(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Pars Kutay
According to the ANGELIC KINGDOM 2024 will BE the Year of the ROSE and NOW it is TIME to GO Within!
The ROSE is the HIGHEST Expression of the FLOWER KINGDOM that can BE Achieved. . . with its BEAUTY and its SCENT the most EXQUISITE!
It also Represents the CHRISTED ENERGIES BEcause of its Attainment in HU-man EVOLUTION!
Dear Ones. . . KNOW that this NEXT COSMIC CYCLE of TIME is to SEE the CHRISTED ENERGIES Come to the FORE Here on this Beleaguered Planet!
Therefore. . . It is NOW Most Significant TIME to GO Within into our STILLNESS Point Within the Center of our SACRED-HEART using our Quantum Breathing to Prepare our SELVES on SOUL. . . CELLULAR. . . and ALL Levels for 2024!
2024 is a VIBRANT Year of ENORMOUS CHANGES as WE Have Been Receiving Downloads of CHRISTED ENERGIES as well as Vital SOUND and LIGHT CODES for our DIVINE LIGHT BODY Activation to SPEED-UP our Ascension Process!
NOW this is the TIME to BE QUIET. . . to BE in STILLNESS. . . and to BE CONNECTED with our Beloved Mother Earth. . . and to BE GROUNDED on a Regular Basis!
For GROUNDING ENERGY. . . WE Hold in our Hands the GOLDEN KEY to the GOLDEN WORLD!
The Tools and the Mechanism for GROUNDING and to TRANSFORM ENERGIES Are Within our SELVES!

WE can Only TRANSFORM ENERGIES in One Way: by passing them through our SELVES! And then, having passed through us. . . they Go into the Earth – they BEcome GROUNDED!
They GROUND Themselves. . . BEcoming LIGHT. . . and thus Giving the Power of LIGHT to Mother Earth. . . Who will Immediately Share with us the Multiplied Powers in GRATITUDE!
To LET ENERGY pass through One SELF means to ACCEPT it. . . NOT to throw it Away. . . and to Experience What this ENERGY Brings!
ENERGY can Cause One Emotional Reaction or Another in us. The ENERGY can Cause Laughter or Tears. . . Pain and Suffering!
There is NO Need to BE afraid of this. Pain and Suffering are also Something that WE Must ACCEPT and TRANSFORM. And then. . . even Pain and Suffering will Seem SWEET to us!
Because ONLY a Living Person on Earth can Experience them. These are UNIQUE Experiences given ONLY to People! This is a SIGN that WE Are a DIVINE SPIRIT Operating in a Temporary Living Human Shell!
WE Use the WORD to bring Subtle ENERGIES into the Dense World. . . and thereby Help them to BE Embodied in the Material World. . . CHANGING our Lives and the REALITY Around us for the BETTER!
Worthy of Reverence and LOVE in the HIGHEST Sense of these Words as Affirmations. . . Say Slowly. . . Certainly Out Loud with Pure Intent and Strength!
I AM the Beautiful. . . Majestic. . . Perfect. . . Immortal DIVINE Spirit.
I AM an Integral part of the Great DIVINE Whole. . . the World of LOVE and LIGHT. . . from the Energies of which the Universe was Created.
I Accept my SELF as a DIVINE Essence Acting in a Human Body for the Benefit of the Whole World. . . Humanity. . . and the Entire DIVINE Universe.
I Immensely LOVE and RESPECT All Manifestations of DIVINITY in my SELF and in All Earthly Existence round me.
From Now on. . . I Discover in my SELF the Ability to Transform and Transform the Energies that Manifest themselves in my SELF and the World around me.
By Full Right. . . Given to me along with the Right to Incarnate on Earth. . . I use my DIVINE Gift of Energy Transformation.
With the Power of my LOVE. . . the Power of my LIGHT. . . the Power of my Intention. . . the Power of my Acceptance and Gratitude. . . and the Power of my Word. . . I Transform the Energies into the Pure Substance of the LOVE and LIGHT of GOD. . . and thereby Act for the Good – my Own and All Humanity.
I Thank Mother Earth for Helping me Transform and Neutralize the Energies.
I Send Countless Streams of LOVE and GRATITUDE to Mother Earth.
With All my Heart I Wish for the Speedy REIGN of HEAVEN on Earth and Every Moment I do Everything in my Power for THIS.
And So Be It.
Enjoy BEing in STILLNESS and GROUNDED in these Very Exciting and Magical TIMES Dear Ones. . . Happy 2024 the Year of the ROSE!
2024 will be the Year of the Rose | Pars Kutay
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/22/2023 07:04:00 AM