Monday, July 24, 2023

What are Some Obsolete Belief Systems? | Steve Beckow

Ain’t going back there.

By Steve Beckow, July 24, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

The Arcturian Group: “Many long accepted beliefs are changing or even disappearing through the presence of the increasingly intense high frequency energy now pouring to earth. These energies are exposing the underlying error of much that has long been accepted as truth and reality.

“Those who have lived lives dependent upon one particular belief system panic when it begins to crumble as they have nothing with which to replace it. You are seeing the result of this in the actions of so many now attempting to re-create and force obsolete traditions and their belief systems on everyone else, even if by force.” (1)

What are some of these obsolete belief systems?

(1) That wealth brings happiness

Wealth allows us to buy things. And, when we buy some things, like a Mazzerati or a château in the south of France, we think the purchase has brought us joy, happiness, contentment, etc.

Andrew Cohen has pointed out that it isn’t the purchase itself that has brought us joy, but the cessation of desire that the purchase has brought – the space thus created – that has allowed our native joy to surface. (2)

We called the attainment of space a transformational moment in the Seventies. It was the brief attainment of a higher-dimensional state of peace and joy.

There’s nothing material that I’m aware of that can bring on a divine state directly; I wish there were.

Yet at the same time, these states are to be found on the other side of the portal that the spiritual heart is, free for the asking and taking.

(2) That only what we can see, hear, taste, and touch is real.

Michael, Mother, Legions of Light, back in the closet. We’re not ready for you yet.

Eleven other dimensions of existence are closed to us when we come from the paradigm of empirical materialism. The soul that we are, in this body for a spell, does not exist in this paradigm. God does not. Reincarnation doesn’t. Etc. etc. What’s left?

Warring nations, condemned to chasing a steadily-shrinking resource base, the elite prospering and the masses falling by the wayside, by design.

Empirical materialism is too small to fit the actual circumstances of life. It doesn’t allow us to explain any of the spiritual mysteries. In fact it obscures the answers. It condemns us to division and conflict, all the time being totally unnecessary.

(3) That the wealth of the few will trickle down to the masses.

Associated with President Ronald Reagan but around well before him, this theory says that money made by the elite will trickle down to the masses. This assertion has been shown to have no merit. The elite simply amassed more and more wealth and practised vigilance and security to see that none was lost.

No crumbs were seen to fall from the tables of the wealthy. But the theory contributed to kicking the can of financial reformation down the road another decade or two.

(4) That rugged individualism will always brings success.

This notion may or may not be true in the best of all possible worlds, but, in a world that’s as far under Illuminati control as ours is (or was), individual effort, no matter how rugged, may not be the ultimate decider of success. Influence plus compliance may be, as helped along, we now see, by a honey trap, pedophilia, and blackmail.

(5) That human evolution is red in tooth and claw; only the fittest survive.

This application of Darwinian evolution to human society, which historians have dubbed “social Darwinism,” holds that life is a struggle for existence in which only the fittest survive; the weakest go to the wall.

This paradigm was used as justification for the European powers to colonize weaker nations in Africa and Asia. The world’s leading democracies of the time saw “civilizing” the world as “the white man’s burden.” (3)

The possible net impact of these beliefs is that all of us are competing for scarce resources in a struggle for existence. There’s no hope for help from God or anyone else invisible. They don’t exist.

There’s no use in opposing the wealth-gathering activities of the wealthy. They’re the fittest (obviously) and crumbs of wealth may/could/might spill from their table.

Such are the social controls envisioned or put in place that it ceases to be what you do and becomes who you know that determines survival and success. Rugged individualism may be for naught, as has been the case for probably millennia.

Finally, chasing experiences and possessions unto itself will not bring one happiness. Asking for it and searching for it in the heart until we find it definitely will.

When the Ring of Fire/Wave of Love hits, as I anticipate it doing, all of this will be crystal clear, obvious. (4)

After that, we’ll say: What else you got? This is great, but we want the whole package.

A man found a treasure buried in a field (his heart opened). He buried it again (the experience ended) and went away. He sold all he had (rid himself of all other desires) and bought that field (ascended).

The Ring of Fire will reveal to us the treasure buried in the field of our hearts.


(1) “The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, July 23, 2023,” at

(2) Andrew pointed out that our society is hypnotized with wanting. When we want intensely, we’ll do anything to satisfy it. When we have the object of our wanting, our wanting ceases and we experience peace.

We say, “Now that I have my dream car, I feel peace.” In reality we experience peace because we ceased wanting. See Andrew Cohen, The Promise of Perfection. Lenox: Moksha Press, 1998.

I’m aware of Andrew’s fall from grace and think he has addressed it.

(3) See:“From the Watchtowers of Patriotism,” Journal of Canadian Studies, Aug. 1974. First page only:
Stephen Mark Beckow, A Majestic Story of Orderly Progress: English-Canadian Novelists on Canadian Society, 1896-1900. MA thesis, Carleton University, 1969.
“Keeping British Columbia White”: Anti-Orientalism in the West, 1858-1949. National Museum of Man/National Film Board, 1974.

(4) See Ring of fire/Wave of Love at and The Event: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at