Sunday, July 23, 2023

Ego Falls Silent | Steve Beckow

No Mad Hatter here. In the room over there, maybe

By Steve Beckow, July 23, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Remember the Peter Principle? We tend to promote competent people to the level of their incompetence? (1)

For example, I’m a competent writer. If you therefore promoted me to President of the Writer’s Guild, where the skills are social, I’d be a flop. You’d have promoted me to the level of my incompetence.

Michael knows that and frees me from all administrative duties!

Archangel Michael: [Writing] is first and foremost — and you are doing a wondrous job. The least priority is involving yourself in administrative minutiae. It is not who you are. It is not why you are here. It is not even what you are good at.

Steve: [laugh] That’s true!

AAM: So you make the effort out of the kindness of your heart, but on the list of things to do, let [writing] always be the last thing that falls off. (2)

They hired a guy who likes writing – what a surprise! They didn’t hire a Mad Hatter to clink glasses. I am so relieved!

How great to have a boss (A) who can read your mind and (B) who wants you to do what you want to do anyways!

But that’s the way it is co-partnering with an archangel, which is just as open to you as it is to me. (Word from our sponsor.)

When was the last miracle Michael enacted in my life? Is it putting out fires? Is it how Paypal transfers, which are supposed to take 3-4 business days, with me are usually in my bank account the same day? Is it money appearing from nowhere at the exact time when I need it?

I just heard I myself say, I may as well turn my life over to Michael and the pre-arranged signal we have went off.

I’m walking around my new mental office, looking at the view, describing the layout. In the background, I’ve doubled the size of the private book I have on co-creative partnership and am now studying it intensively.

You remember what Michael said about blurting things out:

Archangel Michael: When you are in a different position, you will not share so much personal detail because, dearest heart, we have guaranteed that you are protected. Well, sometimes being protected means that you keep quiet.

Steve: Yes, yes, yes, I have to do my part. And it’s going to be a challenge, Lord, because sometimes I just want to blurt it out.

AAM: I know.

Steve: What can we do?

AAM: I will muffle you.

Steve: Okay, good! That’s what I need. (3)

I’m banking on it.

That means that, in this position, I won’t be able to be as transparent as I have been. I’m not fighting that. I know how the deep state works, as do you, and know the need for discernment and prudence.


I feel able to expand, where I didn’t feel that way before. Something is no longer playing and I feel much stronger free of it. I’m tempted to say “ego.”

If ego were in charge, it would happily say “Yes!” loving all attention, no matter. But all is silent. Yes, something has happened to ego in the recent past, since I realized what co-creative partnership really meant. (4)

There has been a drawing closer of my partner and I, or perhaps … and this word comes to mind; I’ve never used it before … an “infilling.” Thank you. That’s a very apt word. It describes how I feel – filled from within.

In everyday matters, I’m going to imagine my co-creative partner as being in the next cubicle. My favorite cubemate story is Don, who threw a banana peel over the divider of the Personnel Dept. where we were working and said, drily, “Steve, Peter Rabbit English.” I’m imagining I have a new cubemate, who is throwing rose petals over the divider and reminding me, “Steve, send out love.”

I feel more loving. My anger seems to be draining away, as well. I like what this experiment is producing.


(1) Peter, Laurence J. and Hull, Raymond. 1969. The Peter Principle. William Morrow & Co Inc. (Pan Books ed., 1970.)

(2) AAM, Feb. 7, 2013.

(3) “Archangel Michael on Dreaming Big,” Jan. 14, 2017, at

(4) On that event, see:“Co-Creative Partners with the Company of Heaven,” June 12, 2023, at
“What Was in the Envelope – Part 1/2,” June 15, 2023, at
“What Was in the Envelope – Part 2/2,” June 15, 2023, at