, pedophilia, etc.
(3) My permanent condition is not yet Fifth-Dimensional but I have spent time in Fifth-Dimensional states such as transformative love and bliss, in line with AAM’s instructions to “visit; don’t stay.” (AAM, ibid., May 6, 2013.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
September 27, 2018
By Steve Beckow

(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
I’d like to add my comment to what Archangel Michael said yesterday, if you’d permit me.
Michael said:
“Our concern in this regard is the Lightworker community.
“And what is happening is [the Lightworker community] are putting all their attention on these distractions and on this event or that event and it is not about that.
“It is about the quotient, the heart quotient, the love quotient. And, when they are placing their attention outside on these manipulations, it is not helping the process.” (1)
All the opinions we hear about this event or that event being the trigger for the release of the Reval, Michael is saying, are apparently not true.
What’s true is that the architects of the Reval are waiting for many in the Lightworker community to release themselves from a position of entitlement to one of service to the Mother.
It doesn’t sound like a long wait now but this is, it seems, the reason for it.
No one, I believe, is about to be given large sums of money because they somehow are entitled to them.
It isn’t that they’re not entitled to them either. It’s that no one is giving it to them for that reason.
The Divine Mother is giving it to all of us because we volunteered our services to help her spread the water of abundance throughout a parched society – in a measured and sensitive manner, but impartially and universally.
We’re here to turn the desert into a watered plain and rescue the oceans and the planet itself – in every respect.
We’re here to save women and children from exploitation (2) and to see that everyone has universal access to health and medical care, the courts, housing, education, transportation, etc., irrespective of income, race, nationality, religion, etc.
We’ll be given the means for this via the Reval. Later, we’ll be helped by technology – med beds, replicators, free-energy devices, etc.
Sometime after that a universal plan of abundance will come into effect and poverty on this planet will be a forgotten thing.
Where we go off the rails is in why we think we’re receiving these funds.
We think we’re entitled to them. But what does entitlement mean?
It turns out it’s a Third-Dimensional concept. For me, the truth is not its opposite.
The truth is that the entitlement/non-entitlement discussion does not go on at all in the higher dimensions. It’s simply absent and nothing takes its place.
That may be incomprehensible to the Third-Dimensional mind but it becomes clear to anyone who’s spent time in the Fifth Dimension. (3)
Anyone awash in the love of the Fifth Dimension would think the discussion manifestly solved. All are equally entitled. Love is free. Where’s the problem?
However this kind of love does not seem to be available to the entitled and others of similar lower-dimensional attitudes. I think they remain ignorant of its existence. Some seem to think they know it but neither their words nor their actions suggest they do.
When they approach humanitarian philanthropy from a standpoint of entitlement, they exert a drag on the effort.
Just as anger can be a drag on the family’s well-functioning, so too entitlement can be a drag on the Lightworker community’s well-functioning.
From self-observation, I know that, when I’m arrogant, I feel arrogant. I don’t feel love. And without love we have no love quotient to speak of.
This kind of love is only available to those who can put self aside. One way to do that is to serve a much bigger and broader ideal.
What might that ideal be? The ideal I suggest – which I think is big enough to cause our hearts to swell – is, in the words of Werner Erhard, a world that works for everyone.
A world that works because it’s awash in pure love, real love. A world in which any sense of entitlement shows up as ludicrous. A world in which the thought of harming another would naturally never arise.
No one is entitled to love. Love was, is, and always will be free to all.
And if we only knew this kind of love, if we’d only have tasted it, we’d have no questions about it at all.
“It is about the quotient, the heart quotient, the love quotient.”
Yes, I agree it is.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 21, 2018.
(2) From human trafficking, sex slavery, forced marriage, pedophilia, etc.
(3) My permanent condition is not yet Fifth-Dimensional but I have spent time in Fifth-Dimensional states such as transformative love and bliss, in line with AAM’s instructions to “visit; don’t stay.” (AAM, ibid., May 6, 2013.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
It's the Love Quotient (Part 2/2) | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/27/2018 12:34:00 PM