Source: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/triedinstvo-dukha-dushi-i-tela-perelivaniye-energiy/#ixzz8KjoFysDZ
Let 's continue our conversation about how you can maintain a balance between your consciousness and your body in order to avoid distortions in one direction or another.
To do this, you need to learn to align your vibrations so that they are at a level that would allow your physical body to overcome the barrier separating it from your new consciousness without unnecessary overload - comfortably and painlessly.
And for this, I will now give you one simple practice, which we will call “Transfusion of Energy” .
Try to imagine your consciousness and your physical body as two silhouettes.
One of them is thin material.
It is huge, beautiful, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow - the colors of your chakras and your subtle bodies.
This silhouette is extremely sparse and consists of many particles that are in constant motion.
It symbolizes your consciousness , which is already in the Fifth Dimension.
And the second silhouette is the same height as you. This is your physical body.
It is strong and dense, and the iridescent rim around this silhouette has richer colors as its thin bodies are compressed quite tightly.
Learn to instantly visualize these two silhouettes, because from now on you will have to do this quite often.
And that's why.
As soon as you feel that a situation that has arisen in your life is pulling you into the three-dimensional world and forcing you to do something that your Soul no longer accepts, or if you feel unwell in your physical body, ask for help from your consciousness, which has already gone far ahead.
And imagine how this huge silhouette extends its hand to you and leads you further, like an older brother who takes under the protection of his little, still completely inexperienced brother, to protect him from danger.
You take his hand and feel the energy of the highest vibrations pouring into you through it.
Gradually, your body begins to fill with such warmth and such Love that all your troubles and misfortunes, all your ailments pale in front of this all-conquering Divine energy.
Of course, this does not mean that you need to distance yourself from the problems that have arisen in your life and rely only on the will of fate.
But, having received such a powerful energy boost from your high-vibration consciousness, you will look at the situation with completely different eyes.
Your reaction to what is happening will change dramatically.
Instead of panic, fear and confusion, you will feel the strength to resolve all problems calmly, wisely, slowly and find the only right solution - the one that your Soul will tell you.
Try, my dears, to introduce this practice into your life, and very soon you will see how effective and efficient it is, despite its apparent simplicity.
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Trinity of Spirit, Soul, and Body: Transfusion of Energies | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/02/2023 08:18:00 PM