Thursday, June 29, 2023

Karma is Not What we Think | Julieanne

Karma Is Not What We Think

Alcazar has said that karma is actually not what we tend to think of it as. It's not something that we've done bad, that we're being judged for. And sometimes from a oneness perspective, it's something that's like a course correction that your soul is wanting to learn about the other side of what you did to someone else. But oftentimes, it's actually just our own undigested emotional issues because we are so okay with feeling our good feelings, but the difficult ones, we push away at all costs. So if you can recognize it, Alcazar says that it's the digestion of our own experiences that frees us on a karmic, lifetime to lifetime soul level. We're here to learn.


Bridge to the Divine

June 2023

Day 1, Session 1