Meditative exercises for self-realization and self-discovery, awakening creative powers and opportunities to transform your life
“Create like the Creator, create in co-creation with Him!”
Dear ones, you are masters. Even if you don’t remember it, each of you is a master who creates his own reality. Everything you see, what you live, what you experience, you created yourself. With your thoughts, intentions, creative energy, the reserves of which you have incredibly large.
Remember this - that you are strong, that you are endowed with the gift of creativity, that your possibilities for transforming reality are limitless. And if you have so far created something in your life that does not suit you, then you need to direct your creative capabilities in a different direction.
Create together with the Creator and Creator! Let your life be co-creation with Him. And then your creative energy will be activated by Divine light and love. And then your creative abilities will be directed only for good.
The main thing is to believe in yourself, that you are not victims, you are creators, that you are not helpless, you are strong. And then you will see life as a space for creativity. And then the world will become a plastic material, subject to your will. And then you will begin to create your life the way you want to see it. You will begin to create your own piece of heaven on Earth. Create paradise for yourself the way you imagine it. If each of you does this, heaven will reign throughout the Earth. This is the meaning of your creativity. This is why you came to Earth.
This is what it means to be like the Creator. This means creating worlds the way He creates them, creating together with Him. And you can do it, dear ones. Do you realize how powerful you are?
Exercise 1. This is your world
The exercise will help you gain more confidence, strengthen the power of the Spirit and increase your creative, constructive abilities to transform reality.
Find an opportunity for solitude, take any comfortable position, close your eyes. Breathe evenly and measuredly. Imagine that you find yourself in the most wonderful place for you. This is your own place, protected and safe, where you feel comfortable. This is your world. It has forests and mountains, sea and rivers, waterfalls, flowering meadows, gardens, luxurious palaces and temples. In this world, you and only you are the master. This world is obedient to you in everything. Only what you want happens here.
You are on the seashore. This is a small cozy lagoon with golden sand and clear blue water. You swim or just sit on the shore - and you feel the power that the earth and water share with you pouring into you. You feel the sun’s rays warming you, and the power that the sun shares with you flows into you. A gentle breeze blows over you and also gives you strength. Then you walk through flowering gardens, meadows or forests, and each plant gives you its power, which you absorb with your whole being. You have become very strong, powerful and, like a magnet, you attract pure light energies to yourself.
You come to the seashore again, it is still calm. But the sea also needs storms to cleanse and maintain harmony. You turn to the sea as a living being, express the intention that a storm will begin on the sea, and you see how the waves rise and become larger and larger. You enjoy the storm, the wind, feel the salty splashes on your face and laugh with happiness like a child.
But then you realize that enough is enough, it’s time for the waves to subside. And again you express your intention - for the storm to stop and the sea to calm down. You send a stream of energy to the sea with an attitude of peace and quiet. The sea gradually calms down, and calm reigns again.
You see that flowers in gardens and grasses in meadows need moisture. You express your intention for it to rain, and immediately transparent streams fall from heaven to earth. Time passes, you ask the rain to stop - and it stops.
You can ask for a rainbow to appear in the sky, for the sun to come out again, for the heat to come, or for the weather to become moderately warm. Feel like a creator. All in your hands. The world is obedient to you. You can enjoy any weather here at your request, you can “grow” any plants, create any buildings and other benefits for yourself, you can communicate here with any people and animals. Remember: this is your world. You can return there at any time to gain strength and feel like a powerful creator, while being completely safe.
Exercise 2. Golden flow to activate creative energy
The exercise will help you strengthen your ability to conduct Divine energies through yourself, without which true creativity is impossible, the essence of which is the connection of Spirit and matter, filling the dense material plane with Divine energies of Light and Love and thereby increasing its vibrational level.
At any time convenient for you (for example, when you wake up in the morning), close your eyes and imagine that you are inside a column of light that goes vertically up into the infinity of space, and down into the bowels of the Earth. This pillar glows with a golden yellow light.
Imagine how a brighter ray of this light is concentrated above your head and enters your body through the crown, passes like a string along the spine and goes through the feet into the ground. This string, like your internal axis, creates a powerful core, a support for your body.
The bright light from this internal axis spreads softly and smoothly inside your body, gradually filling it entirely, down to your fingers and toes. You feel a soft tingling in your limbs and imagine that iridescent sparks, shining particles of light are playing in your fingers. Everything you touch leaves a sparkling light. Everywhere you go, a sparkling trail remains behind you. Now you can share this Divine light with all people - for this you do not need to do anything, just be nearby. Now you can fill everything you simply touch with Divine light.
Then imagine that Divine light is pouring from your eyes like a stream of sparkles. You fill everything you look at with Divine light.
Now any gesture, any movement, any action becomes creativity, because every moment you transform matter, giving it a new quality and increasing its vibrations with your touch. If you decide to create some kind of artistic work, it will be marked by the highest energies of the Creator.
Exercise 3. Become the captain of your destiny
This exercise will help you discover your creative potential to create everything you need in life and overcome obstacles that stand in the way of your dreams.
Find an opportunity to be alone with yourself, relax, close your eyes. Tune in to the fact that you will now indulge in relaxation and pleasant dreams. Imagine that you are a sea captain. You are standing on the seashore and admiring your luxurious snow-white liner. Soon you will have to go on an exciting trip around the world. You will travel through many countries and moor at many marinas. At each such parking lot something amazing awaits you - the fulfillment of one of your desires. Can you expect to find everything you need there? - both material and spiritual wealth.
Think about what exactly you want to get. Let it be something important, meaningful. You go on a journey not to fulfill momentary whims, but to find what you need for a happy, rich, successful, prosperous life.
But for your journey to be successful, you need to equip your ship well. You need to think about who will be on your team. Who from your circle will you take with you? Think about what things you will need. What books will you take with you? What kind of music would you like to listen to on the go? What food will you eat? Food should support your strength and your health and not be an unnecessary burden.
Think about everything you might need, but remember not to take too much with you. Take care of only the essentials.
Then think about what state of mind you must be in to undertake such a journey. You may encounter difficulties along the way, you may get caught in a storm or run aground. How will you behave in these situations?
How will you build relationships with the team and with those you will meet in different countries? Remember: not all of them may be friendly to you. How will you behave in different situations? Maybe you want to help them with something - how exactly will you do this?
Now imagine that you are climbing onto the captain's bridge. You are ready to sail.
Now think about the sea of your life stretching out before you. You are confident in yourself, you know for sure that everything is fine with you and a wonderful, exciting journey awaits you. It's up to you which course you take. It depends only on you how you will overcome possible difficulties. It depends only on you what luggage you return with. Straighten your shoulders, imagine yourself as the captain of your life. Wish yourself a successful journey and that only the best comes into your life.
Imagine that a ship sets off and glides smoothly across the sea surface. You peer into the distance with anticipation of amazing adventures.
If you want, you can continue to visualize further details and details of your trip.
Then rest a little more, then take a few deep breaths, stretch, stretch your muscles, and open your eyes.
Exercise 4. Life as a creative space
This exercise is not for frequent practice, but even performed once, it has a very powerful effect of awakening creative potential. Do it when you want to make some important changes in your life.
Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths in and out. Imagine that you are in the center of a sphere. Decide for yourself what size it will be - the boundaries of the sphere should be located so that staying inside it is comfortable for you, but let it be large enough (in fact, the larger the better).
Imagine that this is the space of your life. Try to perceive life not as a line stretching from the past to the future, but as a space where time is another dimension. This means that you, being in the center, can simultaneously perceive the past, present, and future. Imagine that the past is on your right hand, and you can look into it if you want. And on the left hand is the future, and if you wish, you can see what is there.
Taking a fleeting glance (mentally) both to the right and to the left, imagine that the space of your life seems to have “reset to zero” - it has come to the original point of peace, when creation has not yet begun. Now there is no past or future, there is only timeless potential. It's like you're in the center of outer space. There is darkness all around, in which sparks from stars flash and go out from time to time. You feel a deep peace, but you know that these flashing sparks indicate points in space where creativity is especially high. These are clots of energy that are waiting for the touch of your intention to begin to unfold in space and create new worlds.
Imagine that you are a magician, able to create anything using your intention and these points of pure potential in space.
For example, you want to create a beautiful flowering garden. Form a corresponding clear and precise intention. Then imagine this intention in the form of a spark, which you direct with your will to that point in space where you see stars flashing and dying. Your spark easily touches this point - and a whole firework of sparks flashes there. Multi-colored stars shine, burn, play, fly up in whole sheaves, and this fireworks becomes more and more bright until it turns into something like a volcanic eruption, but not threatening, not scary, but joyful and festive, shining with colorful flashes and streams of light. This radiance becomes transparent - and from it emerges what you were trying to create: a real blooming garden with the most beautiful, bright and fragrant plants.
Now imagine that you change your mind and want to create something different in this place. Imagine how the garden decreases in size, shrinks into a point and again turns into a single spark that flares up and then goes out. You can send any other intention there and again create what you want. Create first an ocean shore, then a forest, then a luxurious palace or a small country house... At the end of this exercise, either dissolve everything you have created, turning it back into sparkling sparks, or, if desired, leave what you really would like to have in your life .
Take a few deep, slow breaths in and out, feel your body where you are now, and open your eyes.
Exercise 5. Receive the Badge of Mastery
This is one of the possible options for a ritual of self-initiation into a master, which you can take as the basis for your own ritual. But this is not necessary, as you can use a ritual entirely of your own. All that is important is the mood to connect with the Divine Self and the pure intention of bringing the light of mastery and creativity into your spiritual and physical consciousness.
For the ritual, you can use any things and attributes that help you bring yourself into an elevated spiritual state - burn incense or light candles, turn on quiet meditative music, surround yourself with crystals or other objects of power, etc. Or you can simply be transported in your imagination in the environment that you like best - you are a creator, and imagination is the most important tool of creativity, and the world created by imagination is no less real for multidimensional reality than the one that you are used to perceiving with your senses.
Close your eyes and take several deep, slow breaths in and out. Imagine that external reality is leaving. Tell yourself that everything that frightens, worries, worries you is just a shadow. You turn on your light inside - and the shadow melts, disappears, dissolves without a trace.
Imagine that all seven of your energy centers - chakras - flash with a blinding white light. Now they look like bright white glowing balls. Imagine that the space around you is filled with golden waves of light.
Tell yourself: “ My life is creatively transformed in the golden radiance of God .” Feel the golden flow surrounding you. Imagine that you are part of the flow. This is a flow of energy, light, love, strength, abundance. It's all yours, and you can control the flow.
Tell yourself: “ I (state your name) solemnly, in the face of God, give myself permission to be who I am by my Divine nature - a master creator. I have mastery. I am worthy to be a master. I am the master. I control the flow of abundance. I create abundance. It was, is and will always be so .”
Mentally ask your Divine Self to give you a sign of mastery. Imagine that this sign is slowly appearing in front of you in the golden space. At first you see it vaguely, indistinctly, but then it becomes more and more clear, and finally you clearly see it in front of you. What kind of sign this will be - only you can know.
There is no need to specially invent or imagine anything. Just allow whatever comes naturally to manifest. It doesn’t matter whether it’s just a spot of light, or some kind of drawing, symbol, letter or hieroglyph, or a very specific object. Imagine taking this sign with both hands and placing it on your heart chakra. It instantly flashes brighter, begins to vibrate, and the waves from it spread throughout the entire chakra system, and then fill your entire body with light and new vibrations.
Now the mark of mastery is forever inscribed in your energy system. The qualities of a master creator have become a given within you. They cannot be undone. This sign will never disappear, although it may change over time - you will feel it intuitively, which will indicate that you have acquired new qualities and capabilities of a master.
Mentally thank your Divine Self for giving you initiation into a master. Breathe a little deeply and open your eyes.
Every time you need to create something, go directly to your heart and bring to mind the image of your mark of mastery.
Exercise 6. Feel the plasticity of the world and create anything
Treat this exercise like a game. It is not necessary to retire, relax, clear your mind. For the first time you can do this, but in the future you can use any free minute to practice this game.
Imagine that the power of your thoughts is capable of working miracles, that at any moment you can create whatever you want. For example, you are hungry - and your favorite dish appears right out of thin air in front of you. Or you get caught in the rain - an umbrella appears in your hands. Start with such small things, gradually moving on to the imaginary creation of more and more significant things.
Can you imagine your dream home? Imagine that the space in front of you has been transformed and you see the play of energies that Kryon talks about. You see flowing, shining, shimmering energy flows. They are alive, constantly changing their forms. And they seem to be waiting for a command to action from you. They are waiting for you to express your intention and tell them what form they should take.
Give them a clear, firm intention to materialize into your dream home. Watch it happen. First, the contours appear, then the form gradually appears more and more clearly, acquires materiality, and is corrected. You manage the process, you can correct something, add something along the way.
When the house is ready, you go inside and arrange everything there to your liking - also with the help of intention. Remember that you can easily “dissolve” what did not work out the way you would like and replace the parts you don’t like with other, more suitable ones.
Over time, you will learn to change the circumstances of your life for the better in this way. You can also improve your well-being, health and even appearance.
Experiment in the same way with any other items or objects. Over time, you will learn to change the circumstances of your life for the better in this way. You can also improve your well-being, health and even your appearance - and see that it works!
(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditative Exercises for Self-Realization and Self-Discovery | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/17/2023 06:51:00 AM