Saturday, May 13, 2023

The End of the Beginning | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, May 13, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

We know we come from Mother/Father God through passages like this from Jesus:

“I came forth from the Father, and am come out into the world: again, I leave the world and go to the Father.” (1)

I’ve told you about the vision I was given in 1987 that showed me our journey from God to God. (2)

But we know very little about what happens after we re-unite with Mother/Father God. Is that the end of the story?

Classical enlightenment theory holds that it is. We re-unite and that’s the end. Or it doesn’t comment at all.

But we’ve had access to the Divine Mother herself and her archangels and they have commented.

Let’s look at what they say about our ultimate meeting and future.

Let’s start with Archangel Michael. Here he suggests – much to my surprise – that we could “go Home” after leaving the twelve dimensions:

Steve: What happens after the 12th dimension? Where do humans go? Do they collapse into sheer energy or…

Archangel Michael Yes, they come into sheer energy and return Home. When we say return Home, now some of them upon the way say, “Wait a minute, I would rather be over here.” And of course, that is absolutely acceptable.

Steve: So there is no going into angels, going into archangels, going into this realm… There’s none of that. They go from the 12th dimension Home?

AAM: Yes.

Steve: That just turns our contemporary thinking on its head!

AAM: Oh, you haven’t heard anything yet! We will talk about the evolutionary ladders (as you tend to think of them) and the various choices that are available in terms of that evolutionary ladder.

Steve: Oh please! We’ve got it all wrong down here! Help! Help! Message in a bottle!

AAM: I will send it parcel post and express mail! (3)

In early 2012, he told us that we return but don’t stay. Rather, we re-emerge a brilliant spark of pure light:

Archangel Michael: When you go home – and you can reunite in the Heart of One – do not think that you go off on another tangent or another journey simply because you feel like it or because you are earning your way back on that linear path. You go back out into the universe as a brilliant spark of pure light!

So you come, you return, you gain not only understanding, wisdom, knowledge – what you can think of as spiritual regeneration – and then, in concert with many, including your guides and guardian angels and, many times, whoever you are going to be working with – for example, myself or Archangel Raphael – you emerge again. (4)

The first time I’m aware of the Mother mentioning that we re-emerge was the next year, 2013:

Steve Beckow: Now, Mother, you have just referred to you bringing them back. You’ve just referred to mergence have you not, or union? And you’re saying that after they return in union, they go back out into the world. Is that correct?

Divine Mother: Yes. If they so choose, yes. Now, is it in the timeline that human beings tend to think of? No. But eventually there is re-emergence. (5) [My emphasis.]

In 2014 she mentioned it again:

Divine Mother: Now, in this journey — for some of you it is millennia, for some of you it is eons; it matters not — there is a drive and an understanding, an intellectual and spiritual understanding that your drive is to make the U-turn and to come back Home, (6) to return Home to the Heart of One where you are so welcome until such time as you choose to emanate again. (7) [My emphasis.]

In 2015:

Divine Mother: As this transition is completed, including the shift in your structures, then you will continue on.

This is the beginning, not the end. Each of you is infinite and eternal. (8) [My emphasis.]

If I understand the newer picture, we are created, and, following that, we exist eternally from that moment on.

That’s my understanding until the next revelation carries it farther down the road.

Meanwhile, back to the present.

In regards to our Ascension, someone is reminding me of Churchill: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

The Third Dimension was the beginning of self-consciousness and our Ascension will be the end of the beginning.


(1) Jesus in John 16:28.

(2) My interest in “the end” stems from a vision I had in 1987. See “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.

(4) Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, March 26, 2012, at

He continued:

Archangel Michael: But let us suggest to you that, on this journey of what you are thinking of as linear, you have emerged bigger, brighter, clearer, more connected. And that is why you spend your life, very often, in the knowing of certain things, of certain truths. That is why you teach, communicate, heal others, because you have this knowing already within your sphere.

So it is not that you are still trying to go along your path to earn the right to go home. It is much more fluid. (Loc. cit.)

(5) “The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might, Part 1/2,” June 17, 2013, at

(6) Due to the action of the longing for liberation. See Longing for Liberation at

(7) “Divine Mother: My Desire is that Every Being on the Planet Falls in Love,” October 3, 2014, at

(8) “The Divine Mother on the Divine Plan,” reported Nov. 11, 2015, at