(Golden Age of Gaia)
December 21, 2023, via email
This Solstice is incredibly important. It marks a division; an ending point, and a beginning.
We have been through an intense Corridor between the 12:12 and 12:21. Yet, the true understanding comes when we look back at the last six months since the previous solstice.
We have been shown our fears, our weaknesses, our joys, our loves and glimpses of what our futures can be, and who we are becoming.
We have been shown our own creator abilities in so many ways. We are learning that we indeed have more control and impact on our worlds than understood before. We have been purified by the flames of grief, passion, loss, and fear.
The timeline split has never been out there. It has always been internal. We are choosing which aspects within are staying, and which aspects are leaving. In this, we have the opportunity to become our personal hero and rise like the Phoenix.
But first, we have had to burn.
We have had to see our truth, as much as we could stand. We’ve had to see what we’ve created, what we’ve allowed, and all the ways that we have dishonored our souls and our sovereignty as Divine beings.
We have had to see where we threw ourselves headfirst into this experience. We created stories, blocks and filters, so that the separation from Source and self that we encountered wouldn’t destroy us .
Many of these filters and blocks have left and will continue to leave over the coming time. We once again are bravely staring into the face of the unknown.
Once it was the unknown of what separation from our deepest truth and Source would create. We didn’t know what it would do. We didn’t fully understand the cost, nor the loss, as we let ourselves be drawn further, and further into this experience.
Now we stare into the face of the unknown again. Who are we? Who will we become? The reconnection with our fullness is beginning to settle in. We are beginning to understand the loss, the grief, the sacrifice we have endured in this experience. We are also understanding on a deeper level, all that we have learned.
We have learned so much, things we never would have, unless we had forgotten and separated from our truth.
This blessed Solstice is a celebration, a beautiful ending. We now can cast off what/who we are not, while embracing, and remembering who we are in this blessed, and most holy beginning.
The roles we have played, the titles and designations we have been given over the countless lifetimes, are all being washed away, as if pulled out by the tide.
We are seeing all that is being pulled away, the resistance is leaving. The deep understandings are coming quickly now.
Here we stand. Here I stand. Raw, exposed, and staring into the unknown. Yet ready.
May we dare to dream, a dream of hope and full reconnection. May we dare to be all that we are.

Sending you lots of love. May you feel all the blessings that are here for us.
Copyright (C) 2023 Jenny Schiltz. All rights reserved.
This Sacred Time | Jenny Schiltz
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/22/2023 07:08:00 AM