Message from the Angels 8/18/18
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is within each one of you a vast reservoir of love. There is, within your grasp, a profound universe of wisdom. You have the answers, the resources, the strength, and the courage to overcome any obstacle in your path. You have within you the wisdom to discover the answer to any question. You have the love to light a path so brightly in front of you that you could never falter.
You have nothing less than the power that creates universes, working through you, for you, and from you to sustain and support each and every one of your dreams.
Close your eyes for a moment and breathe. Imagine that you are a wave upon the ocean. A deep presence rises up within you, shapes you, and moves you forward. You are never separate. The water is dynamic and moving within you. It is never the same. With each swell and trough you are created anew. The more you surrender to the power of the ocean within, the more you are moved effortlessly towards your destination.
With each inhale feel a wave of love rising up within you. With each relaxed exhale feel yourself sinking back into an ocean of love. Breathe in. Feel Love rising up within you and moving you. Breathe out. Relax back into the ocean of love.
Dear ones, when you have a challenge in your life or something you wish to create, breathe and feel the Presence of the Divine rising up within you. Breathe out and imagine relaxing back into the ocean of love.
Breathe for a few minutes in this fashion, and then ask, "What is my next step?" If nothing comes to mind, rest. There is nothing to do now, but relax, enjoy your life, and trust. If something comes to mind, no matter how small, trust, and take this next step. Just as the ocean moves a wave, the Divine moves you.
You are the ones who, through your dreams and desires, choose the destination. You either allow yourself to be moved towards these dreams, or try to create the movement all by yourselves. You can allow the ocean of love to carry and guide you, or you can attempt to solve your challenges all by yourself. Relax dear friends. Breathe. Allow yourself to be supported, loved, carried, and guided. Your life will become so much easier when you do.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Source: Visions of Heaven
Message from the Angels (8/18/18) | Ann Albers
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/18/2018 08:42:00 AM