Tuesday, July 18, 2023

It is this Spark of Light | Alcazar

It Is This Spark of Light

We wish to say to you that as more of your Superconscious self is embodied, experienced, embraced, as your humanness reaches and tastes states of consciousness that are beyond your ordinary operating mechanism, so much can simply fall away. And so, truly, Beloveds, this is a process of liberation. This is a process of tasting who you truly are, allowing the magnificence to guide you higher and higher. And the body simply follows. If you look into your eyes after a very strong experience of consciousness, of spirit, of elevation, you will see the spark that is there. It is this spark of light that guides all the cellular processes. It is a light communication system that actually coordinates all the other physical, electrical, unseen communication systems in the body.


Costa Rica, 2023 - Youthing in the Blue Zone

Day 1, Session 1