In Partnership With God | Heavenletters
AUG 12 2018

God said:
Beloved, dear Being, you who overflow with My Love, you are surrounded by angels. You are a mainstay of all the everyday miracles in Heaven and on Earth. You are a miracle set before your Self in tribute to Creation and to what We, you and I, embrace. You toss Earth like a softball through the galaxies all the way to Heaven. You set Earth in place without further ado.
As an emissary of Heaven, you stabilize Heaven. You may not yet quite see your Oneness with Me. You may still see separateness, yet not for much longer is this even a possibility. No longer can separation pretend to exist. There are no two ways about it. You do cartwheels in Heaven. No longer do you even imagine that you ride the rails.
Falling from grace does not even exist, for I am with you, and you are part and parcel of Me. We are integrated. Our cup runneth over. The Oneness of Love permeates every heart and soul more than you can believe. You will believe, however. You will furthermore know. You will take love and Oneness as a matter of course. This realization is long overdue. Hop to it right now. No more lollygagging. No more extending your stay between truth and consequences. You are here on Earth and not suspended between worlds. You are the sum of all that is valid and beautiful.
You are My own True Love. Come, sit at My side, for here is where you are meant to be. You are My everything, and I am yours. We are the meeting of Oneness. We are the truth of existence. We are definitely not fly-by-night. We are It. We are One. We are the song of life. We sing to beat the band. We, you and I, We discourse in Heaven. We set the record straight. We have set the record straight, only you have been lax about sitting up and owning your very Self as truth.
Truth is to grab, not to be hesitant about. Get yourself in place right now. Your place is the whole Universe. All of life is patently yours. You require no permission to be who you are. You are a gift of Mine set before the Universe. You are stellar. You are My Sunshine. You are no less. You are the Sun and the stars that I have bequeathed to all. Accept. Take My offer at full value. What else is there for you to do?
Accepting is your parity. Sign right here. Of course, there is no dotted line to sign on. You can sign only on the unboundedness of the Kingdom of Heaven where you reside in My Heart in its entirety. You need no seat belt. Of course, where can you possibly reside except in My Heart? Only truth exists. Truth is alive and kicking, which means truth is the ocean you swim in.
Dive in. The water is fine. You are fine. Life is fine. The song of life is fine. Life is better than ever, and life goes deep, and life explores Heaven with ease. Heaven is the content of life. And you are the content and revealer of Heaven.
You don’t just breeze into Heaven. You are Heaven’s Spokesperson. You set the tables. You decide the menu. You send the invitations. You accept the invitations. You are bona fide. You pull up a chair and seat yourself. You know all the heights and depths. You write the place cards. You are good at what you do. Everyone is invited, and everyone accepts. This will come to you as plain as day. What is more meaningful that remains to be said than this?
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
AUG 12 2018

God said:
Beloved, dear Being, you who overflow with My Love, you are surrounded by angels. You are a mainstay of all the everyday miracles in Heaven and on Earth. You are a miracle set before your Self in tribute to Creation and to what We, you and I, embrace. You toss Earth like a softball through the galaxies all the way to Heaven. You set Earth in place without further ado.
As an emissary of Heaven, you stabilize Heaven. You may not yet quite see your Oneness with Me. You may still see separateness, yet not for much longer is this even a possibility. No longer can separation pretend to exist. There are no two ways about it. You do cartwheels in Heaven. No longer do you even imagine that you ride the rails.
Falling from grace does not even exist, for I am with you, and you are part and parcel of Me. We are integrated. Our cup runneth over. The Oneness of Love permeates every heart and soul more than you can believe. You will believe, however. You will furthermore know. You will take love and Oneness as a matter of course. This realization is long overdue. Hop to it right now. No more lollygagging. No more extending your stay between truth and consequences. You are here on Earth and not suspended between worlds. You are the sum of all that is valid and beautiful.
You are My own True Love. Come, sit at My side, for here is where you are meant to be. You are My everything, and I am yours. We are the meeting of Oneness. We are the truth of existence. We are definitely not fly-by-night. We are It. We are One. We are the song of life. We sing to beat the band. We, you and I, We discourse in Heaven. We set the record straight. We have set the record straight, only you have been lax about sitting up and owning your very Self as truth.
Truth is to grab, not to be hesitant about. Get yourself in place right now. Your place is the whole Universe. All of life is patently yours. You require no permission to be who you are. You are a gift of Mine set before the Universe. You are stellar. You are My Sunshine. You are no less. You are the Sun and the stars that I have bequeathed to all. Accept. Take My offer at full value. What else is there for you to do?
Accepting is your parity. Sign right here. Of course, there is no dotted line to sign on. You can sign only on the unboundedness of the Kingdom of Heaven where you reside in My Heart in its entirety. You need no seat belt. Of course, where can you possibly reside except in My Heart? Only truth exists. Truth is alive and kicking, which means truth is the ocean you swim in.
Dive in. The water is fine. You are fine. Life is fine. The song of life is fine. Life is better than ever, and life goes deep, and life explores Heaven with ease. Heaven is the content of life. And you are the content and revealer of Heaven.
You don’t just breeze into Heaven. You are Heaven’s Spokesperson. You set the tables. You decide the menu. You send the invitations. You accept the invitations. You are bona fide. You pull up a chair and seat yourself. You know all the heights and depths. You write the place cards. You are good at what you do. Everyone is invited, and everyone accepts. This will come to you as plain as day. What is more meaningful that remains to be said than this?
Permanent link to this Heavenletter: – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
In Partnership With God | Heavenletters #6408
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/12/2018 11:48:00 AM