Friday, July 28, 2023

Getting Beyond the Struggle | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, July 27, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Over the years, I’ve heard many reasons given for the Reval’s hold-up.

Lightworker entitlement was one consideration.

Archangel Michael: The level of entitlement amongst many [lightworkers] is appalling and I say that very strongly and very clearly.

It is not because you are the chosen people. It is because there is a need and a soul agreement for the fulfilment of the Mother’s Plan, that when the spiritual re-evaluation of enough people, and the commitment to truly change, takes place, then the physical manifestation of those resources come forth. (1)

The dangers of the money being siphoned off to support dictators or buy sophisticated weapons is another:

AAM: As we have said in the past, we do not make funds available to create dictators or for buying weapons of mass destruction or war. … That would be an abomination of the Mother’s Plan. (2)

I only became aware of the Reval in 2013. By that time, things on the planet had changed dramatically in that we’d opted for a much broader Ascension, which would take more time.

The scope broadened to include billions of people who’d have almost no idea – or none at all – of what we were talking about. The effort became enormous. (3)

We talk about this, up to this point, as if things depended on this issue or that issue. They actually don’t.

Things depend on vibration. The Fifth Dimension and every other dimension exists within a certain frequency band. Residing there is a matter of vibration.

Similarly the dispersal of the Reval funds also depends on vibration, unless of course, as is the case, the economy is about to implode. The Arcturians tell us:

Arcturians: Just as New Earth is a frequency not a place, the dissemination of this money is a frequency, not a time.

And it gets closer because more beings are coming to that frequency. (4)

And closer and closer.

Vibration is impacted by realization. Realization comes about because of awakening. Let’s look at that process.


How do you awaken a planet of eight billion people?

What we’ve just seen over the last four years is one way you could do it. You turn upon themselves the schemes of the people who are trying to take over the world and mass murder its citizens. You speed up their timetable. You sequester their funds. You remove their leadership.

And then you run the scenario substituting white-hat body doubles, clones, and masked actors until a large enough percentage of the people awaken. That’s where we are.

The white hats have determined, allegedly by drawing on space technology, that only a “near-death experience” (NDE) will awaken the planet. And the situation these days seems to be heading, in a very controlled manner, in that direction.

In my opinion, we owe our lives and freedom to the white hats in the militaries of the world who are staging the departure of the deep state from positions of power, at risk of life and limb.

These events are awakening us (A) where few other scenarios I can think of could have and (B) faster than anything else I can think of.

Well, wait a minute. This is only one side of the coin. Here I go, riding two horses again.


This is the view from ground level. But simultaneous with this is the Mother sending waves of love to us through her angelic kingdom, through her galactic civilizations, to accomplish the rise of Nova Earth:

Divine Mother: Normally, [Light] would come from me to my realms, to the dominions, to the seraphim, to the archangels, etc., to the masters, to your guardians, and then to you. But that is why each of you is shining like a star with many facets. You are being bombarded by all of us. (5)

Sanat Kumara adds his explanation of the route the energy follows:

Sanat Kumara: Now, throughout the universe, we work with what you think of as creative chaos, to call in all the energy at our disposal. And this is what we have done, directly from the Mother/Father One, to the archangels, to the seraphim, to the angelic realm, to your star brothers and sisters, the entire Company of Heaven.

Everybody has been sending the higher vibrations, the higher frequencies to the planet and to each and every one of you. (6)

Michael reports that these waves of light are speeding things up:

AAM: The Mother’s gifts of hope and trust are seeping through. So think of it this way. You are being penetrated, saturated, literally, with the Mother’s gifts but meanwhile you’re also rising up. So the combination of all of this is actually speeding things up dramatically. (7)

The Federation of Light describes how this tsunami of love, to use Linda Dillon’s term, is calling us forth:

Federation of Light: Yes, we have spoken of much turmoil and the strength required to ‘rise above it.’ Yet, we have spoken also, of the Energy that is now flowing through in order to assist you in regaining the knowledge of that which you are.




The POWER that accompanies this KNOWING stirs the TRUE YOU … the YOU that is no longer distracted by falsehoods, to emerge. (8)

So the view from the heights, so to speak, is that waves of love are seeing us emerge as the powerful beings we are, capable of providing whatever it takes to see the rebirth of Light on Planet Earth.

That’s the view from the ground on how things are going to work and the view from the heavens, so to speak.


Because I know of the existence of a Divine Plan and know also the love which awaits us where we’re headed, I can look forward with anticipation to getting beyond the struggle, where many others without that reassurance might feel dread.

Clearly this part of the battle will see angst and some suffering. Keeping our vibrations as high as possible (I recommend, by breathing love up from our hearts and sending it out to the world), I’m convinced, will protect us from the worst of the upheaval, as will calling on our star family for protection.

I repeat the scenario I resonate to: Black Swan Event —> Emergency Broadcasts —> The Reval during EBS —> Ring of Fire/Wave of Love. (9) That’s how I’d arrange it.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 19, 2017. (Hereafter AAM.)

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) But, as we now see, the effort is well worth it once we realize (1) the true significance of our Ascension and (2) who is here.

On (1), see:Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension
Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 2: Mass, Physical Ascension into a 
Brand New Space

On (2), see:An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness

(4) The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Sue Lie, July 22, 2014.

Archangel Michael: Until such time as those that are entrusted with money, not just spiritual currency but money, until they are at a point in their spiritual evolution and growth that they can be entrusted with these funds and use them judiciously and wisely for the creation of Nova Earth and not for selfish gain, there would be no point in bestowing them upon anybody. So we have been waiting for this growth in human spirituality.

Steve: Right. Is it what the Arcturians call an increase in vibration?

AAM: Yes, you may call it that. It is of values. It is a heart anchoring. It is the desire not to be acquisitive, not to be selfish, not to acquire wealth for its own sake but to use it for the benefit of all.

And concomitant to that to also use it wisely for the benefit of self and there are so many that have not reached a place of self-worth that they were not ready.

Steve: Are they ready now?

AAM: They are getting there. Yes. (AAM, Sept. 21, 2015.)

(5) “The Divine Mother: The Role of Clarity,” Oct. 8, 2013, at

(6) “Sanat Kumara: Silence is Golden – Part 2/2,” Sept. 10, 2013, at

(7) AAM, Feb. 14, 2019.

(8) “The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, March 26, 2023, March 25, 2023, at

(9) Remember, at Xenia, I watched parts of Frazzeldrip and saw other hideous photographs? I was so depressed afterwards that it took a spiritual experience to jackhammer me out of it. (See An Ascension Ethnography at Search on “Xenia.”)

I predict that the Ring of Fire/Wave of Love will be the same kind of jackhammering experience that will free the planet from the gloom of the ten days of broadcast.

See:Ring of Fire, Wave of Love
The Event: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia