(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
What you see playing out on the “World Stage” is a “movie” that we have all participated in.
A 3D “movie”.
What you are experiencing in your version of it is a bifurcation of Shadow and Light. Nothing in the “movie” can be hidden from you.
Shadow and what is in it can no longer be hidden from you.
It cannot operate in the New World reality (if you are awake).
It is being revealed to you for you to make a Choice, in any given moment.
You must first be open to see, hear and Feel it, no matter what it is.
Then you make your Choice….LIGHT ON or LIGHT OFF.
LIGHT OFF leads back into the “reality” of fear and control.
LIGHT ON leads on into the “reality” of Love and Freedom.
A Seeing with the Eyes of your innate Lovingness.
Here is a huge clue for your Freedom.
No matter how you see what is happening all around you in your world screen…….
When you actually choose, in a moment of fear, that you are in “a movie”, YOU WIN. The game and the power of the “matrix” is over for you, it dissolves.
In owning the fact that you are a Soul Being in a movie, in that moment, you reclaim your power and Shift into a new (parallel) reality.
A whole Evolving Collective Consciousness.
Contemplate this deeply.
It is very simple, but profound in its consequence.
The LIGHT has already won.
It is time to allow the old to unravel and dismantle itself and enact our new choices of Love, Brother/Sisterhood, Creativity, and Community.
Beautiful HUman.
I So Love You
The 3D "Movie" | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/26/2023 05:36:00 AM