Quantum Effects of Ascension in Eclipse Season
Jul 2, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Our higher trajectory delivers constant Source-encoded plasma for us to receive and integrate. The Solstice Gateway provided strong DNA reconnection, the effects of which continue to ripple through the collective.
As Gaia’s magnetics shift to the New Earth grids, our own magnetics are adjusting. This is a function of the Ascension process; migrating realities to new, purified systems where the Higher Self can express right through the physical. It can make you feel like you are simultaneously coming apart and unifying with your Higher levels at once. Both are occurring. The shifts in realities and Gaia’s energy fields affect every living thing in this planetary realm, including the elementals. It is a bizarre and beautiful year, ever increasing in both!
Quantum Distribution of the Christed Templates
On the Tuesday prior to Solstice, a massive rainbow-crystalline Christed being appeared to me over Mount Shasta during Gatework. Our Solstice focus had been on activation of next-level LightBody DNA, in order to support those who were *going Lightbody* this year. The radiation and emanation of pure Source consciousness from this being was intense; one of those *I AM forever changed* moments. Waves of Source codes flooded the Gates and Grids. These beings appeared at many sacred Gates just before Solstice.
While this is a classic symbol of Christed embodiment activation, it also signaled the final activation of the Christed Templates within Mount Shasta. The Archangelics and Galactic Masters have been guarding and defending these templates for years. Now we are able to disseminate them through the grids by quantum effect, as they are linked to the Solar and Cosmic stargates. This activation was directly connected to the DNA and Divine Lightbody template activations of Solstice, which is why many were feeling deep integration effects as they surged the HUman Heart grid.
Free will choice is honored for receiving these purer expressions of our Divine templates, however we are hitting stronger quantum tipping points, where OverSouls are activating Soul groups by proxy. The awakening quickens, as does willingness to participate in the Ascension.
The Stargate flows are constant now, it doesn’t have to be a flare or solar wind storm day to receive these codes. The stronger flare and solar wind activity will continue during Gateway passages, because we are unified in our action to open and receive. We have gone Quantum with the Gateways themselves, and our Grid/Gatekeepers are part of that function by conscious agreement. I AM noting shifts in my capabilities already, and the need for self-care as my body adjusts. Play with these quantum-level adjustments; our new skills are quite limitless when we get the lower mind out of the way.
Source-encoded plasma is speaking directly to the core of our being. Because we have free will choice, it can feel like a request or deep desire for permanent change. Of course change is never a fixed state or permanent, rather it is constant. However, OverSoul level decisions become unavoidable for the awakened.
Change Over Habit during Eclipse Season: Guidance for those who are struggling
This is a powerful healing time for emotional, egoic and mental constructs. The new light level and pure Source codes of June are completely restructuring our realities to accommodate Primary timelines. Eclipses tend to be strong collective timestamps for our unification, and the second of our July eclipses (July 27) provides the strongest cosmic trigger of this eclipse passage.
Many are experiencing deep clearings of the emotional, mental and egoic distortions right now. Old Self templates have etheric ties to the old matrixes, so survival-type fears, or old emotional behaviors and sensations may present. We are not given anything we cannot handle; it is unfolding with as much ease and grace as possible. However, you may notice the higher highs and lower lows in the collective, or within your own journey.
Divine templates produce euphoric union with the Godhead. Those experiences have been strong for many; the pure liquid light of Solar-crystalline plasma pouring into the heart center and Ascension column. Bliss, joy, freedom. The higher highs are consistently available now; we can breathe, realign in stillness and feel it at any moment. What a Divine gift.
However, the Divine template and old Self template cannot coexist in the same body vehicle for very long. Activated DNA tells the body to produce the higher expression (remember the SUN-as-prism effect). Old habits or coping mechanisms in the cellular memory attempt to default out of fear of the unknown. The body and DNA receive mixed signals, which can cause mental and emotional stress. Work with your body to direct all thoughts, emotions and creations to the Divine state of beingness. The *fires together, wires together* neural pathway dynamic works for the heart as well as the brain. Our own bodies are a reflection of the higher and lower dimensional expressions cohabitating at the moment; it won’t be possible to hold onto both as the magnetics of Gaia shift to the New Earth realms.
The last two weeks are a good gauge for how this light level is effecting you. Yes, the Lightbody and DNA recalibration makes us sleepy. Take a look at the emotional and mental levels. How is it presenting for you? Destabilization of fear-based realities requires internal decisions and shifts. Embodiment of your Mastery level includes tests. Some strong, some gentle. When lower level release presents, we pay attention to the calls for stillness, clearing, weeping, meditation, gratitude, forgiveness, unconditional love of Self and others, and new creations in alignment with Source desires.
Time acceleration is an effect of gravitational changes as the planetary magnetics release lower reality distortions. We are shifting to higher vibrational torus fields, or Primary timelines. This can cause sensations of urgency to change, or be in complete stillness, depending on your Lightbody and DNA resonation in the moment. If you feel the need to pause, rest, or reevaluate/realign your personal trajectory, honor it now. Those sensations are direct messages from the Soul level that recalibration is needed. Especially if it feels urgent to do so.
Many survival, sadness, depression issues are deeply entangled with egoic structures that are getting broken apart by the new light level. Pure positive photonic light does not tolerate distortions in the New Earth realms. We have anchored 5D, 7D and (soon) 9D levels of Gaia consciousness in order to break apart the false illusions of fear and separation (literally vibrating it out of these realms.) It will not be easier to deal with dissolvement of fears that are connected to the old illusion later – do this now. Do it with joy. Celebrate that your Soul has presented this for you to release! All can be converted to love. We are that powerful.
The purity of these frequencies is palpable. Honor it. Co-create with it. It is the Divine Self returning, rewriting your essence into sacred geometries and pure light expression. Let the light reveal you.
Migrating Realities: Opportunities for our Unification
Here are our linear Global opportunities to unify as One force of Source. We serve as collective triggers for the revelation of New Earth. Let us become the quantum metaphor of multidimensional Christed Self in the highest interests of the pure organic Ascension. I AM including the August events, since they build to a cosmic trigger event on August 29. Kindwhile, we focus on the Now.
SUNday July 8
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
Thursday, July 12
New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse at 8pm PDT
SUNday July 15
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday July 22
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
Tuesday, July 24 – Monday July 30
Eclipse Gateway Passage
Friday, July 27
Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse at 1:21pm PDT
SUNday July 29
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday August 5
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday August 5 – Tuesday, August 14
Lion’s Gate and Eclipse Gateway Passage
Wednesday, August 8
Lion’s Gate
Saturday, August 11
New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse at 2:46am PDT
SUNday August 12
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday August 19
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday, August 26
Full Moon at 4:58amPDT
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
Wednesday, August 29
Stargate Opening and Cosmic Trigger
Linear activities can be challenging; these dates are provided as opportunities for us to unify. Sometimes listing them helps to ground them (as well as remember what day it is.) As we go quantum in our Gatekeeping and Gridwork, our traveling, visiting, honoring, and amplifying New Earth becomes a beautiful, creative endeavor. It is Summertime in the North, be sure to enjoy the outdoors with friends, family and Light Tribe.
Rest well before the eclipses; they feel surreal to me already. New Earth Now your days and activities. Change over habit suggests solutions rather than complaints, freedom over survival. Apply multidimensional perspective to everything; it frees the Soul to express the New and transform these realms to expressions of Divine Love. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.
In Love, Light and Service,
Source: Ascension Path
Jul 2, 2018
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Our higher trajectory delivers constant Source-encoded plasma for us to receive and integrate. The Solstice Gateway provided strong DNA reconnection, the effects of which continue to ripple through the collective.
As Gaia’s magnetics shift to the New Earth grids, our own magnetics are adjusting. This is a function of the Ascension process; migrating realities to new, purified systems where the Higher Self can express right through the physical. It can make you feel like you are simultaneously coming apart and unifying with your Higher levels at once. Both are occurring. The shifts in realities and Gaia’s energy fields affect every living thing in this planetary realm, including the elementals. It is a bizarre and beautiful year, ever increasing in both!
Quantum Distribution of the Christed Templates
On the Tuesday prior to Solstice, a massive rainbow-crystalline Christed being appeared to me over Mount Shasta during Gatework. Our Solstice focus had been on activation of next-level LightBody DNA, in order to support those who were *going Lightbody* this year. The radiation and emanation of pure Source consciousness from this being was intense; one of those *I AM forever changed* moments. Waves of Source codes flooded the Gates and Grids. These beings appeared at many sacred Gates just before Solstice.
While this is a classic symbol of Christed embodiment activation, it also signaled the final activation of the Christed Templates within Mount Shasta. The Archangelics and Galactic Masters have been guarding and defending these templates for years. Now we are able to disseminate them through the grids by quantum effect, as they are linked to the Solar and Cosmic stargates. This activation was directly connected to the DNA and Divine Lightbody template activations of Solstice, which is why many were feeling deep integration effects as they surged the HUman Heart grid.
Free will choice is honored for receiving these purer expressions of our Divine templates, however we are hitting stronger quantum tipping points, where OverSouls are activating Soul groups by proxy. The awakening quickens, as does willingness to participate in the Ascension.
The Stargate flows are constant now, it doesn’t have to be a flare or solar wind storm day to receive these codes. The stronger flare and solar wind activity will continue during Gateway passages, because we are unified in our action to open and receive. We have gone Quantum with the Gateways themselves, and our Grid/Gatekeepers are part of that function by conscious agreement. I AM noting shifts in my capabilities already, and the need for self-care as my body adjusts. Play with these quantum-level adjustments; our new skills are quite limitless when we get the lower mind out of the way.
Source-encoded plasma is speaking directly to the core of our being. Because we have free will choice, it can feel like a request or deep desire for permanent change. Of course change is never a fixed state or permanent, rather it is constant. However, OverSoul level decisions become unavoidable for the awakened.
Change Over Habit during Eclipse Season: Guidance for those who are struggling
This is a powerful healing time for emotional, egoic and mental constructs. The new light level and pure Source codes of June are completely restructuring our realities to accommodate Primary timelines. Eclipses tend to be strong collective timestamps for our unification, and the second of our July eclipses (July 27) provides the strongest cosmic trigger of this eclipse passage.
Many are experiencing deep clearings of the emotional, mental and egoic distortions right now. Old Self templates have etheric ties to the old matrixes, so survival-type fears, or old emotional behaviors and sensations may present. We are not given anything we cannot handle; it is unfolding with as much ease and grace as possible. However, you may notice the higher highs and lower lows in the collective, or within your own journey.
Divine templates produce euphoric union with the Godhead. Those experiences have been strong for many; the pure liquid light of Solar-crystalline plasma pouring into the heart center and Ascension column. Bliss, joy, freedom. The higher highs are consistently available now; we can breathe, realign in stillness and feel it at any moment. What a Divine gift.
However, the Divine template and old Self template cannot coexist in the same body vehicle for very long. Activated DNA tells the body to produce the higher expression (remember the SUN-as-prism effect). Old habits or coping mechanisms in the cellular memory attempt to default out of fear of the unknown. The body and DNA receive mixed signals, which can cause mental and emotional stress. Work with your body to direct all thoughts, emotions and creations to the Divine state of beingness. The *fires together, wires together* neural pathway dynamic works for the heart as well as the brain. Our own bodies are a reflection of the higher and lower dimensional expressions cohabitating at the moment; it won’t be possible to hold onto both as the magnetics of Gaia shift to the New Earth realms.
The last two weeks are a good gauge for how this light level is effecting you. Yes, the Lightbody and DNA recalibration makes us sleepy. Take a look at the emotional and mental levels. How is it presenting for you? Destabilization of fear-based realities requires internal decisions and shifts. Embodiment of your Mastery level includes tests. Some strong, some gentle. When lower level release presents, we pay attention to the calls for stillness, clearing, weeping, meditation, gratitude, forgiveness, unconditional love of Self and others, and new creations in alignment with Source desires.
Time acceleration is an effect of gravitational changes as the planetary magnetics release lower reality distortions. We are shifting to higher vibrational torus fields, or Primary timelines. This can cause sensations of urgency to change, or be in complete stillness, depending on your Lightbody and DNA resonation in the moment. If you feel the need to pause, rest, or reevaluate/realign your personal trajectory, honor it now. Those sensations are direct messages from the Soul level that recalibration is needed. Especially if it feels urgent to do so.
Many survival, sadness, depression issues are deeply entangled with egoic structures that are getting broken apart by the new light level. Pure positive photonic light does not tolerate distortions in the New Earth realms. We have anchored 5D, 7D and (soon) 9D levels of Gaia consciousness in order to break apart the false illusions of fear and separation (literally vibrating it out of these realms.) It will not be easier to deal with dissolvement of fears that are connected to the old illusion later – do this now. Do it with joy. Celebrate that your Soul has presented this for you to release! All can be converted to love. We are that powerful.
The purity of these frequencies is palpable. Honor it. Co-create with it. It is the Divine Self returning, rewriting your essence into sacred geometries and pure light expression. Let the light reveal you.
Migrating Realities: Opportunities for our Unification
Here are our linear Global opportunities to unify as One force of Source. We serve as collective triggers for the revelation of New Earth. Let us become the quantum metaphor of multidimensional Christed Self in the highest interests of the pure organic Ascension. I AM including the August events, since they build to a cosmic trigger event on August 29. Kindwhile, we focus on the Now.
SUNday July 8
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
Thursday, July 12
New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse at 8pm PDT
SUNday July 15
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday July 22
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
Tuesday, July 24 – Monday July 30
Eclipse Gateway Passage
Friday, July 27
Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse at 1:21pm PDT
SUNday July 29
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday August 5
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday August 5 – Tuesday, August 14
Lion’s Gate and Eclipse Gateway Passage
Wednesday, August 8
Lion’s Gate
Saturday, August 11
New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse at 2:46am PDT
SUNday August 12
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday August 19
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
SUNday, August 26
Full Moon at 4:58amPDT
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time.
Wednesday, August 29
Stargate Opening and Cosmic Trigger
Linear activities can be challenging; these dates are provided as opportunities for us to unify. Sometimes listing them helps to ground them (as well as remember what day it is.) As we go quantum in our Gatekeeping and Gridwork, our traveling, visiting, honoring, and amplifying New Earth becomes a beautiful, creative endeavor. It is Summertime in the North, be sure to enjoy the outdoors with friends, family and Light Tribe.
Rest well before the eclipses; they feel surreal to me already. New Earth Now your days and activities. Change over habit suggests solutions rather than complaints, freedom over survival. Apply multidimensional perspective to everything; it frees the Soul to express the New and transform these realms to expressions of Divine Love. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.
In Love, Light and Service,
Source: Ascension Path
Quantum Effects of Ascension in Eclipse Season | Sandra Walter
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/08/2018 04:32:00 AM