God Is Simply Thought In The Third Dimension
Posted on September 26, 2018

Source: DreamCatcher Reality | by Arno Pienaar
Thought has created this 3-dimensional experience on Earth since its inception. The currency of creation in 3 dimensions are thoughts.
Thinking, logic, theory, intellect, philosophy, rationalizing, assessing, evaluating, reasoning, conjuring and judging, are all products of thought. Thought is the conduit for absolutely everything that comprises the 3-dimensional reality.
It has now been proven beyond any doubt that matter is empty space and does not exist. Matter arises out of light, a frequency that we harmonize with, in order to materialize what it is we believe to be real.
If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. — Morpheus, The Matrix
Now let’s go deeper into what this light is, and why it is that we harmonize with a programmed matrix reality?
This reality is held intact by the collective unconscious that all agreeing upon, through their continual perpetual thoughts, which can be likened to the codes that program this world that we experience and live in, correspondingly.
The key question is: are we responsible for these thoughts, though, or have we been fooled to identify with a false god, of which we’ve had no previous knowledge?
This mass thought-form, egregore, creates even more illusion and deceit through us, within a 3-dimensional reality that originated from thought itself.
You see, once we mistake ourselves for being our thoughts, then we start running the Luciferian egregore algorithm on our own volition. A thought set in motion is the same as energy set in motion.
All thoughts are implanted by the perpetual motions set into play since the beginning of this conjured up reality. We are told that energy never dies, only perpetuates and transmutes.
Energy simply never dies when thoughts never die, and when thoughts do stop, which will soon take place, then the light/ vibration given off by those that create the third dimensional existence, will fade into the abyss.
A THOUGHT is a WORD. A word is a SOUND. Sound VIBRATES. Vibration is ENERGY. Energy GLOWS. Glowing is LIGHT. Therefore, THOUGHTS are LIGHT. – Bryan Kemila, Illuminatimatrix
Our very existence was set in motion by a thought/ word/ vibration/ light and is fueled by this continuous flow of energy, or shall I say, overthinking.
“Everything you see is formed by thought. The very nature of light is to corrupt. This thought process called thinking has created a corruptible 3-dimensional realm.”
In Genesis, Lucifer is called the Lightbringer/ bearer.
In the beginning there was light.
And the rest is this perpetual 3-dimensional lightshow as we know it!
With this light we are all, in fact, suns that spray realities into existence with our power that has been hijacked by the mass egregore Luciferian mindset — thought-form — that exists through our thinking.
We are unknowingly using this light that creates on this plane for agendas implanted into our liquid crystal prisms, in our brains, every single day.
We are actually keeping this very plane in existence by not reclaiming our eternal state of NO THING — Above thought.
Reclaiming Sanity
Always remember, there is no single thought that you have ever been responsible for thinking. Thinking only arises outside of the all knowing wisdom state, inside of the ignorant state.
You are everything, pure knowingness and wisdom. Thought is only ignorance, the result of not knowing through manipulation.
You have been fooled to believe that you are the thinker, by thinking yourself into a box! It is nigh impossible to think “outside the box” when thinking IS the box.
At first, it may be very hard to imagine that thought is not a product of our creation, and has not ever originated from us.
Everything in this reality that has arisen out of thought can only be false and a lie, as thought is the origin of a 3rd dimensional experience that is not real.
So, from that inception, all thoughts perpetuated after that only serve the Luciferian mindset that needs thought to materialize a matrix.
Any kind of thought would do for the Luciferian egregore group that wants to simply keep the illusion alive with our collective thoughts.
That is why our mindsets have been steered and fashioned by the Illuminati industries. They have manipulated us and our incredible power to create a world that they want and not us.
Anything we can think of, can exist in an instant. In order for that thought to come into physical existence, all it needs is worship and more validation/energy from more batteries (i.e people).
Some thought-forms, obviously, need more energy than others to come into fruition, such as governmental and global agendas.
From Nothing to Something
Our original paradise state where only peace resides is called “nothingness”, which is a state of consciousness beyond time and space, that does not include any emotional attachment to a 3-dimensional thing.
Do not confuse nothing with darkness, as nothing does not have darkness nor light. It is NO THING at all. Darkness and light are only products of the 3D prison.
Logic cannot truly comprehend this, as any thought is automatically a negation of the actuality. Only wisdom knows of the still awareness within nothing.
This nothingness state is what we were before a mass group-thought-form (i.e. Luciferian mindset egregore) took that nothing and created something from a thought.
The spirit, just an attachment to your unique 3D experience
The uniqueness that you feel on this plane and that you pin down to your soul is just the illusion of all the thoughts you have conjured up out of all your experience in 3D since your inception.
The inception is said to be in the beginning, yet your true inception is outside of time and eternal, so, your spirit is just another construct of your own making via thought.
You are everything.
We are only one here on Earth in actuality, all others are self parading around in ignorance, hence why anger may overwhelm you at first when you realize how many other parts of yourself are trapped in a trance. The thought possessiveness is what is keeping them in obliviousness to the universal oneness.
One here is just split up into many and each person in just another version of self that experiences self uniquely through the algorithm bestowed to employ from the egregores. Beyond the code lies a common unification between all, and a familiarity of the oneness, a recognition. From inequality to equality.
We all have somehow become trapped and entranced inside this lightshow by attachment to the whole illusion itself! The attachment binds you to the illusion and causes you to become trapped. Reincarnation occurs due to a mere attachment one has to the illusion.
Why Come Here?
Why would you come here to become sold to an illusion and become trapped in it?
The only answer I can find within me at the moment is that the deception within the illusion has such a large number of veils that it makes this experience an extremely difficult one to remain humble in and to carry on questioning everything no matter how far you may “think” you have progressed spiritually.
There is always more truth awaiting as your frequency rises. Pride can end ones progress prematurely here, hence why it is one of the seven deadly sins that stops spiritual evolution dead.
As I have also mentioned, there is no such thing as a soul deciding whether or not to come.
We are divided awareness from the eternal one that has been manipulated to create an individualized thought form! This thought-form builds on itself and simply remains in 3D forever until the attachment is broken and all the data released!
Those at the top of the pyramid that fulfil the luciferian agenda have no idea what is truly going on as they are being controlled by thought permanently where consciousness does not exist – truth a remnant. The blame game is a losing struggle, the elite do NOT KNOW what the hell is truly going on.
From the Inside Out
Thought creates and preserves a template of experience and this experience we then project through the five senses from the inside out! Not from the outside in as we are taught to believe through indoctrination!
The implanting occurs within and the projection has its source from there. Once you become conscious of this, you begin to reverse the process and start to project that which you favour instead of that what the egregore favours!
Think in terms of a hypnotist that implants thoughts into his/her subject’s mind, for instance, making the subject perceive things that do not exist for anybody else in the audience.The hypnotist is hacking the projection from within. The outside world has absolutely no affect on the perception!
The suggested reality for the subject is completely real, yet for the audience is not at all. Who is beholding the truth?
The answer is both, as what is perceived is real for both by the validating thoughts within, yet the paradox is that neither is seeing the truth, as all are just witnessing manipulated light from thought conjuring up an illusion.
This reality is the ultimate paradox! When the time comes for us to turn the tables completely there will literally be no limit to what we choose to experience in this reality of light that is so easily corruptible.
For now I think, many would choose to be playful and enjoy the illusion until the time comes to return back to the eternal nothingness where paradise awaits. The game is over.
Reference: Illuminatimatrix
Source: Deus Nexus
Posted on September 26, 2018

Source: DreamCatcher Reality | by Arno Pienaar
Thought has created this 3-dimensional experience on Earth since its inception. The currency of creation in 3 dimensions are thoughts.
Thinking, logic, theory, intellect, philosophy, rationalizing, assessing, evaluating, reasoning, conjuring and judging, are all products of thought. Thought is the conduit for absolutely everything that comprises the 3-dimensional reality.
It has now been proven beyond any doubt that matter is empty space and does not exist. Matter arises out of light, a frequency that we harmonize with, in order to materialize what it is we believe to be real.
If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. — Morpheus, The Matrix
Now let’s go deeper into what this light is, and why it is that we harmonize with a programmed matrix reality?
This reality is held intact by the collective unconscious that all agreeing upon, through their continual perpetual thoughts, which can be likened to the codes that program this world that we experience and live in, correspondingly.
The key question is: are we responsible for these thoughts, though, or have we been fooled to identify with a false god, of which we’ve had no previous knowledge?
This mass thought-form, egregore, creates even more illusion and deceit through us, within a 3-dimensional reality that originated from thought itself.
You see, once we mistake ourselves for being our thoughts, then we start running the Luciferian egregore algorithm on our own volition. A thought set in motion is the same as energy set in motion.
All thoughts are implanted by the perpetual motions set into play since the beginning of this conjured up reality. We are told that energy never dies, only perpetuates and transmutes.
Energy simply never dies when thoughts never die, and when thoughts do stop, which will soon take place, then the light/ vibration given off by those that create the third dimensional existence, will fade into the abyss.
A THOUGHT is a WORD. A word is a SOUND. Sound VIBRATES. Vibration is ENERGY. Energy GLOWS. Glowing is LIGHT. Therefore, THOUGHTS are LIGHT. – Bryan Kemila, Illuminatimatrix
Our very existence was set in motion by a thought/ word/ vibration/ light and is fueled by this continuous flow of energy, or shall I say, overthinking.
“Everything you see is formed by thought. The very nature of light is to corrupt. This thought process called thinking has created a corruptible 3-dimensional realm.”
In Genesis, Lucifer is called the Lightbringer/ bearer.
In the beginning there was light.
And the rest is this perpetual 3-dimensional lightshow as we know it!
With this light we are all, in fact, suns that spray realities into existence with our power that has been hijacked by the mass egregore Luciferian mindset — thought-form — that exists through our thinking.
We are unknowingly using this light that creates on this plane for agendas implanted into our liquid crystal prisms, in our brains, every single day.
We are actually keeping this very plane in existence by not reclaiming our eternal state of NO THING — Above thought.
Reclaiming Sanity
Always remember, there is no single thought that you have ever been responsible for thinking. Thinking only arises outside of the all knowing wisdom state, inside of the ignorant state.
You are everything, pure knowingness and wisdom. Thought is only ignorance, the result of not knowing through manipulation.
You have been fooled to believe that you are the thinker, by thinking yourself into a box! It is nigh impossible to think “outside the box” when thinking IS the box.
At first, it may be very hard to imagine that thought is not a product of our creation, and has not ever originated from us.
Everything in this reality that has arisen out of thought can only be false and a lie, as thought is the origin of a 3rd dimensional experience that is not real.
So, from that inception, all thoughts perpetuated after that only serve the Luciferian mindset that needs thought to materialize a matrix.
Any kind of thought would do for the Luciferian egregore group that wants to simply keep the illusion alive with our collective thoughts.
That is why our mindsets have been steered and fashioned by the Illuminati industries. They have manipulated us and our incredible power to create a world that they want and not us.
Anything we can think of, can exist in an instant. In order for that thought to come into physical existence, all it needs is worship and more validation/energy from more batteries (i.e people).
Some thought-forms, obviously, need more energy than others to come into fruition, such as governmental and global agendas.
From Nothing to Something
Our original paradise state where only peace resides is called “nothingness”, which is a state of consciousness beyond time and space, that does not include any emotional attachment to a 3-dimensional thing.
Do not confuse nothing with darkness, as nothing does not have darkness nor light. It is NO THING at all. Darkness and light are only products of the 3D prison.
Logic cannot truly comprehend this, as any thought is automatically a negation of the actuality. Only wisdom knows of the still awareness within nothing.
This nothingness state is what we were before a mass group-thought-form (i.e. Luciferian mindset egregore) took that nothing and created something from a thought.
The spirit, just an attachment to your unique 3D experience
The uniqueness that you feel on this plane and that you pin down to your soul is just the illusion of all the thoughts you have conjured up out of all your experience in 3D since your inception.
The inception is said to be in the beginning, yet your true inception is outside of time and eternal, so, your spirit is just another construct of your own making via thought.
You are everything.
We are only one here on Earth in actuality, all others are self parading around in ignorance, hence why anger may overwhelm you at first when you realize how many other parts of yourself are trapped in a trance. The thought possessiveness is what is keeping them in obliviousness to the universal oneness.
One here is just split up into many and each person in just another version of self that experiences self uniquely through the algorithm bestowed to employ from the egregores. Beyond the code lies a common unification between all, and a familiarity of the oneness, a recognition. From inequality to equality.
We all have somehow become trapped and entranced inside this lightshow by attachment to the whole illusion itself! The attachment binds you to the illusion and causes you to become trapped. Reincarnation occurs due to a mere attachment one has to the illusion.
Why Come Here?
Why would you come here to become sold to an illusion and become trapped in it?
The only answer I can find within me at the moment is that the deception within the illusion has such a large number of veils that it makes this experience an extremely difficult one to remain humble in and to carry on questioning everything no matter how far you may “think” you have progressed spiritually.
There is always more truth awaiting as your frequency rises. Pride can end ones progress prematurely here, hence why it is one of the seven deadly sins that stops spiritual evolution dead.
As I have also mentioned, there is no such thing as a soul deciding whether or not to come.
We are divided awareness from the eternal one that has been manipulated to create an individualized thought form! This thought-form builds on itself and simply remains in 3D forever until the attachment is broken and all the data released!
Those at the top of the pyramid that fulfil the luciferian agenda have no idea what is truly going on as they are being controlled by thought permanently where consciousness does not exist – truth a remnant. The blame game is a losing struggle, the elite do NOT KNOW what the hell is truly going on.
From the Inside Out
Thought creates and preserves a template of experience and this experience we then project through the five senses from the inside out! Not from the outside in as we are taught to believe through indoctrination!
The implanting occurs within and the projection has its source from there. Once you become conscious of this, you begin to reverse the process and start to project that which you favour instead of that what the egregore favours!
Think in terms of a hypnotist that implants thoughts into his/her subject’s mind, for instance, making the subject perceive things that do not exist for anybody else in the audience.The hypnotist is hacking the projection from within. The outside world has absolutely no affect on the perception!
The suggested reality for the subject is completely real, yet for the audience is not at all. Who is beholding the truth?
The answer is both, as what is perceived is real for both by the validating thoughts within, yet the paradox is that neither is seeing the truth, as all are just witnessing manipulated light from thought conjuring up an illusion.
This reality is the ultimate paradox! When the time comes for us to turn the tables completely there will literally be no limit to what we choose to experience in this reality of light that is so easily corruptible.
For now I think, many would choose to be playful and enjoy the illusion until the time comes to return back to the eternal nothingness where paradise awaits. The game is over.
Reference: Illuminatimatrix
Source: Deus Nexus
God is Simply Thought in the Third Dimension | Deus Nexus
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/26/2018 02:05:00 PM