Lessons from Ascension: Viruses of Consciousness | Liberty

Lessons from Ascension. Viruses of consciousness.

All channelings that you read are a personal refraction of the truth, which is inevitable to one degree or another. Therefore, listen, first of all, to yourself - how the information responds in YOUR HEART. My job is to pose questions that you might think about. And everyone will find the answers themselves. ...

El Michael of Nebadon. Answer me. We are together.

I want to ask about viruses of consciousness. What are they, where do they come from, and how to deal with them?

This is a complex topic. But I'm glad you asked about it. It is no coincidence that children suffer from childhood diseases in childhood. Precisely in order to develop immunity to viruses.

What is a virus? This is a very strongly separated consciousness, to such a degree of separation that this consciousness practically no longer has the opportunity to connect with the whole.

That's why viruses are so small that you can't even observe their shape. But, just like any separate consciousness, this consciousness is obedient to the Call of Wholeness, the Call of Unity, which you are told about. Therefore, this virus is constantly trying to connect with something or someone and therefore is constantly trying to infiltrate something or someone. He seeks connection, and in the end he seeks his unity.

However, by introducing itself into another consciousness or into another body, it introduces there its characteristics of separation, that is, its coefficients of destructiveness, as you usually say. Each essence has its own coefficient of destructiveness, or separation. If we take the whole as one, then in a harmonious consciousness these coefficients are divided 50 to 50. Fifty percent are constructive coefficients, fifty are destructive. For comparison, I will say that the majority of humanity has a ratio of 80 to 20 (20 is a constructive virus).

There are very few people whose constructive coefficient is greater than the destructive one, although the number of such people is growing, and we are very happy about this; this is why it becomes possible to realize the dream of your transition to new levels. And for us this is truly a dream and our desire.

So, viruses have a destructive coefficient of 99.99999......% (99 and 9 in the percent period). Can you imagine his degree of separation now? Therefore, by introducing itself into a person or any other consciousness, this virus begins to introduce its destructive meanings into it. He himself is neither bad nor good, he does not set himself the task of destroying anything, he strives to reunite with someone or something.

And in general, he cannot set himself any tasks, because awareness barely glimmers in him. He simply obeys the Call of Unity and therefore penetrates into other organisms and consciousnesses. But with its implementation it makes changes in these bodies and consciousnesses.

And then there is a correlation. If a person has a 50 to 50 ratio, then there is a risk of infection and reconfiguration of this ratio, that is, an increase in the coefficient of destructiveness. If a person has more light energies and a higher coefficient of constructivity, then everything depends on this advantage.

That is, will the bright side of a person on the physical level (you call it immunity) be able to cope with the virus, transform its destructive qualities into constructive ones? If a person’s ratio is in favor of destructive qualities, then he gets sick. And the more destructive it is, the longer and more difficult it is to endure the disease. But in the end, the result of any disease is the development of immunity against the virus.

And if a person still recovers, this means that he was able to cope with the virus of destructiveness. That is, to increase during the period of illness his constructive qualities and his constructive coefficients, which allowed him to neutralize the destructive properties of the virus. And this disease, in addition to developing immunity (that is, increased luminosity), solved another important problem: it allowed the virus of destructiveness to be cured and connect through a person with its integrity.

This is also important to remember. Because in your conversations about illnesses, you think mainly about yourself. But we must not forget that everything is God’s creation, and everything is God. And everyone strives for reunification with Him, even on a subconscious level. And the opportunity for such separated consciousnesses to connect with their unity is so small that they can use them practically, only by introducing themselves into other bodies and consciousnesses.

In your language, I feel sorry for a sick person, but he still has a chance to recover and reunite on his own with his integrity, because he is a more highly organized consciousness than a virus. But one can more pity the viruses themselves, because they do not have the ability to independently reunite with their integrity. But at the same time, the Call, like a drug, moves them in the direction of merging with their unity. They are literally torn apart by their destructive meanings, because the more destructiveness there is in the consciousness, the stronger the Call is in it.

Wait, I didn't understand. I believed that the Call of Unity can only be heard with a more or less enlightened consciousness.

Let's use another word. Magnet. The magnet works regardless of the enlightenment of your consciousness. But this magnet is universal. The further you get away from it, the more it seems to weaken. But there is a degree of separation, a separation line, beyond which the gravitational force of this magnet begins to increase. Precisely because your consciousnesses are spherical. That is, when you are close to the center, the magnet is strong.

As you move away from the center, you overcome gravity, and at some point it weakens. But then, as in a swing, the movement begins back, or the spherical movement downwards back to the center. That is, viruses of this degree of separation of consciousness, located at the critical point of separation, now begin to move back along the path of fusion. If you were in their consciousness, you would experience torment, because, on the one hand, the meaning of their destructiveness pulls them from the center of unity, and on the other hand, the Magnet of Unity pulls them with the same and even greater force towards fusion. This is a kind of hell when you are literally torn apart.

Where did this virus and these viruses come from?

They arose as a result of the fragmentation of consciousness. The more consciousness separated and fragmented, the more it lost indicators of integrity, that is, constructive qualities and coefficients. And at a certain stage of separation, their degree of destructiveness became so great that it gave birth to small consciousnesses that had a chance to disappear altogether, to collapse, just as a point collapses into an insignificant value.

That is why the principle of sphericity was born. More precisely, the principle of sphericity is the result of centuries-old interaction of two forces: centrifugal and centripetal.

The Father gave each consciousness the opportunity to separate and separate further. He gave freedom. He gave us the right to individuality and our own path. But the Father laid down a guiding thread so that the children would not get lost along the way. This thread is the Call, or the centripetal force of the Whole, in which nothing, even small, can be lost. And every part, even a small one, has a chance to come back. That is why sphericity appeared, when the movement always goes “both there and back.” That is, centrifugal force sooner or later gives way to centripetal force. You expressed this in a poetic comparison - the breath of God. But the point is not that God decided to inhale and then exhale.

The breath of God is inherent in Him as automatically as your breath. God exhales and inhales, obeying certain cycles. Of course, He can hold his breath at some stage, just like you, but still this process is inevitable.

Therefore, as a result of the interaction of two forces, spherical consciousness was born. And the sphericity of the Universe. And therefore, every essence in the world is subject to the principle of sphericity. The viral consciousness also obeys it.

Now I understand why you, say, treat viruses, and do not expel them from the Universe. This process is natural and corresponds to the principles of duality. Do other viruses exist besides the virus of separation?

Yes, but all of them, one way or another, are a modification, a mutation of the virus of separation. Let's say the fear virus. You can observe for yourself that fear is spreading among people like a virus. For example, you are in a group of people, and suddenly someone talks about some kind of fear they have, for example, that their wallet was stolen. All people automatically begin to be included in this story, and they automatically have a fear that the same thing will happen to them.

I gave a primitive example. But there are many of them. For example, when the media begins to spread information about a possible war. AND YOU ALL START THINKING ABOUT THIS TOPIC. Or, let's say, when you walk and see ice, you have no fear; but as soon as the thought “slippery” appears in your head, your body goes numb and your legs go into a stupor.

This is also the effect of the fear virus. Your body knows perfectly well how to move. This happens automatically, and when you walk, you don’t think about it. This is why drunk people don’t crash when they fall, because the mind is turned off at that time and the body itself knows how to behave in this situation.

Does this mean that viruses act through thoughts?

But thought is also a kind of separation of consciousness. I highlight my consciousness in the form of a thought.

The virus operates at the level at which it is located. Animals have no thoughts. Plants have no thoughts. But animal plants also get sick. Everything is consciousness that has taken a certain form. Consciousness itself cannot hurt. Forms, that is, bodies, are sick.

Then the fear virus is a disease of which body?


What about the virus of hatred, jealousy, malice?

Jealousy is a virus of the astral body. Hatred and anger are often diseases of the mental body. But all bodies are connected. And the virus in one body affects other bodies, only to a lesser extent. Therefore, we can talk not about the disease of any body, but about which body is infected to a greater extent.

For example, when the fear of falling begins to work in you, the physical body also immediately reacts, but the primary thought is that you will fall. This means that all three bodies are involved.

Are only our lower bodies susceptible to the virus, or our higher ones too?

All forms are susceptible to viruses. The question needs to be asked differently: to what level can viruses spread?

Until when?

Until anyone. It all depends on the strength of the virus.

Wait. We are told that at the fourth level there is no longer duality to that extent.

Yes, at the fourth level there are no third-level viruses. We're talking about bodies.

This means that both our buddhial and our atmic bodies can become infected with some kind of virus? For example, the fear virus?

Fear is easily treated. With love. Therefore, if you have a developed body of love, that is, a fiery body, a developed heart center and activated, then all viruses burn out in the fire of this center and in the fire of this body.

This is such a universal center for processing all viruses, what you call the alchemy of consciousness. Just as your ovens burn infected clothes, the alchemical “furnace of consciousness” is capable of processing any virus and neutralizing it. Therefore, of course, your higher bodies are still blocked from conscious penetration until you learn to use them. But all bodies are connected. And therefore, illness of the physical body or illness of the astral body is suffered by all bodies.

Of course, the higher body is less infected than the lower. That is, the physical body is, as it were, “far” from the buddhial one, so the degree of infection is different. However, all bodies are connected through the center of your consciousness.

What about the causal body? As I understand it, it is infected no less than the physical one, in the sense of karmic diseases that appear in all lower bodies, such as connecting to someone else’s karma, practicing someone else’s lessons, and generally practicing some terrible lessons.

You're right. Let's look at the matryoshka doll. 7 nesting dolls. The smallest is the physical body. The little nesting doll has become infected with the virus of the department, and gradually all bodies begin to become infected from it as they come into contact with this virus. And the virus spreads from matryoshka to matryoshka. That is, the astral body is the first to receive the risk of infection, then the mental body, and so on.

The larger the form, that is, your body (I don’t mean size, but strength), the more strength and ability it has to cope with the virus. Therefore, the buddhic body copes with the virus faster than the physical or causal one. And it becomes infected later than the physical and causal ones. But they are all connected.

So, simply put, all of my bodies are currently infected to some degree by this virus?

Yes, like each of you.

What to do?

Get treatment. You must understand that viruses are, one might say, little lost children who are scared and lonely, if we use human comparisons. They suffer in their separation, experience pain and suffering, and therefore are aggressive. So you have to literally love them. Literally accept them as your children. Send all the love you can to them.

And of course, the universal remedy is gratitude. There is another universal remedy - this is to ask the Father for help. But at the same time you must completely rely on His Will. And thus open Him voluntarily access to your energies. And the energy of the Father will cure all viruses. And you have many examples of this.

Is there any prevention against viruses?

One. Universal. Love for the whole world, love for All That Is. But if you do not feel enough love for the whole world, that is, the immunity of Love, then you need to do the same as in cases of physical illness. Everything is similar. If your immunity is not very stable, then you do not need to interact with these viruses, that is, communicate with infected people, listen to information contaminated with this virus, which is often presented to you by the media, eat food contaminated with the virus, and so on.

But this is somehow wrong.

This means communicating only with good people, but not communicating with bad ones, because they, too, are like viruses, like lost little children.

If you are able to understand this and feel love for them, then you have strong immunity. If you don’t feel love for them, but only irritation or anger, then this is already the effect of the virus of separation. Therefore, it is very easy to know when to stop communicating with them. And again, in any business there are healers by vocation.

And in your physical world there are healers of the physical body who know how to do this and have chosen this as their profession. Likewise, in thinner layers there are healers of different systems and bodies who know how to do this and choose to be at risk of infection, just like your doctors. So don't let it worry you.

Now, at the stage when you are all, to one degree or another, infected with the virus of separation, the virus of destructiveness, you first need to cure yourself.

For how can you heal others and help others if you yourself are still sick? But you can do it together. Engage in the healing process not alone, but in groups, teams, because there are certain advantages of collective consciousness, namely its quantum nature. This is a universal and very powerful property, when among a group of sick people there is at least one who has strong immunity, he can quantumly communicate the indicators of his constructiveness to the entire group through collective consciousness. But this requires unity in groups. Most of your collective meditations are aimed at this - quantum connection into a single consciousness and attunement of all your bodies.

It turns out that now at the third level we must get over all the “childhood diseases”, and only then will we be allowed into the fourth level?

It's not about the pass, but how much you can get in there. Between the levels there are a kind of decontamination chambers, test chambers that allow, on the one hand, to check the performance, and on the other, demonstrate the qualities of the level. Well, for example, so you understand, before going out into the desert you are placed in a chamber with a very high temperature, and then you understand whether you can go out into the desert, whether you can withstand it. Some people can't stand it and go back. Comparisons with the desert and temperature are, of course, relative.

You enter the transition chamber with viruses, and if you have them, they begin to worsen and you experience pain. It's like working under load. Therefore, you must understand that if you go further, the pain will be even stronger if all the viruses of destructiveness have not yet been cured in you, because the light load will be stronger, the viruses will resist even more. Therefore, it makes sense to first cure the disease, and then load the body.

Are you talking about photon belts?

Yes. Exactly. Photon belts are a kind of decontamination chambers and testing.

Various sources speak of “threshold guardians” who are in charge of transitions from level to level. They exist?

These are automatic systems that check your performance. But, naturally, there are entities that control the photon belts.

The “Emerald Tablets” of Thoth Hermes speaks of terrible “threshold guardians” who run like dogs along the borders, do not allow passage and howl loudly.

This is an allegory. The boundaries are defined by magnetic-gravity lines. The system indicators howl, well, just like your lights start blinking and emit siren sounds in case of danger.

The majority of humanity is infected with the virus of division, the virus of destructiveness. How can I help him?

Start with yourself. For you cannot help others until you heal yourself. Methods of treating yourself are widely known to you. Fasting, prayer, repentance, gratitude. Fasting is given in order to cleanse our bodies. You eat contaminated foods, and therefore destructive viruses enter your physical body every day. Each virus also has thin shells and exists at certain levels.

As you understand, he only has lower bodies due to his level of separation. Therefore, you need to start with nutrition, which also affects all other bodies. And you have a lot of literature on this issue. Food should not only be environmentally friendly. It should not carry within itself the suffering of death, that is, it should not carry destructive coefficients.

This must be plant food or animal food that animals give voluntarily, for example, milk and honey. Food prepared should be prepared with love, and therefore it should also not have destructiveness coefficients. But everything you eat in your food service systems is not always, and more often than not, never prepared with love and often carries the destructive qualities of the person who prepared it. Cooking is generally a ritual that Eastern teachings know about. It is also the mystery of alchemy, the transformation of the energy of the cook into the energy of food.

But fasting should concern not only the physical search, but also the spiritual one. THEREFORE, RECEIVING INFORMATION IN A DESTRUCTIVE INTELLIGENCE SHOULD BE EXCLUDED. All information that carries division, enmity, even just a mention of it, is destructive information. Therefore, you should clear your consciousness of it. There are special types of separation viruses that act like drugs. This is, say, the virus of lust.

Therefore, on fasting days you are advised to abstain from sexual intercourse. There is nothing bad or destructive in sexual contact itself. This is the greatest act of combining the masculine and feminine principles. Dance of energies and celebration of life. But if one of the partners is infected with the virus of lust or lust, it can also affect the other partner. IF DESTRUCTIVE COEFFICIENTS ARE GENERALLY PREVIOUS IN IT.

And, of course, prayers are required. Prayers exist as powerful means of connecting to the Holy Currents of the Father. By praying and asking for help, you seem to let into yourself the miraculous energies of the essence to which you are praying. You give her the right to intervene in your recovery process and help you. You seem to open up to it and, according to the law of free will, express your desire to receive this help.

The universal prayer: “Thy Will be done,” - and then you simply connect to the universal flows of the Father, in which there is unity and harmony and which begin to align your flows in accordance with this harmony in all directions, and not just on the issue about which you are asking.

Let's say you ask to be given welfare. And if you sincerely ask for it, it comes. But the prayer “Thy Will be done” makes it possible to give you not only prosperity, but also physical longevity, but also good luck, a happy personal life, and so on. Everything is in a complex. It allows you to equalize your destructiveness coefficients in one complex. But as your life progresses, you can again change these coefficients, and the viruses begin to act again. Therefore, constant prayer is needed, daily.

In every free minute, when your consciousness is not occupied with some task that is necessary for you, pray. And you will be heard. And they will help you constantly.

And, of course, any prayer should end with words of gratitude. Or start with words of gratitude. Because it is a way of balancing giving and receiving. If you didn’t say thank you, it means you’re kind of in debt. But if you sincerely thank, then the interaction ends, the account is closed, you don’t owe anyone anything. But gratitude must be sincere and come from the heart.

The universal means of treatment is communion with the Source of Everything, with the center of quantumness. Towards the Center of God. And there are many ways of such inclusion. They are also known to you. Basically, these are various types of meditation, that is, states outside the mind, since the virus of consciousness penetrates through destructive thoughts.

Therefore, it is important to learn to turn off your mind and trust the Source. Disconnect from self and connect to unity. This is easy to do by using the elements of nature. You can spend hours mindlessly looking at the fire, at the water, at the sky. You can spend hours mindlessly contemplating nature.

Contemplation goes outside of you. Meditation is directed within you. There are many meditations with your eyes closed, where you literally go inside yourself. There are many group meditations, when you simply connect to the common field. In this case, you must learn to turn off your self, your thoughts and plunge into the Abyss of Silence, into the abyss of the ocean of the Spirit.

Contemplation is a universal method. In the process of contemplation, you turn off your thinking and connect with your infinity from within. But at the same time you observe external objects and through this silent observation you connect with the infinity outside of you, with the infinity in other objects. You connect the internal and external Infinities, which are essentially one Infinity.

You move into yourself and find everything there. And you simultaneously move outside yourself in others and find yourself in others. You become continuous during contemplation. Your infinity from within merges with the infinity without. You become whole. And you can feel this perfectly in the process of contemplation, feel your integrity and continuity, feel it physically. Therefore, I recommend contemplation as a universal method.

All these methods of treatment and prevention have been known to you for a long time. But you don't find time for them. You are racing in your tendency towards separation and are becoming increasingly infected with the viruses of separation, the viruses of destructiveness. Everyone must first cure this virus in themselves. And, of course, this does not prohibit you from communicating with each other.

Just calculate your strength. Because with this virus you will not be able to get to the higher dimensions. You still have a difficult and long way to cleanse all your bodies from the indicators of destructiveness that you acquired during not only this life, but also past lives.

Wait. But in those lives I had other bodies.

Nothing goes missing. All information recorded during life in this incarnation in your bodies is transferred to subsequent bodies in the next incarnation. That’s why this burden of yours doesn’t disappear anywhere. Only you can dissolve and process it yourself. And no one else.

Can't I pray to the Father so that He will dissolve and process all this?

Can. And if He decides so, then it will happen, and you will be cleansed. But most often this does not happen, but not because the Father does not hear or does not want to help you, but because you need to go through your lessons and learn to protect yourself from these viruses and fight them, cure them. Otherwise, you will get all this again after cleansing, if you do not know how to treat them. And because otherwise you won’t pass your lessons.

And because this is your conscious choice, in which the Father has no right to interfere, for He Himself established such laws. Therefore, of course, you can always turn to all higher powers for help. And everyone will provide it to you. That is, it will help with cleansing, but you need to go through this cleansing yourself. Otherwise, it makes no sense to descend into the dense layers and teach all your lessons, and it is with this task, with the task of bringing the Spirit into the dense layers, the task of preserving the qualities of the Spirit even in Its fragmentations, that you came.

Thank you for the lesson. And I thank you. We are together!


(Translation from “Lessons from Ascension. El Michael of Nebadon. Viruses of consciousness.”)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Lessons from Ascension: Viruses of Consciousness | Liberty Lessons from Ascension: Viruses of Consciousness | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/27/2023 01:21:00 AM Rating: 5

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