Gratitude: The Beauty Elixir | Shannon ‘Shakaya’ Leone

Gratitude: The Beauty Elixir

What you hold within will affect your body and your beauty

By Shannon ‘Shakaya’ Leone,, July 30, 2018 2:01 pm

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”—Albert Einstein

Gratitude is a beauty elixir and a life secret that beautiful women know. Gratitude turns all the switches on. Focus on your gratitude, and you will create beauty and bliss throughout your day.

Nothing will dim the magic in our life or our looks as much as a poor attitude. You know the song by The Northern Pikes, ‘She Ain’t Pretty (She Just Looks That Way)’? We do not just want to look beautiful, we want to be beautiful. On the days you feel less than gorgeous, focus on what you already love about yourself or anything in your life. It requires the most inspiring courage to unconditionally accept and appreciate yourself. But, once you do, you become a force of nature.

It is so inspiring to see a woman who unconditionally accepts herself—self-acceptance is the most intoxicating scent a woman can wear. Start appreciating the sweetness of your life already. As you intentionally experience the privilege of life itself, you become imbued with a vibrancy that is electric. Like ripples in a pond, appreciation creates a magnetic effect on yourself and everyone around you.

If you desire to have something show up in your life, first acknowledge what you have. Gratitude is a magnet. Acknowledge, accept, and celebrate what you already have, and watch it multiply. To health and beauty, and whatever else you desire, you become irresistible.

You Are Magnetic

You attract exactly what you radiate. You cannot attract something higher than the level of your own level of insight and acceptance. Therefore, being in a higher state of awareness helps you attract whatever you want in life, including health and beauty.

Choosing faith instead of doubt change your biochemistry, flooding your system with good mood hormones that boost your happiness and immune system while softening stress lines and turning on your metabolism. Your thoughts alone can stimulate stress chemicals (like adrenaline and cortisol) or euphoric ones (like DHEA, dopamine or oxytocin).

Remember, there is no such thing as an idle thought. Beauty and health are the results of what you do. And what you do is the result of what you feel, which is the result of how you think:

Thoughts → Feelings → Actions = Results

Dawson Church, author of The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention, says, “When you understand that with every feeling and thought, in every instant, you are performing epigenetic engineering on your own cells, you suddenly have leverage over your own health and happiness.”

Every morning, you can choose to invoke gratitude for the miracles that show up every day of your life. This beautiful magical planet keeps spinning in orbit, flowers open, babies are born, we get to breathe without effort, and move through our day with intention and focus.

We are more powerful than we realize, and harnessing and harvesting that power starts by cultivating a deep sense of enchantment and gratitude for the abundance and beauty of our life as it is. When we marinade in that and revel in our joy, we discover an endless stream of more to enjoy flowing right to us.

Shannon ‘Shakaya’ Leone created the documentary ‘Raising Children Raises Us’ about Conscious Parenting, Raw Food Nutriton and Un-Schooling, and wrote The Healthy Lunchbox. Shannon can be found at This article was originally published on Naturally Savvy.

Source: I-UV
Gratitude: The Beauty Elixir | Shannon ‘Shakaya’ Leone Gratitude: The Beauty Elixir | Shannon ‘Shakaya’ Leone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/03/2018 10:11:00 PM Rating: 5

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