Archangel Michael Explains What Happened at Xenia
September 22, 2018
By Steve Beckow

I create my readings schedule with Linda at the end of each year for the next year. So having a reading on Sept. 21 was planned last December and the trip to Xenia was only planned since the middle of this month. So no coincidence!
Here’s how he described the experience. I found his description very interesting and took to heart his counsel to not get distracted from this angelic or natural self that I came upon.
Steve: Well, first of all I want to thank you for the spiritual experience I had at the Xenia Retreat Centre. It has very much helped me to straighten myself out and achieve calmness of spirit. From your perspective, how would you describe what happened in that experience?
Archangel Michael: You have kept yourself, and I do not say this in any sense of the word as a criticism, not even as a critique, but you are asking for an understanding of the experience [at Xenia]. In your day-to-day life, shall we say, shall we call it pre-retreat and post-retreat?
In pre-retreat, you have kept yourself, your mind – and your heart, by the way – occupied and in many ways distracted. And you have lauded yourself and many times I have lauded you because you have been doing and feeling and working on purpose and in sharing your progression through the ascension process [with readers].
But you were very plugged into and attached to the day-to-day, and, might we say, the outer world. True and untrue distraction, complete and utter distraction.
And so you have gone away. And this has been – be clear – through your donor gift [from MB], which was a gift directly from the Mother, because she knew, as we know, that it was time and that you, sweet one, were in readiness, pleading actually, for the next step. And literally becoming quite discouraged and quite disenchanted with the world and with the process.
So, we have unplugged you and, yes, it took some time and shall we say, a few shocks and jolts. (1) But what you have done, is you have journeyed to the depths of your soul, to the depths of your core. This is not about simple vasanas. This is what this channel literally terms, “core, core, core issues.”
And you have discovered, not lack, not criticism, not error, but beauty. (2) Underneath the dross is the full beauty, the power, the gentleness, the sweetness of who you are.
So often, my dear friend, you have worried, tried to rein yourself in, and direct yourself because you have been fearful of being arrogant or abusive or overriding. The list is long and I think you already know it.
But what you have discovered underneath that is the yearning, of innocence, of the sweetness and, yes, the purity that the Mother has filled you with, with her tsunami. And inside the purity is clarity, is love and so you have reached a deeper level, a higher level, a broader level of understanding.
And it is not merely an intellectual understanding. It is heart wisdom. And, in that, it allows you to proceed in a gentler way, not in a way where you feel you have your finger in the dam or you are pushing the river the other way. (3)
So you are in the early stages of truly, not falling in love, but truly being not only in love but Being Love. So often you are looking for magical formulas for ascension, for heart opening. You may call it all these things but it is an awareness, a deeper knowing of who you are.
And, in that, of the knowing of the universe. It is not merely knowing as information for its own sake. It is knowing as bedrock, as foundational to how you proceed. And in this, how you share this deeper knowing, this deeper awareness with others and your encouragement with them, to not get distracted. (4)
I am happy to Be Love.
I don’t want to get distracted from being this pure, innocent, and natural self that Archangel Michael has revealed to me. (5) I thank the team that travels with me, MB, and the Mother for this wonderful experience, which just keeps unfolding.
(1) I had a shocking experience while looking at a video on pedophilia and I’ll write about it later.
(2) My “angelic” or natural self.
(3) Don’t push the river. It flows by itself.
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 21, 2018.
(5) Our spiritual experiences come from the angels and other masters. You can see Michael here explaining how he and maybe others crafted this one for me.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
September 22, 2018
By Steve Beckow

I create my readings schedule with Linda at the end of each year for the next year. So having a reading on Sept. 21 was planned last December and the trip to Xenia was only planned since the middle of this month. So no coincidence!
Here’s how he described the experience. I found his description very interesting and took to heart his counsel to not get distracted from this angelic or natural self that I came upon.
Steve: Well, first of all I want to thank you for the spiritual experience I had at the Xenia Retreat Centre. It has very much helped me to straighten myself out and achieve calmness of spirit. From your perspective, how would you describe what happened in that experience?
Archangel Michael: You have kept yourself, and I do not say this in any sense of the word as a criticism, not even as a critique, but you are asking for an understanding of the experience [at Xenia]. In your day-to-day life, shall we say, shall we call it pre-retreat and post-retreat?
In pre-retreat, you have kept yourself, your mind – and your heart, by the way – occupied and in many ways distracted. And you have lauded yourself and many times I have lauded you because you have been doing and feeling and working on purpose and in sharing your progression through the ascension process [with readers].
But you were very plugged into and attached to the day-to-day, and, might we say, the outer world. True and untrue distraction, complete and utter distraction.
And so you have gone away. And this has been – be clear – through your donor gift [from MB], which was a gift directly from the Mother, because she knew, as we know, that it was time and that you, sweet one, were in readiness, pleading actually, for the next step. And literally becoming quite discouraged and quite disenchanted with the world and with the process.
So, we have unplugged you and, yes, it took some time and shall we say, a few shocks and jolts. (1) But what you have done, is you have journeyed to the depths of your soul, to the depths of your core. This is not about simple vasanas. This is what this channel literally terms, “core, core, core issues.”
And you have discovered, not lack, not criticism, not error, but beauty. (2) Underneath the dross is the full beauty, the power, the gentleness, the sweetness of who you are.
So often, my dear friend, you have worried, tried to rein yourself in, and direct yourself because you have been fearful of being arrogant or abusive or overriding. The list is long and I think you already know it.
But what you have discovered underneath that is the yearning, of innocence, of the sweetness and, yes, the purity that the Mother has filled you with, with her tsunami. And inside the purity is clarity, is love and so you have reached a deeper level, a higher level, a broader level of understanding.
And it is not merely an intellectual understanding. It is heart wisdom. And, in that, it allows you to proceed in a gentler way, not in a way where you feel you have your finger in the dam or you are pushing the river the other way. (3)
So you are in the early stages of truly, not falling in love, but truly being not only in love but Being Love. So often you are looking for magical formulas for ascension, for heart opening. You may call it all these things but it is an awareness, a deeper knowing of who you are.
And, in that, of the knowing of the universe. It is not merely knowing as information for its own sake. It is knowing as bedrock, as foundational to how you proceed. And in this, how you share this deeper knowing, this deeper awareness with others and your encouragement with them, to not get distracted. (4)
I am happy to Be Love.
I don’t want to get distracted from being this pure, innocent, and natural self that Archangel Michael has revealed to me. (5) I thank the team that travels with me, MB, and the Mother for this wonderful experience, which just keeps unfolding.
(1) I had a shocking experience while looking at a video on pedophilia and I’ll write about it later.
(2) My “angelic” or natural self.
(3) Don’t push the river. It flows by itself.
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 21, 2018.
(5) Our spiritual experiences come from the angels and other masters. You can see Michael here explaining how he and maybe others crafted this one for me.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Archangel Michael Explains What Happened at Xenia | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/22/2018 08:06:00 AM