A Sirius Look at "Lion's Gate," the Egyptians, and Why New-Agers Always Seem to Miss the Point | Parisse Deza

A Sirius Look At "Lion's Gate," The Egyptians, and Why New-Agers Always Seem To Miss The Point

Parisse Deza

As this new-age holiday is upon us again, I have decided to republish this article from last year, slightly edited. In it, I use the term 'new-agers' quite disparagingly. To clarify, the term 'new-ager' has two very distinct meanings. It can refer to the cult of new-agers (those so beloved by modern 'Christians'). These new-agers have a rather trippy, ungrounded spirituality and are very emotionally self-indulgent. The other meaning of 'new-ager' refers to every one of us who is living on the Earth at this time now, because this is a new age, one created to replace the old age and paradigm that is falling apart. The new spiritual energies do not support its corrupt ways. So, by virtue of that fact, all of us are new-agers, including all the 'Christians'.

To read this article on our website, The Best Is Yet To Come, go to: https://www.bestisyet.net/11-a-sirius-look

The purpose of this article is to clarify the actual astrological event that new-agers have arbitrarily termed "Lion's Gate/8:8" so it is finally understood and can be used beneficially. To accomplish this, I repeatedly contrast functional and dysfunctional approaches. If I seem a bit too 'serious,' understand that what I point out with regard to this one event is much too universal in the behavior of new-agers still at this late date.

A Sirius Look At "Lion's Gate”

In 1992 a new-age teacher named Solara announced to the world that she had been "told" that on November 11 there would be a special influx of galactic energy reaching the planet that would produce powerful changes in human consciousness:

We hereby announce the next major planetary activation to take place on January 11, 1992. This is the Opening of the Doorway of the 11:11, said the voice. http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/gate1111.html

Many people enthusiastically accepted this pompous pronouncement, gathered for this never-before-heard-of-and-frankly-hard-to-prove event and, basically, had a new-age party. Many have been partying religiously on this date ever since. Somehow, 11:11-ers still haven't put it together that galactic forces do not follow the Gregorian calendar.

While it's great for groups to gather to raise energy and consciousness, many do it under the guise that something "galactic" or astrological is occurring, when nothing is actually going on except in their imaginations. Pulling the cosmic wool over our eyes and going into a pretend state does not draw merit from the stars. Only sober, consciously reflected upon, universally-supported action really does anything for our field. When we go into fantasy we actually create a split in our psyches. We lose a lot of power through these distractions. We end up blowing off the very steam we could be using to push the human evolutionary train farther forward. This is NOT how ancient peoples worked. This is NOT how enlightenment is cultivated.

You may ask, How do you know the "11:11" is a phony?

I knew immediately, because in 1992, when I first heard it was coming up, I tuned into the concept to energetically feel what was going on, and nothing was going on. It was an empty idea with no tangible lifeforce. The feeling was quite similar to the one I had a few years later when folks started talking about "Y2K", when civilization was supposed to fall apart because we were turning from the 1900s to the 2000s. It was an empty idea without substance. Energy-less. Unreal.

The "11:11" invention was the progenitor of quite a number of pseudo-holidays, such as the "12:12"s, "1:1"s, and the second-most popular of all, "8:8/Lion's Gate". This one is of particular interest to me, because it is based on something the ancient Egyptians really did celebrate, but somehow new-agers have managed to distort the original event into something the Egyptians never had nor ever called it. The name "Lion's Gate" sounds formidable, but serves only to distract from what is really going on. Sirius was not "The Lion Star" to the Egyptians - it was "The Dog Star".

And this is why I have taken the time to write this clarification: these habitual, calendrically-determined new-age holidays are enjoyed immensely by dark forces who love to provide distractions so we miss the mark. That way, they stay in control of the actual stellar power. While we're busy chanting "Lion's Gate - Eight-Eight!", we're missing the actual timing of the energy doorway through which we could do some good.

I read articles by these celebrants of the "8:8" feast-day who try to correlate it to something Sirius did that the Egyptians liked. They even write about the Nile flooding and Sirius somehow being connected with that. But they don't do the research to see what really happens or that it is not a fixed date every year when it does. (Yes, you read that right.) Here is a good example of their very confused thinking and its extrapolations:

"Welcome to the August 2020 Lions Gate Portal Energy + Ascension Update! The Lions Gate Portal opened on July 21st as we entered Leo season, right after the New Moon in Cancer and closes on August 12th. Every year the epicenter of the Lion’s Gate Portal is on 8/8, this year it falls on a Saturday. On this date (every year) there is unique astrological alignment of the Sirius Star System with Orion's belt, the Great Central Sun, Our Solar Systems’ Sun, Earth and the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Ancient Egyptians were deeply connected to the Ascended Star System & Civilization of Sirius. The Great Pyramids were all built on powerful Earth energy vortexes to be conduits and portals of energy connecting Earth and the key Star Systems, they were literal Stargates."


There is a lot of made-up stuff in that statement. But for us, the relevant questions are:

Where did anyone get the idea that a special portal suddenly opens when the Sun goes into Leo and that it's called "Lion's Gate"?

Or that it always has an "epicenter" on our August 8th?

And what is this "unique astrological alignment of the Sirius Star System with Orion's belt, the Great Central Sun, Our Solar System's Sun, Earth and the Great Pyramid of Giza"?

Are you baffled? So am I.

Sirius and Orion's Belt are fixed stars and are always in the same relationship to each other, and there is no special alignment between the Great Pyramid and them (Robert Bauval's incorrect hypothesis not withstanding - the pyramids do not align perfectly with the stars of Orion's belt) and the Earth or their Aunt Tillie and her dog. Wait. Maybe the dog! Sirius was called the Dog Star by the Egyptians! That must be it! We should rename this holiday "Dog's Gate"!

New-agers force the made-up term "Lion's Gate" onto Egyptian mythology, and conflate the sign Leo into it to make up an imaginary mythology to play in. What an illusion! And how completely unproductive. If you want to get to L.A. and you pretend you are in Brooklyn when you are really in Detroit you will get lost. Fantasizing is pretending, and it's based on illusions. Imagining is creative, and it's based on reality.

Above: Ancient Egypt's version of the holy trinity associated with Sirius: an obelisk representing the masculine energy, Osiris, a half circle representing the feminine energy, Isis, and the five-pointed star representing their child, Horus.

What The Egyptians Actually Did

The Egyptians celebrated a Sirius season, from our July 3rd to August 12th, when the Nile flooded the surrounding plains, giving life to the fertile soil, and the heliacal rising of Sirius, which took place at the end of the season was the climax.

"Heliacal" is formed from the Greek name "Helios," meaning the Sun. The day on which a star or planet rises exactly with the Sun is a conjunction, but as we cannot see that star or planet because the Sun's light is too bright, we must wait for it to rise ahead of the Sun before we can see it. The day it becomes visible is the day of its heliacal rising, and that is what we are celebrating. For the Egyptians, this was the start of the new year.

This is the event our new-agers would like to pin down to August 8th every year. The date, in fact, is constantly in motion because the stars and planets are constantly in motion.

According to astronomer Jeffrey L. Hunt, to whom I wrote about this:

"From my latitude 41.7N, the sun and Sirius rose at about the same time (within a minute) on August 3 this year, according to U.S. Naval Observatory data. At 1350 B.C., just before the time of King Tut, the heliacal rising date at Giza was approximately July 19, from a quick look at the computer program Starry Night. Remember that we have had corrections to the calendar; so before 1582, the dates do not match the equivalent dates with today’s sun’s position."

Read his article: "2020, August 15-16: Helical Rising of Sirius".


This means:

1. For the Egyptians of 1350 B.C., Sirius had its heliacal rising on about July 19th.

2. Sirius now, 2020, conjuncted the Sun August 3rd, and reaches its heliacal rising on August 15 or 16th, depending on where one is.

Nothing happens on the fixed date of 8/8. Period. Fixed dates do not reflect the actual state of the Universe. Everything is always in motion. And if you do your ceremony on 8/8, despite what the Universe is actually doing, you will end up with little more than superficial excitement for your efforts.

To clarify: If we do not act in sync with the Universe, there is little real power for change.

The solution, then, is to time your Sirius ritual with what is really going on in the Universe or you will miss the energy Sirius bathes us in when it clears the Sun so we can see it.

The entire Sirius season is so important....

...that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th to coincide with the beginning of it. The Masons, who were instrumental in designing the US before that society was corrupted, were Sirius lovers. Even if one is not a Mason, one can appreciate the spiritual impact of this, as it is now known scientifically that the natural pulse given out by the human brain literally syncs with the pulse coming from the human heart, which syncs with the pulse coming from the Earth, which syncs with the pulse coming from the Sun, which syncs with the pulse coming from Sirius. What happens beyond that, we don't know yet.

We are intimately involved with whatever Sirius is doing in the Universe. This makes it all the more important that you time your ceremony or meditation with the actual heliacal rising and sync your heart-mind with Sirius' and the Beyond.

The star Sirius

Now back to the new-agers, and how they can get the point...

Most new-agers want to ascend (to Heaven), without first descending (to Earth). They don't have their feet on the ground, so they never actually get off it. Try jumping up, without first pushing down. Trees grow up because they first root down.

If one sets out to do a full moon ceremony, it should, of necessity, be done on the full moon. This is simply rational and functional - to resonate with the power of the full moon you wait for it, time your work with its cycle, not too soon and not too late. What good would it do to pretend the full moon is three days before or after it actually happens?

Don't be one of those who insist that if they get together on a fixed date that has cool double numbers, for which they have made up a dramatic, completely unrelated name, that they are somehow acting in harmony with the ancient Egyptians of several thousand years ago (who celebrated the heliacal rising of Sirius when it was actually happening), and that this absurd act is somehow going to raise human consciousness (meaning our level of spiritual maturity) and bring humanity into an age of enlightenment.

You can't get there from here.

An image of Sopdet - Egypt's name for Sirius

Concluding Advice

The true spiritual path is through emptiness of attachment and agenda, not emptiness of awareness. Take the time to align with celestial events that are actually happening and you will make a positive difference in human consciousness. (Practice having consciousness to increase consciousness.) The ancient Egyptians were probably the most famous people in history for being EXTREMELY precise about their timing, their rituals, their art forms, their architecture. No people were more aligned to the Earth and Heaven with precision than the Egyptians. And no one has yet to create a more beautiful civilization because of that.

Learn to know the difference between creative spontaneity coming from divine alignment and wildly blowing off steam in emotional orgasm because you are excited about an idea. In the end, there is no freedom without discipline, so, please, no more new-age Kool-Aid.

The Chinese have an old saying: "It is like a finger pointing to the Moon. If you concentrate on the finger, you miss all that heavenly glory!

Don't be distracted. Concentrate on Sirius' actual heliacal rising: August 15-16, and the Egyptians will be proud of you.

Further Study

For my article on why the greatly misunderstood 2012 phenomenon falls into the same category as the "8:8", and that in focusing on it one misses the blessings that come from realizing the enormity of the actual transit that's been taking place, read:

The Aquarian Age And A New 'Great Year' Began In 1998 https://www.bestisyet.net/new-great-year

Since 1962, the Earth and humanity have been in a massive 72 year transit thru the one degree of space which aligns our Sun at winter solstice with the ecliptic (the ring of our solar system) where it forms a cross with the Milky Way (the galactic edge) at the center of our galaxy, in the 'Dark Rift', a spooky, mystical, black area, potent with new stars.

This transit, which so many new-agers have insisted took place exactly and only on December 21, 2012, did in fact start in 1962 and will end in 2034. Its mid-point was May 17, 1998, making the year 2012 just one of the seventy-two times our Sun has transited the center of the galaxy, and, of itself, a total nothing burger.

Parisse Deza is new age Renaissance man and visionary with 50 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, visual artist, writer, Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept, and ordained minister in the Universal Life Church. He currently lives in Sedona, Arizona. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.

He is the co-creator and curator of The Best Is Yet To Come educational website for the new paradigm.

Go here for all his articles: https://www.bestisyet.net/resources

A Sirius Look at "Lion's Gate," the Egyptians, and Why New-Agers Always Seem to Miss the Point | Parisse Deza A Sirius Look at "Lion's Gate," the Egyptians, and Why New-Agers Always Seem to Miss the Point | Parisse Deza Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/25/2023 09:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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