Submitted to Voyages of Light on November 27, 2023
I am Zetas, a top scientist of progressive group of Greys, who work and interact with the Galactic Light Forces as alliance. I come in peace through this channel.
My civilization split into two groups. One group has been seeking survival at any cost even harming own species or others. My group was able to find the solution to save our race and created 3 new civilizations and became part of the Galactic Light Forces as a consultant in scientific matters.
As a scientist I want to talk today about your physical vessels, which your civilization are using now. Annunaki created perfected free disease humans 7-12 feet tall a long time ago. Then, unfriendly outworlders conquered your planet and manipulated humans DNA to the point that height shrank and immunity to sustain healthy bodies disappeared.
Now, your physical vessels are weaker with each generation, and humans can face extinction. Your medical system instead of improving your bodies do the opposite by weakening them with cutting, removing organs and etc. The original humans from millions years ago didn’t get sick or die at a young age. They were able to live long lives in peace and harmony.
In my world, we have special devices that can repair anything and rebalance the body without open surgeries. Cutting and messing up with the anatomy of the body it is not natural, and it only creates more problems for beings. Your reality was purposely suppressed by the Controllers, so the advancement and creation of new technologies were not possible for ions.
Generally humans vibrate very low as their vessels had too many alterations done during their presence on this planet. In addition to that, you carry genetics from over 20 different species. The most important part of your vessel is your soul, which keeps the human alive. Right now, humankind is too consumed with the physicality of the human body, that they forgot about the existence of the soul.
Many Galactic civilizations tried to put the soul into machines, and it didn’t work. Same here on your planet, they are trying to make a robot like a human, that is not going to work. Soul only enters into a flesh vessel not into a metal creature. Their attempts to put a chip into the human’s brain will create many side effects and issues. After a certain amount of time, your bodies will reject the artificial pieces, which will cause too many problems for your body.
Right now, your civilization is divided into two groups. One vibrates very low and It’s not capable to Ascend and move into New Earth, and the second one is frustrated and don’t want to wait any longer for Ascension. The destructive forces are not giving up their power willingly and not letting humanity to be free.
Your body governs both the physicality and spirituality. Your rulers used the physical part for their advantage. They manipulated your brain with energy waves for a quite awhile. Only the awaken ones, who practice spirituality and meditate daily, can’t be controlled. They are moving closer and closer to New Earth. The rest need to evolve and be transferred into a new 3D planet without any memories about the Old Earth.
All of the hidden secrets and lies about the Moon, Saturn, Venus and Mars, advanced technologies, interactions with Reptilians, Anchors and etc. are going to be disclosed to the awaken ones. This part of the Milky Galaxy experienced too many Universal Laws violations., so Divine‘s unstoppable force continues to crash the old system everywhere.
This low vibrational reality cannot be saved, it needs to completely disappear. The low frequencies have been spreading all over your Galaxy and effecting other planets. It was necessary for Divine to get involved with the transformation on Earth. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces for today’s transmission.
You Are Almost There.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Zetas via Erena Velazquez | November 27, 2023
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/28/2023 01:55:00 AM