Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Alignment | Nicky Hamid

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Nicky Hamid

You don’t align to words, to another person, a thing, an event or anything else.

You Align to Feeling. What you feel.

So in any given moment, no matter what is in front of you to deal with, Choose first, to align to the “highest” feeling you possibly can.

And what is that feeling.

It is the one that makes you feel the happiest, the most joyful, peaceful, and most Present.

The place where you most feel the Observer/Feeler that you are.

The place closest to Love that you can possibly be in that moment.

You climb to “higher ground” (Heart Knowing).

You are Source energy. And part of that is here with you in your physical body. And the strongest signal you are is that of Pure Love.

When you can choose to focus on this first wherever you are you will find all that you are looking for ….CONTENTMENT and WELLBEING.

The Human world is chocked full of Distractions. We are all attracted to whatever in our world makes the loudest noise. We get drawn into it.

But if you can build a dynamic in your life whereby you stop (even for a minute) to first Choose your “highest ground”, then you will be the Master over the “Noise” rather than victim to it.

Could this be the Key to your enlightenment. The Key to Sovereignty and Freedom, Beautiful HUman.

Build active daily, then hourly, then moment to moment (event to event) a dynamic of this Choice, and experience the Miracles of transformation that you will have co-created.

I So Love You