Thursday, July 27, 2023

You Know Not Who you Truly are | Alcazar

You Know Not Who You Truly Are

We are chuckling a little because the one we wish to introduce to each one of you more than any other illuminated being is your own self. Understand that each and every one of you is a Superconscious, super-loving, super-intelligence. And, you know not yet who you truly are. We say often that you have never been born. You will never die. You are consciousness. And Beloved Ones, what you are doing here on this Earth plane is a giant play. You are here to explore the many facets of being human. And yet, like any good play, you have created a reality infused with suffering, with drama, with real consequences. You have all been incarnating, as this one Julian was saying earlier. You have been experiencing your physicality on this earth plane lifetime after lifetime. And there has been a greater force than just you playing out here. You have gone through the process as a planetary system of diving deep into unconsciousness. And it is only now, as you are starting to raise up out of the dark ages, so to speak, that we can bring to you through your own Superconscious self a re-alignment to the wonder of your wider universe.


Costa Rica, 2023 - Youthing in the Blue Zone

Day 1, Session 1