See your Relationships Through the Eyes of Divine Love | Liberty

See Your Relationships Through the Eyes of Divine Love

Deep down, all people love each other, because in Divinity we are one. But, having come to Earth, we forget about this and succumb to the illusions of enmity, rejection, misunderstanding, dislike, and even hatred. All these illusions give rise to many conflicts and problems.

There is no other way out of them except to remember our original unity, about the love that we all experience for each other while being in the Divine house. Bringing this love to Earth is the most important task for each of us, and the only effective way to resolve even the most difficult conflict situations.

This exercise is intended to be performed precisely in such difficult situations of hostility, misunderstanding, conflict, from which there seems to be no way out. Try to look at this stalled relationship through the eyes of the Spirit, from the dimension of love, as if you were in the Divine home. The exercise can be done frequently, in relation to any relationship you enter into.

Find a time and place for solitude, take a comfortable position, breathe deeply, freely and calmly to relax and calm your thoughts. Connect with your Divine center, ask the Almighty to envelop you in a cocoon of energies of love and light of God, ask your cells to accept this energy and be illuminated from within.

Think about a person with whom your relationship leaves much to be desired, worries you and worries you, and you don’t know what to do to improve it. Imagine this person in front of you and mentally surround him with light.

Imagine that you are talking to him not as a person, but with him as a Divine essence. Turn to his Divine essence and say (mentally or out loud): “I know that you really love me. I love you too".

You may not be able to say these words right away, perhaps it will be difficult for you to say them sincerely. But if you focus on saying them from your Divine essence, and address the Divine essence of another person, you will cope with the task easily. Moreover, you instantly realize that this is true - at the level of the Divine essence you love each other, it cannot be otherwise.

Continue: “I know that everything you do is really out of love for me. Tell me: what's the lesson? Help me understand: How should I change to pass this lesson? What imperfections are there within me that I need to correct so that you can change your behavior towards me?”

Remember: your job is not to reproach another for their behavior and force them to change. He simply cannot change his behavior and attitude towards you until you change from within. After all, his task is to push you towards these changes. And until you change, he won’t change either.

Having asked these questions, turn to the Almighty with the words:

“Dear God, dear Spirit, Most High, Creator (choose any address that seems most suitable to you), help me hear and correctly understand the answers given to me.”

Then establish inner silence and listen to the space. Maybe a thought, or a sensation, or a flow of energy will come to you, or maybe you won’t feel anything - but know that at some level the answer has been accepted, and at the right moment you will definitely realize it.

Regardless of the result, turn to the Almighty and say: “Thank you, Creator.”

Then spend as much time thinking about the answers to your questions as it takes to fully understand and comprehend them. You can interrupt and return to this comprehension again and again.

If you cannot realize it right away, in the evening before going to bed, tell yourself:

“Tomorrow morning I will wake up and know the answers to the questions (formulate the questions again and repeat them).”

After that, go to sleep, and in the morning return to understanding the questions.

The answers will definitely come to you. As soon as they come, immediately begin to act in accordance with these answers. If you find what you need to change in yourself in order to change the relationships that do not suit you, if you begin to act for the sake of these changes, these relationships will change for the better very quickly; or the person who creates discomfort for you will simply disappear from your life.

Meditation for liberation from pathological, painful connections

Do this exercise whenever you feel dissonant, mental or physical, or both, after communicating with someone. This will help you restore a normal harmonious state and get rid of diseases associated with it, as well as prevent the possible occurrence of diseases. This exercise also helps if the dissonant state is associated with some kind of communication in the past, regardless of whether this communication continues to this day or not.

Find privacy so that no one disturbs you. Create a cozy, comfortable environment for yourself and get comfortable. Close your eyes, breathe evenly and measuredly. Mentally move into your comfortable and protected healing space.

Relaxed and calm, connect with your Divine center. Imagine that you are in a beam of light, which represents the energy of God's love and light. Feel protected, protected, loved.

Then imagine that in front of you, but not very close, but at some distance, you see a person, under whose influence you began to feel uncomfortable (your mood has worsened, or you are tormented by obsessive thoughts about this person, mentally you continue the dialogue with him, you have developed negative emotions associated with this person, you have lost confidence in yourself after communicating with him, and/or symptoms of physical illness have appeared).

Mentally send the love and light of God to this person. Imagine that these energies surround him like a cocoon. No dissonant energies can penetrate through this cocoon from him to you.

Mentally turning to this person, say:

“I wish you well. I wish you love and light. I no longer place myself at your disposal. I no longer expose myself to your imbalance. I leave your dissonant energies for you to work through yourself. It's not mine, I don't need it. I am at the disposal of only the love and light of God, and I leave you to go your own way.”

Now imagine that a wall of cold violet flame stands between you and this person. The flame grows very quickly and obscures the entire space in front of you. You see how in this space, engulfed in violet flame, flashes occur here and there, like small explosions - all those dissonant energies that connected you with this person burn out.

The explosions gradually become less frequent, then stop altogether, and the flames gradually subside. When the wall of flame disappears, you see that this person is no longer in front of you.

Breathe a little more calmly and measuredly, and evaluate your condition: has it improved? Does this person still evoke any emotions? If yes, repeat the exercise after a while - not necessarily on the same day, but maybe the next.

Repeat this exercise as many times as necessary so that your inner balance is restored, and this person stops causing negative emotions, obsessive thoughts, etc. But just be sure to take breaks between repetitions, and do not perform the exercise more than three times during the day, and spend no more than two to three minutes at a time on visualizing the flame itself.

Although the violet flame does not deplete your energies, but rather strengthens them while purifying them, the very effort spent on visualization can lead to fatigue if you overdo it.

Please note: the violet flame cannot in any way harm the person with whom you are breaking dissonant ties, but on the contrary, will benefit it, just like you.

(Translation from the book “Kryon. 85 most important practices for gaining Strength, Light, Protection and Love")

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English
See your Relationships Through the Eyes of Divine Love | Liberty See your Relationships Through the Eyes of Divine Love | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 1/08/2024 09:26:00 PM Rating: 5

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