What is the Collective Consciousness? – Part 4/6
August 11, 2018
By Steve Beckow

In order to create as much literature for newcomers as possible, I’m doing this series in the most time-efficient way: in a question-and-answer format.
These are some excerpts from a booklet that will be posted in full at the end of this series.
(Continued from Part 3, yesterday.)
How are the other kingdoms doing in absorbing the light?
Animals and plants are absorbing more light than most of humankind; at this moment, the light in people varies from brilliant to just enough to keep bodies alive.
Now then, every person and every thing in your world emits vibrations in consonance with each form’s consciousness level, and that is determined by the amount of light in each.
The atoms in inanimate objects—say a pebble, football, nail and chair—have minimal consciousness; exceptions are crystals and gold, which have a high degree.
The consciousness level of soil is higher than objects and so is that of slugs, worms and short-lived insects. Higher on the scale are the species of insects that have a well-developed hierarchy and clearly-defined working system within it.
The plant kingdom has a very high level of consciousness. Trees have intelligence and emotions that few people would even consider possible and extend far beyond the acorn that knows how to become a mighty oak and the apple seed that knows how to bear fruit.
Tiny flower seeds know their colors and whether to blossom for a season or flourish year after year. The generally unseen, therefore unknown, souls in the Devic kingdom, who work hand-in-hand with all of Nature, also are highly-advanced consciously and emotionally.
Humans and other high orders in the animal kingdom have the highest level of consciousness—instinct, intuition, memory, learning and reasoning capability, and the widest range of feelings—but only humankind also is endowed with conscience and Creator’s gift of free will.
Although each living being and each inanimate thing serves a purpose in the evolutionary process of all, it is the human population that sets the pace.
Whereas all other life forms on Earth operate within their respective innate guidelines that work in harmony with Nature, people can choose to act in godly ways or not, to heed conscience or not; and their collective choices determine the civilization’s evolvement status.
As humankind evolves via the light in spiritual and conscious awareness, so do all the other forms on the planet, and the collective vibratory emissions advance the entire world.
And, as a world advances, life becomes increasingly simple and joyous! It is only in third density’s lower vibrations that a civilization creates all the complexities born of negativity. (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 3, 2014, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.)
(Continued in Part 5, tomorrow.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
August 11, 2018
By Steve Beckow

In order to create as much literature for newcomers as possible, I’m doing this series in the most time-efficient way: in a question-and-answer format.
These are some excerpts from a booklet that will be posted in full at the end of this series.
(Continued from Part 3, yesterday.)
How are the other kingdoms doing in absorbing the light?
Animals and plants are absorbing more light than most of humankind; at this moment, the light in people varies from brilliant to just enough to keep bodies alive.
Now then, every person and every thing in your world emits vibrations in consonance with each form’s consciousness level, and that is determined by the amount of light in each.
The atoms in inanimate objects—say a pebble, football, nail and chair—have minimal consciousness; exceptions are crystals and gold, which have a high degree.
The consciousness level of soil is higher than objects and so is that of slugs, worms and short-lived insects. Higher on the scale are the species of insects that have a well-developed hierarchy and clearly-defined working system within it.
The plant kingdom has a very high level of consciousness. Trees have intelligence and emotions that few people would even consider possible and extend far beyond the acorn that knows how to become a mighty oak and the apple seed that knows how to bear fruit.
Tiny flower seeds know their colors and whether to blossom for a season or flourish year after year. The generally unseen, therefore unknown, souls in the Devic kingdom, who work hand-in-hand with all of Nature, also are highly-advanced consciously and emotionally.
Humans and other high orders in the animal kingdom have the highest level of consciousness—instinct, intuition, memory, learning and reasoning capability, and the widest range of feelings—but only humankind also is endowed with conscience and Creator’s gift of free will.
Although each living being and each inanimate thing serves a purpose in the evolutionary process of all, it is the human population that sets the pace.
Whereas all other life forms on Earth operate within their respective innate guidelines that work in harmony with Nature, people can choose to act in godly ways or not, to heed conscience or not; and their collective choices determine the civilization’s evolvement status.
As humankind evolves via the light in spiritual and conscious awareness, so do all the other forms on the planet, and the collective vibratory emissions advance the entire world.
And, as a world advances, life becomes increasingly simple and joyous! It is only in third density’s lower vibrations that a civilization creates all the complexities born of negativity. (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 3, 2014, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.)
(Continued in Part 5, tomorrow.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
What is the Collective Consciousness? (Part 4/6) | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/11/2018 03:37:00 PM