(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
You want to change the whole human game, then take full and complete responsibility for all the energy you experience and put out.
There are no victims here.
As long as you see victims, you feel helpless or disempowered. You are a victim, you have given away your power. You are saying to yourself that you are stuck and are not truly free until “they” change or are removed.
But change ALWAYS starts within. Nothing will change until you create the frequency of the change you desire in your own life. The external reality and how you see it is always a reflection, a metaphor of self.
When you give away your power you stop being responsible for the maintenance and creation with the energy you have available to you.
How are you seeing yourself? If you don’t feed the reality (illusional duality matrix) then it no longer has an effect on you nor figures much in your life. It may not immediately change what happens but you change how you see it. You start drawing a higher parallel reality to you.
And each one of us who ceases to be a victim any longer, loosens the hold of the old reality on all human affairs. It will not take too many of us to free all of humanity to make that same unencumbered choice.
See how you wish to see and allow it to be who you are in this world now. The outer can do nothing else but reflect it back to you.
When you take full charge of your own creation, that is when you will see a world that does not disempower, where there are all beings finding their own way through experiencing their own self reflections, there will be no victims, and every one of your creations will be empowered through the recognition of each as Divine Beings, the same Loving Source LIGHT.
First for yourself and then for everyone who cares to “sup at your table”.
Are You?
I So Love You
Responsibility | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/23/2023 11:20:00 PM