Marilyn Redmond: How the Council of Nicea Changed Truth into Canon | Steve Beckow

Council of Nicea, 325 AD

By Steve Beckow, July 29, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Marilyn Redmond: How the Council of Nicea Changed Truth into Canon – Part 1/2

Longtime reader, researcher and author Marilyn Redmond has published a study of the development of Christianity. She permits us to post Chapter 3 of it, in parts.

Marilyn and I may differ on some points; we welcome differing viewpoints.


The population has been deceived for the good of the rich and dominant powers for thousands of years. One of the most significant outcomes of the Council of Nicea was the Nicene Creed, which defined orthodox—or “correct”— Christian belief.

About 2,000 years ago, leaders of the church and state started making changes in historic records. Over time, some information was deleted and parts were rewritten including the Bible. They included fabricated stories and added their dogma. One such doctrine is the Nicene Creed.

This story behind the story of Christianity was changed. Now Christmas, the birthday of Mithera, was to be celebrated as the birthday of Jesus. Easter, the resurrection day, came from the savior-gods of the past. The Pagan Eucharist continued and became associated with Christ.

From Paganism, the Church copied its sacred writings, and because of its wealth, now the church had a foundation in gold and silver. Sunday, the Lord’s Day of the Mithraists, was reserved for worship, and all business was suspended. With the elimination of mediumship from the Church service, the sermon took the place of the clairvoyance and clairaudience of the trance address from a medium, who received the message of God in the Holy of Holies described in the Old Testament.

Christians borrowed from the Pagans’ pictures of Dionysus, as representing the true vine, and the phoenix rising out of its ashes. Images of Isis, with Horus in her arms, were labeled “The Virgin and Child,” while imagery of the Pagan gods were renamed and the name of Jesus Christ was inserted. Even today, in Rome there is an ancient statue of Jupiter, which is labeled “Saint Peter.”

The Nicene Creed inserted erroneous beliefs to distract the followers from having their focus on the true God within, by placing Jesus as the point of their worship and his saving them. (See Nicene Creed in the Appendices.) This outward focus changes the real meaning of God to a person to save the sinner. This distorted the accurate spotlight of only one God and there are no others as defined in the first of the Ten Commandments.

It also made Jesus the only son of God. Actually, we are all sons of God and have a soul that is a piece of God within us all. Jesus said, “But the Father abiding in me doeth the work.” (John 14:10) In this statement, he acknowledges the God within. In John 3:2 other phrases said this too. “This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, ‘Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.’”

That energy of love is in all of us and provides our needs. We are all created in the image of God’s love/light. The word Christ refers to being in a higher conscious of love as being a
grown-up person. There were quite a few “Christs” at large in Israel at any given time, and although Matthew mentions that Jesus of Nazareth was called Christ, Matthew 1:16 , he
was never the only one. (1)

Christ or Christos is not really a name but an appellative, or title. (2 Corinthians 5:177) We can all become Christed and be a “New creature” or a mature person by releasing the past harms and negative emotions and become a person based in unconditional love.

Christed is a designation. Jesus was Christed, which means he became a full-grown person, not wallowing in self-piety, selfishness, dishonesty, or a lack of self-love. In this state of mind, there is no jealousy, envy, shame, or judgment. He grew into maturity.

The religious explanation of the relationship of Jesus and the Father is not accurate. Jesus is not the only son of God. We all are created in the spirit of God’s love. No one is greater. This ploy has been continued for ages to benefit the control from religious doctrine. Placing Jesus in a position of being perfect and better than anyone continues the shame and guilt of the believer to be unworthy.

In addition, there is no sin from which to be saved. Therefore, there is no sinner. Making a mistake is a human trait that all of us have. A loving Father does not shame his children for learning from their mistakes. You are born in the image of the Father that is love. We are all divine children of the universe along with Jesus, our example and model, to return to this state as a loving being.

Jesus came to show humans the way to save themselves. Jesus did not die for his followers. Research and science now offer answers that Jesus did not die on the cross, but lived a
long life with his wife Mary Magdalene and their children.

He was a wayshower for people to release their negative ways and embrace the love within. “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” (Matthew 16:23).

Satan is an existing label for the Biblical term of thousands of years ago—meaning fear, guilt, shame and other negative emotions. The expression depicts lower vibrations now understood in science.

Since God is a label for the energy in the universe of a beneficent love that created us, it is not a person or three persons. The different frequencies come from the one Source of the universe. The different frequencies have been labeled by religion. The existence of a Creative Intelligence, a Spirit of the universe underlying the totality of things, brings a sense of power and direction when appropriate steps are taken for a conscious contact, which shows that we are One in that field, according to Quantum Physics.

Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, IBRT, ABH is a soul healer by profession, as well as a channel working with Archangel Michael daily in all her writing.

Her book can be purchased on Amazon at

Other books by her can be found at

(Concluded tomorrow, in Part 2.)


(1) Steve: Another contemporary Christ-like figure was Apollonius of Tyana. See Philostratus. The Life of Apollonius. trans. C.P. Jones. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.

By Steve Beckow, July 30, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Marilyn Redmond: How the Council of Nicea Changed Truth into Canon – Part 2/2

Longtime reader, researcher and author Marilyn Redmond has published a study of the development of Christianity. She permits us to post Chapter 3 of it, in parts.

Marilyn and I may differ on some points; we welcome differing viewpoints.


We are spiritual beings having a human experience. That people have the ability to create and employ the power of love—and express that love—is our inheritance. We are self-governing. Knowing this stops the ability of others to oppress us.

Therefore, the church, government, and the elite and rich want to keep this from the people by deceiving them of their own innate power as a human. When we pass over to the spiritual domain without our physical covering, we all are in the presence of our Maker. It is a transition into returning to our spiritual nature.

Since we are born in the image of our Father, which is love, to proclaim anything not loving is withholding truth. Withholding the information that everyone is a Christ in human form keeps people powerless to grow beyond their fear.

The path of the human is to release the human shortcomings of fear, guilt, resentments, and other faults to clear the channel to the true connection of being a child of God. The process for clearing this path is described in my book, Paradigm Busters.

When promoting guilt through preaching that someone died for our sins manifests a lower vibration subordinating our true inheritance as a child of God. In addition, words like sinner brought shame to the followers.

However, everyone is equal in the eyes of God and all are loved as His children. Humans make mistakes, but that does not make you a shamed or condemned person. We are to learn from our mistakes on our return home to our Creator. We are the Prodigal Son.

If we do not change our ways, there is no hell. That word also comes from dogma that is another way to create fear and control the followers. We are always right where we are supposed to be in life for the lessons that are only ours to resolve in loving resolutions.

Since we come back to rectify those things in our lives from the past until we are ready for our homecoming, we are on the path. This is called reincarnating.

When we realize how to transform the difficulty into a loving resolution, we move into a state of mind like that of Jesus. We become creators of our real life. We save ourselves from our ego-driven life referred to as Satan/devil in religion. The real message is that we can grow back into our true selves.

Knowing the truth will set you free. In A Course of Miracles, a book from Jesus, it says, “Nothing outside yourself can save you: nothing outside yourself can give you peace” (Workbook, page 118). This means we look within for our salvation as stated in the Bible, 2 Corinthians 12: “And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

Therefore, the Bible has the answers not usually preached. The Nicene Creed replaced this message to look to a savior; this means to look without to be saved. The truth is we save ourselves through finding the God within our hearts.

You can become Christed, too, with the spiritual growth into unconditional love as Jesus did. As stated in the King James Bible in John 14:12 Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

In addition, Jesus said that it was vain—empty and worthless—to worship God according to the ideas of men (Mark 7:7). When we release what is not true from what is, then we move into our hearts and claim our inheritance.

Therefore, religion through the Nicene Creed has changed the focus from growing in our inheritance as a worthy and good person created in the love of our Father. His new commandments in the New Testament state (Luke 10:27): “And he answered saying, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.’”

With this transformational experiencing that is returning to earth, the population will live in unconditional love for all, sharing that love within with others. The 1,000 years of peace is about to evolve as we move into this divine state of being.

Some of the Creed has great wisdom, as the statement that “The Father is maker of heaven and earth of all things visible and invisible.” Vibrations are able go beyond that of the human eye, but are renounced except for gravity, electricity, and the wind. It is possible to see angels and others passed over when attuned in a higher frequency or altered state as meditation.

They are higher energy frequencies beyond the normal range of the eye. Medicine does make the exception for x-rays. This verifies there are higher unseen forces. In addition, this has been proven through Quantum Physics. There is a range of vibrations that do not fall into the array of an individual’s typical vision. Therefore, science—when only viewing something they can measure—ignores these other higher realms of frequency that are real.

God’s love is a life-giving, benevolent, creative force. This love was demonstrated in Jesus Christ: “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.” (John 15:9, ESV). When we receive God’s love, we are enabled through that love to love others and ourselves.

The Nicene Creed has some truth and some distortions of that truth, which has been repeated for centuries into the minds of the followers. This brainwashing to look without for salvation allows the religion to have the answers and for the person not to look within their hearts. “God is love” (1 John 4:8) is the truth. We need to become aware of the fact that our inner essence, love, fills our being and is our inheritance to love others and ourselves.

Ancient records have come into awareness as the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices. Newly found scriptures are often denounced, as this would change the influence and power of the church.

With the records uncovered at the Dead Sea, similar documents found from the past, mediums sharing more openingly currently through books, readings, more people meditating, doing Yoga, and other spiritual practices—where genuine knowledge is revealed—the old ideas are more questioned and brought into the light of truth. We are witnessing today the collapse of the Rule of Law. You are a sovereign person.

What does the Nicene Creed accurately confirm? It was a very important meeting because those who attended decided on the dogma for the future church. The truthful part is that it states that God the Father is the creator of all things, that God as, the Holy Spirit gives life to all things, and the Holy Spirit inspires people, and shows them the will of God, which is love.

During the past many years, more groups of people are pulling the strings behind the scene. The power and control of hidden groups has been maintained by controlling what people are taught, read, see, and hear. This is explored in coming chapters.

Fortunately, intuition, hopes, optimism, inspiration, aspirations, and reactions are the ability of a person. Currently, many people now desire the light of truth. There is a present awakening transpiring on the planet. Higher vibrations of light on Earth from the Photon Belt are now revealing more light to dispel the darkness of deceit.

Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, IBRT, ABH is a soul healer by profession, as well as a channel working with Archangel Michael daily in all her writing.

Her book can be purchased on Amazon at

Other books by her can be found at
Marilyn Redmond: How the Council of Nicea Changed Truth into Canon | Steve Beckow Marilyn Redmond: How the Council of Nicea Changed Truth into Canon | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/31/2023 02:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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