How to Create Your Reality | Master El Morya via Natalie Glasson

How to Create Your Reality

by Master El Morya

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 7th September 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa.

Carrying forth divine blessings to you, I, Master El Morya, greet you. I am the guardian of the divine will and divine power of the Creator, it is my purpose to activate these sacred frequencies within your being to support your experience as an expression of the Creator upon the Earth. The divine will and divine power of the Creator holds the greater plan of the Creator for all and the power to bring creation into manifestation. Divine will and power are in constant actionwithin the Universe of the Creator creating pure experiences that empower, expand and evolve the truth of the Creator for all to experience. These sacred energies are present upon the Earth and within your being.

Souls upon the Earth can misunderstand the presence and purpose of divine will and power, mistaking it as the universe will tell you what to do and as you accept power, so you learn to control or harm others around you, these perspectives are illusions! When you are willing to let go of your negative perceptions about will and power and how it has manifested in your life in the past, then you will begin to co-create in harmony with the pure will and power of the Creator.

What is the Divine Will of the Creator?

The divine will of the Creator is an energy expression from the core of the Creator filled with an understanding of how the universe including the Earth is synthesised, synchronised, can remain in harmony and can evolve to serve all. The divine will of the Creator holds the ultimate goal, manifestation and evolution of the Creatorin any given moment. When you access the divine will of the Creator you are not only asking the Creator how your reality and actions can fit into the divine plan and ultimate goal of the Creator, you are also realising that you are an aspect of a greater whole. You are downloading an understanding or knowingness of the numerous fulfilling options available to you in your life and spiritual growth. In truth you are always aligned with the divine will of the Creator, and yet calling this energy forth allows your alignment to be empowered. When you are receiving the divine will of the Creator into your being and distributing it into your reality, you cannot possibly make a mistake, all that you create is in configuration with the truth of the Creator. Through acceptance of the divine will your soul inspires you as to the most appropriate pathways for you.

What is the Divine Power of the Creator?

Divine power has nothing to do with control, influence or authority,instead it is the creative force that empowers or brings things into manifestation or physical experience. Power can be expressed through your being and yet your true divine power is your ability to bring thoughts, feelings and ideas into materialisation and active presence. Divine power is the active process of manifestation through or into one of the 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. When you bring things into manifestation on the Earth, they have been drawn forth from another dimension to vibrate in your dimension and reality to be of use or value to you. Divine power is the change in vibration and frequency of energy and how it impacts its place of anchoring. It is also the driving force which supports the evolution and expansion of the Creator and all aspects of the Creator.

Co-Creating with Divine Will and Divine Power

The conscious downloading and activation of the divine will and power of the Creator within your being creates a potent source to fuel that which you wish to manifest. The divine will bring forth the vibration of harmony and the presence of fulfilling opportunities as well as a feeling of being supported and inspired. While the divine power energises your focus and anchors the appropriate vibrations into manifestation. When you can access and experience the synthesis of divine will and power within your being as an energy, light or knowingness you have all you require to manifest the reality you desire. Then there is simply a need to discover what you wish to manifest for yourself, reality and to support others. This can sometimes be more challenging as discovering what you need in your current stage of ascension and life is very different to discovering what you want, although they can be the same. I, Master El Morya, wish to share with you my guidance on how to create your reality. These will be steps that encourage you to enter into the most appropriate state of being and mind to serve you and empower your manifestation abilities. You will notice that most of the practices I share with you will be focused upon discovering what you need to create complete fulfilment and realising that this is not always the same as what you want or believe will create fulfilment.

Steps to Support You in Creating Your Reality

Recognising the Synthesis of Divine Will and PowerTake your attention to your Soul Star Chakra above your Crown Chakra. Say out loud, ‘I am now ready and willing to acknowledge and experience the synthesised presence of divine will and divine power within my soul and entire being.’ Focus on discovering and experiencing the energy and merging with your entire being. Move through each chakra repeating the statement and acknowledging the presence of divine will and power, until you truly believe in the energy’s presence within your being and can recognise it vibrating through and from you.

Want and NeedWrite down on one side of a piece of paper what you want in your life, then on the other side what you need in your life. Observe and contemplate these two lists and how they differ. Do you feel more attached to one list than another? Do these two lists represent fulfilment to you?

A Fulfilled BeingImagine yourself as a fulfilled being, what do you look like, what does your reality look like and who is present with you? Write down what you receive. Allow yourself to connect with the feeling of fulfilment experiencing it radiating from your essence into your being and reality. You may wish to practice this a few times, observing whether you as a fulfilled being changes in anyway. Complete this process until you feel you have accessed a true and pure understanding of who you are as a fulfilled being.

I Choose to Manifest Allow yourself to connect with your inner synthesised energy of divine will and divine power. With this sacred energy emanating from your being imagine you allow your reality to drift away and you are simply your soul and the expression of divine will and power. Then repeat:
‘I am the source of my creations; therefore, I choose to manifest…………………………….’

Allow yourself to complete the statement with whatever comes to you or feels guided. When you are satisfied with your complete statement and it feels meaningful and exciting, allow yourself to focus upon the statement as much as possible each day.

Making a RequestYou draw energy from other dimensions to anchor into your reality therefore the energy becomes useful or valuable to you. The manifestation of energy flows down your being, meaning from head to toe, grounding into your Earth Star Chakra below your feet. I, Master El Morya advise you to write a paragraph of request. This is to request for that which you wish to experience to be drawn forth from the most appropriate dimension of energy into grounding and manifestation within your physical reality. Write about making the request to your soul, soul group, the universe and the Creator. Describe that which you wish to manifest, whether you wish it to ground into your body or reality and how it could appear once manifested. Explain the feeling and value of the manifestation. It can be as short or as long as you wish, keep it focused and committed rather than unclear and blurry. Read this often out loud.

Imagine yourself receiving the energy as it moves through your being and anchors into your Earth Star Chakra.

Your thoughts and feelings create the reality you experience, let your thoughts and feelings be aligned with your desired manifestation. If this does not occur, examine what is blocking or distracting you from placing your focus where it is needed and required.

With love and abundant blessings,

Master El Morya

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How to Create Your Reality | Master El Morya via Natalie Glasson How to Create Your Reality | Master El Morya via Natalie Glasson Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 9/07/2018 11:53:00 AM Rating: 5

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