Thursday, July 27, 2023

Bent Twigs Incline Trees | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, July 26, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

When I look back on the differences between my father’s WWII generation and my own, their Depression and then their war experiences seem to have colored their demeanor.

Disciplined, cooperative, focused on a goal that everyone could get behind, they loved nothing more than to get together after work and cajole and reminisce.

They swaggered and lived in their stories. As far as they were concerned, what they achieved in the war was the pinnacle of their lives.

And it may very well have been.

And I don’t blame them. My Dad risked his life every day in the belly of a ship. No chance for survival if a torpedo hit.

What they knew about relationship they learned from the boys or from the services.

At night, I’d hear all the other boys on the block getting whacked by their sergeant-majors … uhhh, fathers. How could men who fought for liberty come home and enforce their will upon their children? That always escaped me.

They didn’t seem concerned with the Big Questions. They seemed just to want to live and enjoy life. The American Dream was born.


I’d have to leave it to someone else to describe some of the traits of my own generation, the boomers. Whatever I said about it would be heavily self-serving.

By the time historians turn to it, it won’t be necessary. We’ll have devices that will allow us to view historic events as they happened. (They already exist on the astral planes.) (1)

What did I learn from all that? I came out in favor of the underdog. I learned to respect free will. And I resolved that I was going to stop the intergenerational transfer of atrocious qualities (Michael calls them “learned lineage behaviours”) (2) in my family.

Emergence from plotting, manipulating, and enforcing was my aim growing up. Fortunately at the same time I was emerging, we had the growth movement. I was able to benefit from encounter groups, est Trainings, and enlightenment intensives to expedite that process.

It wasn’t until I saw the purpose of life, on Feb. 13, 1987, (3) and came to know what love is, on March 13, 2015, (4) that all the suffering in our lives began to make sense to me.

With the vision of the purpose of life, I now knew where all this was going, where it was not going, and what my task in relation to it was.

The purpose? We travel from God to God for a fateful meeting. When we realize ourselves, God meets God. And for that meeting was all of this made.

My job is to do what I just did: Write about it!

With the heart opening, I had a taste of what awaited us at journey’s end. Just a hint. I see a Walt Disney chef flashing the OK sign and saying, between two fingers, “A soupçon!”

I’ve said repeatedly that my life started at that moment. Think Scrooge on Christmas Day! I got it! I got it! THIS is what we’re all looking for! And all we want to do when we find it is share it.

When I look back and ask myself, why all the suffering? I recall the story of the owner of the Hard Rock Cafe, asking his guru why it was necessary for him to suffer so many deaths in his family. The guru answered, “To open your heart.”

OK, I get that too. And it did. Hopefully it opened it enough to turn me into a useful humanitarian philanthropist.


Whenever I feel that love, my qualms and complaints disappear in an instant. But I’m weeping now when I look back on all my fumbling efforts, angry behavior, disappointment, and insularity.

All because of my wrong choices when growing up in the war zone my early family was. Vasanas (core issues) – bent twigs incline trees…. (5)

When I finish forgiving the outside world for imagined wrongs, I’ll have much to forgive in myself.


(1) All the quotes that follow are available in New Maps of Heaven at

This is just one type of museum exhibit in the Higher Summerlands, Astral Planes:

“At length a blue mist began to fill the central space. Then a ray of light swept round the hall and rested on the globe which represented the earth. As it hovered about it the sphere appeared to absorb the ray and became luminous, and, after a time, the ray being withdrawn, we saw the earth globe was shining as if from within. Then another ray was sent on to it of a deeper and different kind and the globe slowly left the pedestal, or pivot, or whatever it rested on and began to float out from the wall.

“As it approached the centre of the space it entered the blue mist and immediately on contact began to enlarge until it became a great sphere glowing with its own light and floating in the blue space. It was exceedingly beautiful. Slowly, very slowly, it revolved on its own axis, evidently in the same way the earth does and we were able to see the oceans and continents. These were flat patterns, like those on the terrestrial globes used on earth. But as it revolved they began to assume a different aspect.

“The mountains and hills began to stand out and the waters to sway and ripple: and presently we saw minute models of the cities, and even details of the buildings. And still more detailed grew the model of the earth till we could see the people themselves, first the crowds and then the individuals. This will be hard for you to understand, that on a globe of some perhaps eighty to a hundred feet in diameter we are able to see individual men and animals. But that is part of the science of this institution – the enabling of these details being seen individually.

“Still more distinct grew these wonderful scenes, and, as the globe revolved, we saw men hurrying about the cities and working in the fields. We saw the wide spaces of prairie and desert and forest and the animals roaming in them. And as the globe slowly circled we saw the oceans and the seas, some placid and the others tossing and roaring, and here and there a ship. And all the life of earth passed before our eyes….

“Soon the scenes began to change on the revolving sphere and we were taken back thousands of years of the life of the earth and the generations of men and animals and plant life which had been from the present to the ages when men were just emerging from the forest to settle in colonies on the plains. … When we had satisfied our eyes for a while, the globe gradually became smaller and smaller and floated back to the niche in the wall and then the light faded out from it and it looked like an alabaster carving, just as we had seen it at first, set there as an ornament.” (The mother of G. Vale Owen quoted in Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, Many Mansions. (London, etc.: Rider and Co., n.d. , 57-9.)

In the libraries are books by famous people, in which they correct earthly accounts and say what really happened. Monsignor Hugh Benson tells us that:

“The histories of nations and events [are there], with the facts set down in strict accordance with the absolute truth written by men who now find that equivocation is impossible.” (Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, Life in the World Unseen. M.A.P., 1993, 118.)

“The reader would be able to gain, for the first time, the truth about the history of his country. Every word contained in these books was the literal truth, Concealment is impossible, because nothing but truth can enter these realms.” (Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, ibid., 47.)

Their books are not like ours; theirs “come alive,” Monsignor Benson explains.

“The books thus produced are not dead things that require a concentration of the whole mind upon them. They live just as much as the paintings we saw were living. To pick up a book and begin reading it meant also to perceive with the mind, in a way not possible on earth, the whole story as it was being told, whether it be history or science, or the arts. The book, once taken in hand by the reader, instantly responds, in very much the same way as the flowers respond when one approaches close to them. The purpose is different of course.” (Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, ibid., 49-50.)

Rev. Mattson tells us:

“The time comes when you no longer want to go around in a regular library and get information in this way. Your own thinking and your own progress give you a desire to get information a quicker way. We can then go to memory-bank reference libraries, which contain records of everything that has ever happened.” (Ruth Mattson Taylor, ed., Witness from Beyond. New Cosmic Concepts on Death and Survival from the Late A.D. Mattson, S.T.D., through the Clairvoyant Margaret Flavell Tweddell. Portland, ME: Foreword Books, 1975, 86.)

(2) The whole quotation is noteworthy:

AAM: You fall into reactive, shall we say, learned lineage behaviours.

But even underneath that is that what you are truly afraid of is a deeper level of intimacy, a deeper level of exposure of your sacred self, of your heart, of your feelings.

So there is some fear and there is some defensiveness, self defence enough in this reactivity. So what you have done is you have allowed some old patterns, learned from your parents, to come to distract you from these fears.

And so what you do is you bring your attention to, “Oh, I don’t want to behave that way!” And you bring your attention to resolving that issue rather than looking at the underlying one which is truly the fear of greater intimacy and in that greater intimacy, the greater knowing and connection to your heart, to your being, to your purpose and to who you are.
 (AAM, March 28, 2018.)

(3) See 
“The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at

(4) See “Submerged in Love,” March 14, 2015, in An Ascension Ethnography at, and after.

(5) On the journey out from under our vasanas, see Vasanas: Preparing For Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at