Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Program for Life | Steve Beckow

Our lives follow a divine arc, turned into a spiral by our constant return to unfinished karmic lessons.

By Steve Beckow, July 22, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

We couldn’t not want to seek [whatever our version of God is].

A built-in “longing for liberation,” to use Shankara’s term for it, exists. It’s a sub-tidal thirst that can only be satisfied by God. (1) How else to keep us slowly moving towards reunion?

The Plan is that, having been born of Father God and raised in Mother God’s school of experience (this world), we’ll be awakened at some point by divine dissatisfaction and begin the journey of awakening to our true identity – which is God.

For what reason? For the pleasure of God meeting God in a moment of our awakening. (2)

There it is. The Program for Life. Starring God the Father, God the Mother, and God the Child.

From these three, Mother/Father God – the One – issues a perpetual drama, involving a cast of innumerable Children of God.

We’re all of us hungering for something … we know not what yet. “And I still haven’t found what I’ve been looking for,” as the song goes. (3)

Unfulfilled desire lashes us on. Marry. Have kids. Buy a house. Two cars. Vacations, adventures, on and on and on we go, throwing things into the gaping chasm of our unfulfilled desire. And nothing works.

When we realize it, we have a “mid-life crisis.” If you were of my generation, you ended up in India in the modern version of the ancient philosophers’ circuit. (4)

But nothing causes the cessation of desire short of reunion with Mother/Father God, the One.


Well, there it is.

However [whatever our version of God is] did not leave us bereft and helpless. The One, next to whom there is no second, left us nourishment and encouragement in the form of love, bliss, and the other divine reflections.

We call ourselves “creatures.” We think of ourselves as “created beings.”

A part of us is. Everything created about us will eventually fall away and is subject to this programming, this gradual drawing of the creation, the creature back to the Creator. Only that which we are and seek is uncreated.

In a very real sense, we’re drawing ourselves back to ourselves by unveiling that Self, dropping one core issue at a time.

Is this interpretation supported? Yes, here’s Jesus stating the matter of our journey plainly, although it’s only one level of meaning in his saying:

“I came forth from the Father, and am come out into the world: again, I leave the world and go to the Father.” (5)

At its most basic level, that’s exactly what we’re all doing.


Michael confirms that “your ultimate enlightenment is the reabsorption into the Mother. ” (6) THAT is the destination.

In the following passage, the Mother refers to the journey Home to Her/Them and the longing that propels us forward on it:

Divine Mother: Now, in this journey — for some of you it is millennia, for some of you it is eons; it matters not — there is a drive and … an intellectual and spiritual understanding [i.e., the longing for liberation] that your [wish] is to make the U-turn and to come back Home, to return Home to the Heart of One where you are so welcome until such time as you choose to emanate again. (7)

Uhhh, you mean re-union is not the end? Apparently not. The Mother tells us that we are infinite and eternal; that is, without end.

Divine Mother: As this transition [Ascension] is completed, including the shift in your structures [after Ascension; i.e., building Nova Earth], then you will continue on.

This is the beginning, not the end. Each of you, each of you is infinite and eternal. Will the day come in terms of what you think of as time, when [after being re-absorbed] you will simply re-emerge? Yes. But even that is an instant. (8)

An instant in her time. Well, I was knocked over to see our prevailing theories of a definite and finite end to a sentient being discarded! I questioned her on it:

Steve: Now, Mother, you have just referred to you bringing them back. You’ve just referred to mergence have you not, or union? And you’re saying that after they return in union, they go back out into the world. Is that correct?

Divine Mother: Yes. If they so choose, yes. Now, is it in the timeline that human beings tend to think of? No. But eventually there is re-emergence. (9)

Here’s one enlightenment theory overtaken.


How does God do all this? “My vision is infinite,” the Mother says, “and so is my plan.” (10)

We don’t need to know its intricacies. (11)

DM: I cannot speak to you about the totality of the Divine Plan. You would think that I was speaking in an intergalactic language, and chances are that some of you would understand, but the majority of you would not. (12)

She reminds us: “My essence … is far beyond what you can imagine.” (13) In one of my favorite quotes, she adds:

DM: You have begun by saying that I am not simply a god among gods. I am the Mother. And I am asking and inviting you to join with me. Is there really any further conversation to be had?

Steve: No, Mother. There is not. That is the aim of all our lives. (14)

When the Mother invites us to join her, the fulfillment of life beckons.

Meanwhile, back to us ascending beings. If our divine longing is strong, she reassures us:

Divine Mother: Let me tell you and share with you, and I hope this gives you comfort — the outcome is assured. And it is the return to love. And that is why your heart consciousness has been awakened. It is done. Now, accept it. Explore it. Expand it. And allow. (15)

Just love. Only love. Be love. So simple and yet so difficult to maintain in a distracting world, with distracting needs … and desires.

But we’re helped by the rising love energies, which, along with all they’re doing, are reawakening the primal desire in us to re-unite with Mother/Father One.


(1) “[The] longing for liberation is the will to be free from the fetters forged by ignorance — beginning with the ego-sense and so on, down to the physical body itself — through the realization of one’s true nature.” (Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood, Shankara’s Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 36.)

(2) See “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at

(3) U2, “And I Still Haven’t Found What I’ve Been Looking For.” (

(4) In the ancient world, spiritual teachers might travel a circuit that took in the Delphic oracle, the Egyptian mystery schools, the Persian magi, Hindu sages, etc. Jesus and Apollonius of Tyana were recorded travelling it.

See Levi, Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Marina Del Rey: DeVorss, 1972; c1935 and Philostratus. The Life of Apollonius. trans. C.P. Jones. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

(5) Jesus in John 16:28. It’s also a declaration of his avatarhood or divine descent.

(6) “Archangel Michael on the Process of Lightworker Expansion and Learning,” September 3, 2022, at

(7) “Divine Mother: My Desire is that Every Being on the Planet Falls in Love,” October 3, 2014, at The fact that we can emanate again after reunion is new to me – and probably to classical enlightenment theory generally.

(8) “The Divine Mother on the Divine Plan, “Nov. 11, 2015, at

(9) “The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might, Part 1/2,” June 17, 2013, at

(10) “The Divine Mother on Building Nova Earth,” March 4, 2018/2013, at

(11) I’m reminded here of Sri Ramakrishna’s remark that he came to the mango grove to eat mangoes, not to count them. Similarly we don’t need to understand the Mother’s essence and the intricacies of the Divine Plan to become enlightened.

(12) “The Divine Mother on the Divine Plan,” ibid.

(13) “Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012,” at

(14) “The Divine Mother on 12/12/12 and 21/12/12,” Dec. 11, 2012, at

(15) “The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might – Part 2/2,” June 19, 2013, at

For more on the Divine Plan for life, see Grandeur Beyond Grandeur: Toward a Cross-Cultural Spirituality Vol. 2: What is the Divine Plan? at