On My Own Authority | Suzanne Maresca

By Suzanne Maresca, January 8, 2024

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Long time readers may recognize this piece, perhaps even as the second re-posting that it is. We’re faced with having to make important choices from time to time, and the level of our discomfort in making those choices is an accurate marker for how deeply we’ve gotten to know, understand and trust our own selves.

Originally published on January 16, 2019, and again on August 26, 2021.

It’s been a long road and quite a journey to arrive where we are as a Collective. Many of us have been on the Path in one regard or another for years, decades and even multiple lifetimes.

Profound realizations occur on an individual level and when they do, in the Oneness of our Collective, we achieve a new consensus without even realizing it. Bottom line is that we agree on a great deal more than we disagree, and we’ve already expanded our awareness beyond anything we might have contemplated, say, ten years ago.

In meditation, we learn volumes about ourselves and our place in this world. We establish our own Sacred Connection to Guidance, and we introduce the simple phrase, “In the name of the Light” to ensure that the Beings we’re connecting with are in integrity and alignment with the Highest Good of All Concerned.

Lightworker blogs are often reached by people looking for something. It could be that the seeker has an idea in mind or a word to enter in a search bar to find answers, and sometimes it becomes a seemingly random entry into an alternate realm of possibility.

Once a seeker arrives at our main page and starts reading, an entire world of potential opens up. When I first started reading channeled messages, I was a recovering Catholic and actually rejected anything to do with saints and “heavenly figures.” I stumbled onto this site back in 2012 when a friend shared an article on FaceBook. The messages at that time carried information that served as blessed relief that the suffering of this world had both purpose and the possibility of reconciliation.

It was comforting to take in the intel from the one called SaLuSa back then, knowing that we have loving partners in our Galactic Family. That Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven would be present for Humanity at this critical juncture in our evolution felt right and proper. Ascended Masters apparently on call to assist, many with experience living among us on the surface…all brought peace to my heart.

Discovering that we have lots of help from the Folks in the Rafters was sweet elixir and balm to our stormy and troubled souls.

The majority of our readers have likely been coming to the site for at least six years, some even longer. We’ve all been taking in channeled messages that encourage us to make our own connections and do our own personal work to clear out false information about who we are. It’s been a time of embracing ourselves as Divine Beings.

We may then find it difficult to reconcile when a message comes in that runs counter to what we feel to be so. I wonder sometimes if so much contrary information is meant to serve as a catalyst, propelling us into establishing our own Divine Sovereignty and Intelligence.

We’re meant to grow up here and learn. Someone just arriving on the scene is going to have a different viewpoint than the ones who’ve been at this embracing our Divinity thing for a while.

Humans are mostly all on the same path. Our perceptions of that path and our place on it are what differs. There’s no skipping over the challenging parts, the clearing and personal work. It truly is the hardship that we experience that fosters compassion and expansion. It’s in our nature to want to save others from having to go through whatever grim thing that we, ourselves, have survived.

Personal work is taking action to re-write the stories that sit in our bones telling us that we’re “less than” in some way. That others know more than we do about what’s best for us. If we don’t address our wounding, we make ourselves vulnerable to those who wish to direct our thoughts and actions.

Why are we here? In order to reach our full Earthly potential and perform our various missions efficiently, don’t we need to embrace our sovereignty? Isn’t the goal to achieve and nurture our own connection to Source, to The Oneness?

I was having a conversation with my daughter about a woman who hosts a cable show called Slutever. Provocative title, yes. The thing about this show is that it explores Human sexuality un-apologetically.

Karley is the name of the hostess, and she has a background of experience that brings her to be a fearless traveler, interviewing and in close proximity to people that may not always be a frequency match for her. She gives an air of complete confidence that, however different and unusual the folks that she interacts with are, she’s always “at home” and safe because of who she knows herself to be.

The discussion turned to what could be seen as the Ultimate Peace while here in form on Earth. If we were to fully take in that we’re here for a reason, that we’re Children Of God and carry the sparks of the Divine in our very DNA, that we enjoy the full power and protection of the Light because of who we are…well then, what situation or experience would be a danger to our being?

If we don’t cast a shadow, there’s nothing for a negative entity to latch onto…no affinity spots in our Luminous Architecture that make us vulnerable. Our Light and our Clarity make for some outstanding protection.

So, how long then will we be subject to upset by a channeled message? Can we embrace our own authority when we read something that doesn’t sit right in our bones? Can we accept channels as being Human, like us? Not always perfect and not always right on?

Can we relax a little about outcome and let go of the how? It’s okay that we’re all in different stages of evolution. What matters most here is that we use our own, internal discernment when reading or listening to anything. If we’re triggered into an upset reaction, are we able to track the upset? Does it speak to a fear?

If someone comes at us with an accusation, unless we have at least a niggling fear that it might be true, there’s no upset. A message from a “higher being” admonishing us for not being good enough at raising our vibe will mean very little to someone who is solid in their own guidance and actions. We have a choice to eat that apple or just leave it.

Trust in the Self is what the goal is, because inside each of us is where all the Truth resides.
On My Own Authority | Suzanne Maresca On My Own Authority | Suzanne Maresca Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 1/08/2024 09:11:00 PM Rating: 5

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