The Great Collapse | Judith Kusel

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Judith Kusel

We are certainly in the great collapse here in my country, as we are being pushed to extremes of load shedding, meaning four hours with electrical power, and then four hours without. Yesterday the whole day without power. It is pushing everyone to the limit – in all areas of life itself.

It is an irony that my country, which is so rich in natural resources, and with such open-hearted people, has this energy crises because of mismanagement and all the rest which I will not go into here.

I have been told since seven years ago, that there would be a great collapse, and we are certainly in the middle of it. And it will spread worldwide and on many levels, in the Old Earth.

In the midst of all of this, the humane-ness rises, were people are truly helping each other in many ways. Hearts are opening as we are helping each other, after all we are all in this together.

The never-say-die attitude of South Africans is coming to the fore, and with it resilience, as we are being forced now to find alternative solutions. Add to this innovative solutions, after all: “‘n Boer maak ‘n plan!” (A farmer always creates a contingency plan.)

Yes, when the going gets tough, the tough get going, but with it the ever open heart. When the going gets tough, South African joke about it, and more than this, they sing, they dance.

Yet, here lies a the great blessing of the Rainbow nation, that the heart of Africa is pure. In the midst of chaos, the spirit of Ubuntu rises, and with it flow the blessings of this time.

We are mastering the fine art of being flowing, and not rigid. We may moan and groan, with our eyes rolling and creating jokes to keep us from crying, knowing that as long as we can see the funny of life, we shall overcome! And in the process our hearts open and we help those around us, who have so much less than we have.

Yet more than this, I am learning everyday, to simply rise above it all. This too shall pass….

I am learning to every morning just know that I am here on this planet first and foremost to lovingly serve and whatever is playing out in and around me – is but trying to distract me. I shall and will serve until the day I leave this planet for good.

More than this, I am finding joy in sunshine, in the birds singing, in the incredible natural beauty all around me, in the smiles of people, in flowers and rain, (after all rain is a blessing in Africa), the little things, which bring me joy. I seek to find beauty and love everywhere. And I make time to just be grateful for what I do have, and what I can do and be.

Yes, life may be chaotic.

Yes, I and we are being pushed right out of our comfort zones and more and more into the great unknown. But that is good! We are being innovative and are finding solutions. We always have. And we always will because Africa is not for the faint-hearted, it is for brave!

More than this, for smiling faces, and feet that dance, and music which stirs the soul. When my fellow country men and women start singing, their souls speak, as much as their drums, while their feet dance to the ancient rhythms of Mama Africa.

I have always been told that the New Earth is rising from Mama Africa, and she is!

And I am filled with so much gratitude: – for just to be alive and well and on planet earth at this time, and now continually rising into the New Earth and new life and new beginnings, I look at the collapse, and rejoice!

Yes, it all has to collapse, disintegrate at the seams, and not only here but everywhere. I have been shown, and I know.

Yet, remember that out of ashes the Phoenix rises.

New life sprouts from the very seed which allowed itself to die.

And the New Earth is rising from the hearts and soul and depths of all existence, in all forms of life, and so is the New Golden Age.

I am grateful.

God Bless Africa, and her children and children’s children.
The Great Collapse | Judith Kusel The Great Collapse | Judith Kusel Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/12/2023 03:53:00 AM Rating: 5

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