Tuesday, July 25, 2023

It is a Choice | Alcazar

It Is a Choice

Understand it well. When these [old] programs come up, you can either allow them to control you or you can say, “Ah, this thought and feeling of, ‘it is going to be over soon,’ that is an old program." [You can say,] “I see it. I choose again. I choose to follow the guidance that has been coming through from Spirit, the guidance that is saying, ‘No, I am going to continue my own personal evolution. I ride this wave of energy and support into my new reality.’”

Beloveds, it is always a choice. We remind you again and again. It is a choice. You can choose again. These unconscious or subconscious patterns continue to arise many times a day. You know this already. Sometimes you will be aware enough to catch them and choose again. Sometimes you will not notice and your energy will spiral down for a while until you go, "Oh. I choose again. I do not allow myself to stay in this lower negativity." Be gentle on yourselves. You have lived in these negative feelings, thoughts for lifetimes. You are doing exceedingly well. Honor yourself. Honor yourself for simply being in this moment. Open to the guidance, to the love that's coming to you.


Costa Rica, 2023 - Youthing in the Blue Zone

Day 5, Session 3