One who truly trusts God cannot be deceived or betrayed
Hello, dear ones, you are meeting Kryon again, and I am again with you, as always, at your first call, and again I am ready to talk with you and answer your questions, which I really like to do! Feel the warmth and love of Divine Home that we bring with us so that you too will feel at home. Here and now, in this safe space of love and light, we will talk about trust.
Do you know how important it is for you to be able to trust? So much in your life depends on it... It determines whether you will achieve your goals and feel satisfied with life, it determines whether you can live in a state of peace, calm and well-being, your self-confidence depends on it, and your Happiness on Earth is impossible without the ability to trust.
Yes, dear ones, we see how for many of you this ability is destroyed due to the fact that you are faced with deception, betrayal, deceit and hypocrisy, and this has happened more than once.
You once believed and walked towards the world with an open heart, but your trust was betrayed and your heart closed.
“Kryon, you just don’t know what conditions we live in,” some of you say. “In our world you cannot trust anyone or anything, you cannot live with an open heart, otherwise you will simply be trampled on!” Oh, dear ones, we look with deep sorrow at how your hearts are closing, how there is no trust left in them... Trust even in ourselves. Trust even in God.
We, your Divine family, know very well the conditions in which you live. We know everything that each of you has had to face in your life. We know your every day and hour and everything that you go through. Don't think that Spirit is far from your reality.
The Spirit knows everything and sees everything. Oh yes, you had reasons for mistrust... if you look from the point of view of human logic. But if you look from the point of view of the Spirit? What picture will appear before you then, do you think?
If we look from the point of view of the Spirit, we see:
The more you don’t trust, the more you are deceived. The less trust you have, the easier it is to betray this trust.
Yes, the logic of the Spirit is sometimes paradoxical in comparison with human logic. But this logic reveals a truth that is not always clear to humans in a three-dimensional environment.
Dear ones, open the eyes of the Spirit! See how you yourself distort your world and attract trouble to yourself. This happens because of your power, which you have not yet fully realized.
With this power you create your own world. What you think about the world becomes your reality. And if you choose the reality of deception and betrayal, deception and betrayal immediately appear in your life.
“But, Kryon, we do not choose deception and betrayal, quite the opposite, it happens against our will!” - you say.
Do you really think so?
Do you think that anything in your life can happen against your will?
No, dears. Everything happens according to your will - although not always according to your conscious will. More often than not, you attract troubles unconsciously. But you can stop doing this - for this you just need to turn on your awareness and begin to see what and how you yourself attract into your life.
Do you think there are honest people in the world, those who can be trusted? Of course, your answer will be “yes.” Which people do you think are more numerous: deceivers and traitors, or those who are trustworthy? Of course, there are more who are trustworthy.
But why don’t they come your way?
Where is this honest majority? Why is he passing you by?
Why do you only meet deceivers and traitors?
Dear ones, now I have thickened the colors a little - so that you can see yourself and the logic of your reasoning from the outside. In fact, you meet honest people every day, and even those who are often deceived know that there are other people nearby, those who can be trusted.
But if you have been deceived and betrayed at least once, this is a reason to think about how and how you attracted deception and betrayal into your life. Yes, you did it yourself. Because there is something in yourself, in your thoughts, intentions, beliefs, emotions that attracts deception.
Very often, this “magnet” becomes your conviction that you can’t trust anyone. Do you know how the Universe works? It picks up, multiplies and amplifies those energies that you emit more or less constantly. If you constantly think that you can’t trust anyone, the Universe begins to return these energies of mistrust to you in a materialized form: in the form of those deceptions and betrayals that you eventually encounter.
“You can’t trust anyone,” you think, and the Universe perceives this as an order that you send to it. And returns your order to you completed.
But it is in your will to send another order to the Universe. You can convey the message that people and the world can be trusted. To do this, you may have to make an effort on yourself. To do this, you will have to rise above the negative experiences you have had. To do this, you will have to learn to trust despite this experience. But you can do it - because you have the strength for everything you put your mind to. And, of course, you have the power to transform yourself and your beliefs if you do this in contact with your Divine Self.
Living in a state of trust does not mean opening your soul to just anyone.
Dear ones, I ask you not to misinterpret my words. What I tell you about trust is not a call to open your soul, heart and everything that is dear to you to everyone you meet on the path of life. Some people may be surprised by what I have to say, but you don't have to be open with everyone, you don't have to share your thoughts and feelings and especially what you value with everyone.
There are times when the Spirit tells you, “Be careful. Keep silent. Don't open up." This is quite natural in the world where you live and where you have to deal with dissonant energies and their carriers. “But, Kryon, you contradict yourself,” you say. “So we should be gullible - or should we not be gullible?!”
There is actually no contradiction in this.
If you trust God, if you trust yourself and your Divine Self, this trust will protect you from dishonesty and betrayal of others.
But to do this, you must live in a state of trust - and not at all in a state of mistrust and suspicion. Your suspiciousness will attract suspicious people to you. Your trust will attract those who can be trusted and will drive away those who cannot be trusted.
Let's look at an example for greater clarity. Here is a person who considers himself very open and trusting. But on his way he meets dishonest people, deceivers. The spirit shouts in both ears: “Be careful, avoid them!”
But this man does not hear the voice of the Spirit. He is used to living in the role of a very trusting person. Therefore, he honestly and openly tells the deceivers where his money and valuables are hidden. Is it any wonder that this money and valuables do not magically disappear from his life?
My question to you is this: can such a person be called truly gullible? No no and one more time no. Because there is no main trust in him - trust in God, trust in the Spirit, his Divine “I” and, ultimately, trust in himself. And if you don’t even trust yourself, then you won’t be able to attract someone you can trust into your life, but you will only attract deceivers.
Think about all the times you were deceived, when someone betrayed your trust. If you are honest with yourself, you will understand that somewhere deep down you actually knew very well that you would be deceived.
Your Spirit knew this in advance. He warned you. Your intuition was screaming at you to avoid these people and this situation in which you gained experience of deception and betrayal. The Spirit did not want you to be deceived and betrayed, the Spirit wanted to protect you. But you did not hear the voice of the Spirit because you did not trust it.
And then the Spirit had no choice but to allow you to go through this experience - in the hope that you would learn a lesson and not allow it to happen in the future.
Do you think you have learned this lesson? Have you understood what real trust is, have you learned to trust the Spirit and yourself, your heart, your intuition?
Think back to yourself as a child and you will understand what the experience of absolute trust is like.
You all know what the experience of true trust is like. You all went through it as children, when you had adults around you whom you trusted.
Children feel absolutely protected when their parents are nearby. Even if something unpleasant or dangerous happens around them, children can feel peaceful and know that they are completely safe if their mother is nearby.
They don’t care whether there are any dishonest people nearby or not, whether there are those who can offend them or not, because in their minds mom is omnipotent, she won’t allow anything bad, she won’t let offenders and deceivers get close.
Being next to such a mother, the child feels as if surrounded by an invisible protective cocoon and is actually in it, not knowing that this protective cocoon is created not by the mother at all, or not so much by the mother, but by himself, his own confidence that he is safe, in his own sense of absolute security.
Growing up, a person understands that his mother was not nearly as omnipotent as he imagined. Perhaps, even in childhood, he has to go through an experience in which he is convinced that his mother cannot always protect him from everything. But as you grow up, you can reconnect with God, with your Divine home, and with your Heavenly parents. Those who know and understand you sometimes better than your earthly parents. And who has immeasurably greater capabilities to protect you and protect your safety.
And all you need is to remember that childhood state of security, that feeling of a protective cocoon that you yourself created, even if it still seems to you that it was not you who did it. And all you need is to trustfully transfer control over events (and especially difficult situations) to God and your Heavenly parents.
You can transform even the experience of deception and betrayal into light and love, thanks to which your heart will become open again
You can say that you were so trusting as a child for only one reason - you had no experience yet, including the sad experience of deception and betrayal. Now, having such experience, it is difficult for you to become gullible again; it is much easier to become closed, hardened...
How many hardened hearts walk among people - and it is not for you, the masters of light, to replenish their number. You can regain your gullibility and openness not even in spite of sad experience, but - I will say again a paradoxical thing! - thanks to him. If you trusted as a child because you had no experience, now you can learn to trust again because you have experience.
You have experience making mistakes and not trusting yourself - and you can learn from this. You can understand that trusting yourself, your Divine Self, must be put first everywhere and always.
You may realize that by not trusting yourself, you attract those who deceive you. You may learn that by building barriers between yourself and the world—barriers in the form of your own rigidity and suspicion—not only do you not become more secure, but you end up vulnerable.
And only trust in God gives protection. And only an open heart tells you safe paths.
Transform your experience, dear ones! Transform the experience of your traumas, your experiences of deception and betrayal. You can do this - you can transform these energies into light and love.
There is no need to carry this heavy burden in your soul. There is no need to turn this burden into a magnet that will attract more and more insults and betrayals to you. Free yourself from it. Remember that it is only energy - and any energy can be transformed by your will and your intention.
You know the main alchemical tool of transformation is gratitude. Sincerely thank your offenders. Yes it is hard! But when you can do this - thank them from the bottom of your heart, and not hold a stone in your soul - you can congratulate yourself: you have done a great job, you have risen very high in light and love, you are masters of the highest level.
A master is one who takes the most unsightly things and transforms them into the light and love of God.
The masters are you.
Therefore, you can thank your offenders for helping you gain new experiences. They helped you discover a special gift within yourself - the gift of transforming dissonant energies. If you had not encountered these dissonant energies, you would never have discovered mastery! These energies give you a lot - they teach you to be masters. Yes, this is often a painful and not the most pleasant experience. But what you acquire through labor is more valuable.
Thank the offenders and forgive them. Say: “I became who I am because of this experience. I remembered my Divinity - also thanks to what I had to endure. And I thank this experience, I thank those who allowed me to gain this experience, which in the end I direct for my own good and only for my good.”
You will purify your soul and heart, you will become open to God again, and your pure heart will lead you along the most favorable paths in this life. Do not think that someone who, having received a negative experience, has become distrustful and closed, is in some way wiser and stronger than you. No, such people do not become wiser and stronger.
They close themselves off from life - including from the best that is in store for them. But they cannot find this best, because they themselves have closed the eyes of their Spirit, fearing new injuries and mistakes.
They do not know that only by opening the eyes of the Spirit - by opening them in spite of everything, all the traumas and mistakes - can you become sighted and find the good that has long been waiting for you and which you yourself are looking for while you live on Earth.
Dear ones, let me remind you once again that it is useless to look for paradise in the outer world until you have created it in your heart. Don't make the common human mistake of thinking that you just need to find something good in the outside world for your life to improve. This external good will still remain external - that is, it will not be yours - until you yourself create heaven in your soul. And then heavenly circumstances will be attracted to you from outside.
There is nothing outside that you do not have inside - this law operates in the life of each of you.
This means that you cannot attract pure, open, trusting and honest people into your life until you become like that, until you create the conditions within yourself to attract those you need.
And to become like this, you must learn not to be influenced by circumstances and external events. Be in your Divine Self, no matter what happens around you.
Maintain a sense of your own dignity - not the appearance of it, but the inner feeling of your Divine dignity - no matter who and how they treat you, no matter what they think or say about you. Remember: if you have suffered from deception and betrayal, you do not need to blame yourself.
Don't think that there is something wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you, you are just going through an experience that many other people are going through, just like you, no worse and no better than you. And it is in your power to benefit from this experience.
Accept this experience - and don’t let it break you! Instead, draw strength from it.
And then you will open your heart and keep it open to God, no matter what. And then you will always and everywhere be protected, you will feel safe, just like when you were a child next to your parents. Remember that your Divine protection is always with you - the main thing is that you yourself do not forget about it.
And don’t forget that you are eternal and immortal and that in fact no one and nothing can harm you. Your mistakes and defeats, your injuries, your pain, all your negative experiences are nothing more than an illusion, a game that you yourself chose to play. We know that the veil prevents you from remembering this - and we admire the courage with which you go through trials, taking them seriously as reality!
You are blessed hearts, dear ones. You are real heroes and we are proud of you.
I, Kryon, confess my love to you and remind you that I am always there for you, at your first call.
Exercise 1. Verbal formulas for trusting yourself and the world
These verbal formulas must be pronounced out loud, looking into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror.
I am part of the Divine Universe. I am a part of a single whole, a part of a world full of love and trust.
The universe is full of love and safe. Everything that happens to me is safe. I came into the world to gain experience, including the experience of love and trust. I open my heart to the world, God, and the Universe that loves me. It's safe to trust. It's safe to love. Living openly and joyfully is safe.
I trust myself because my heart always accurately tells me the best path. I trust God, my Divine Self, to dictate to my heart what to do and where to go in every situation.
I am under the protection of my Heavenly parents - always and everywhere. I have nothing to worry about, I know that my Divine Family is guiding my paths in the best way for me and protecting me from experiences that I do not need.
I only go through the experiences I need and learn the lessons I need from them. I know that everything is not accidental. Everything that happens to me is under the control of my Divine family.
I trust God, my Heavenly parents, my angelic helpers. I thank them for their help, support and for the fact that everything in my life is going as it should.

Exercise 2: Open Heart Meditation
Find an opportunity to be alone with yourself at least for a short time in a calm environment, where you feel safe and no one will disturb you (preferably daily), and remind yourself that the Universe is a loving entity - loving unconditionally, then there are no conditions for this love. You are part of the Universe, therefore, you are like a child who is in a loving and loving home. This house is absolutely protected; it has no enemies who can cause harm. Here you can literally swim in the waves of love and not be afraid of anything.
The conditions of life on Earth are the conditions of a game where dangers and enemies, although they seem real, are actually imaginary. Play these games seriously if you want, but sometimes find time to take a break from them, remind yourself of your true nature and how things really are.
In such an atmosphere of relaxation and calm, imagining yourself in the soft and warm waves of the energy of the Universe, imagine that a beautiful flower is blooming in your chest. Let it be a lotus, or a rose, or any other flower that you like.
Imagine how petal after petal opens - they open towards the world, because the flower is absolutely sure that the world will greet it with love. The flower shows its unfolding beauty to the world with joy and pleasure and is not afraid of anything.
Become such a flower at least for a while! Breathe deeply and feel the joy of liberation from fears and tension, from mistrust and closedness. Experience the delight of revelation, the flowering of beauty, the manifestation of yourself to the world.
Your soul is a beautiful flower that longs to bloom and open. Allow yourself this in meditation - and you will feel changes both in yourself and in your life.
(translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
"The Island of Light" in Russian
Learn to Trust | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/15/2023 11:41:00 PM