Particle Energetics – Gaia Portal
24 September, 2018

Particle Energetics
Gaia Portal
Gaia Portal Particle Energetics. By Interstellar.
The Gaia Portal September 2018 message with our free interpretation in rough English.
Particle Energetics On All Levels Merge With The Ascension Timeline
We could begin today with the definitive weakening and dissolution of Yalda, an entity that figuratively supported the Earth’s Quarantine Veil. The fact that it is now dissolved and no longer part of the NOW probably means that the Particle Energetics can pour the surface of Gaia in a much more incisive way than it has been up to now.
Maybe the Particles could be interpreted as an extreme fragmentation of these energies that allows it to anchor with capillarity in every human being endowed with soul, and this would induce the change of the timeline for the whole Planet, or getting closer to the timeline leading to Ascension.
Ferrules Of Abundance Are Sown
Ferrules means a sleeve of metal coat that joins two objects, such as the rubber placed on top of the pencils with a metal ferrule. Therefore, the Ferrules Of Abundance could mean that the connection of all the components needed to engage the distribution of Abundance to the Surface Population is is being put into place.
This sentence could also be interpreted in relation to the Global Currency Reset which is being prepared keeping it as hidden as possible. In practice, the tools that will lead us to Reset or GCR or RV are planted and now it’s just a matter of waiting for growth.
The Reset means prosperity funds, probably the Historical (Collateral) Accounts and perhaps even the revaluation of some currencies, such as the Iraqi Dinar, the Vietnamese Dong and the Zim of Zimbabwe that could provide large amounts of money to be used in large part in favor of the evolution of our new society.
Lightnings Encapsulate The Hesitant… Movement Begins
This sentence contains a multitude of concepts, analyzing them in order of comparison we have the Lightnings: thanks to the great quantity and quality of the energies that flow on the planet the Light has much more “power” and Effect. The second word, Encapsulate, could mean that the quantity of Light finally manages to incorporate a great number of people, including the Hesitant, those who need material proofs to finally decide to anchor in them this Lighting.
Finally the Movement Begins, these words are self explanatory, the movement in question most likely includes the Mass Arrests, the River of Truth, the elimination of the Cabal and the capillarity in which it is able to act, the Great Awakening, a new Governance, the Reset and the rest.
Flashes Of Inner Brilliance Are Received And Applauded
This time, as often happen or at least it seems to us, the last sentence summarizes, in a way, the previous ones; The capillary distribution of the Energy, the shift towards the Timeline of the Ascension, the Connections for the distribution of the Abundance and the Hesitant.
The result of all this is that the intense flashes of Brightness emanating from each of us are perceived both on the Physical and in the Astral Planes and, those able to reverberate, recognize it with great happiness as it shows that the commitment of the population towards the Great Awakening and The Shift is present and strong.
Source: Disclosure News
24 September, 2018

Particle Energetics
Gaia Portal
Gaia Portal Particle Energetics. By Interstellar.
The Gaia Portal September 2018 message with our free interpretation in rough English.
Particle Energetics On All Levels Merge With The Ascension Timeline
We could begin today with the definitive weakening and dissolution of Yalda, an entity that figuratively supported the Earth’s Quarantine Veil. The fact that it is now dissolved and no longer part of the NOW probably means that the Particle Energetics can pour the surface of Gaia in a much more incisive way than it has been up to now.
Maybe the Particles could be interpreted as an extreme fragmentation of these energies that allows it to anchor with capillarity in every human being endowed with soul, and this would induce the change of the timeline for the whole Planet, or getting closer to the timeline leading to Ascension.
Ferrules Of Abundance Are Sown
Ferrules means a sleeve of metal coat that joins two objects, such as the rubber placed on top of the pencils with a metal ferrule. Therefore, the Ferrules Of Abundance could mean that the connection of all the components needed to engage the distribution of Abundance to the Surface Population is is being put into place.
This sentence could also be interpreted in relation to the Global Currency Reset which is being prepared keeping it as hidden as possible. In practice, the tools that will lead us to Reset or GCR or RV are planted and now it’s just a matter of waiting for growth.
The Reset means prosperity funds, probably the Historical (Collateral) Accounts and perhaps even the revaluation of some currencies, such as the Iraqi Dinar, the Vietnamese Dong and the Zim of Zimbabwe that could provide large amounts of money to be used in large part in favor of the evolution of our new society.
Lightnings Encapsulate The Hesitant… Movement Begins
This sentence contains a multitude of concepts, analyzing them in order of comparison we have the Lightnings: thanks to the great quantity and quality of the energies that flow on the planet the Light has much more “power” and Effect. The second word, Encapsulate, could mean that the quantity of Light finally manages to incorporate a great number of people, including the Hesitant, those who need material proofs to finally decide to anchor in them this Lighting.
Finally the Movement Begins, these words are self explanatory, the movement in question most likely includes the Mass Arrests, the River of Truth, the elimination of the Cabal and the capillarity in which it is able to act, the Great Awakening, a new Governance, the Reset and the rest.
Flashes Of Inner Brilliance Are Received And Applauded
This time, as often happen or at least it seems to us, the last sentence summarizes, in a way, the previous ones; The capillary distribution of the Energy, the shift towards the Timeline of the Ascension, the Connections for the distribution of the Abundance and the Hesitant.
The result of all this is that the intense flashes of Brightness emanating from each of us are perceived both on the Physical and in the Astral Planes and, those able to reverberate, recognize it with great happiness as it shows that the commitment of the population towards the Great Awakening and The Shift is present and strong.
Source: Disclosure News
Interpretation of Gaia Portal's Particle Energetics | Disclosure News
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/24/2018 11:47:00 PM