Thursday, July 20, 2023

With Assist from the Universe | Judith Kusel

(Golden Age of Gaia)

By Judith Kusel

I am being shown the immensity of what is happening on all fronts now. The whole Universe is here to assist, to hold things steady, as we move into the accelerated shifts now.

Many of you, like my own soul has been, prepared for this for many thousands of Earth years and here to see this now into completion. We can only do this through the Power of Love and living the truth of who and what we are. Being Divine Light, Divine Love, Divine Power and as the Universal Masters we in truth are – At soul level and Oversoul levels. Our other soul parts are indeed fully engaged too, although not incarnated on earth.

We are truly now transcending duality and all which separates, all judgements of self and others, as the Trinity of Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Holy Shekinah.

In truth the balancing act has been completed. It is just that some souls are still choosing to play out the redundant duality roles and reinforcing their attemps to keep souls stuck in fear and the old redundant structures of power and fear-based energy.

When the heart is open, when the inner soul is At One with the Divine Love, Light and Power, there is only love and peace. The stillpoint within. No matter what is seemingly happening or not happening, you are centered, in love and peace. From this centeredness you are leading the way, paving the way, even into the great unknown, yet at the same time helping to cocreate the new.

The heart open, the new humanity is filled with love, truth, kindness, caring, yet at the same time powerful, as threefold flame of love, light and power fills the heart space and every living breathing moment.