Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Quiet | The Creator via Jennifer Farley


MAY 23, 2023

(The Creator Writings)

Very quiet, is it not? In this moment, there seems to be a collective holding of the breath. Energetically, you may feel you are walking through a small town at 3 a.m. Everything is closed, nothing is moving, and you feel, well, almost bored.

Dearest one, you were given this rest period because, in the next few days and weeks, the quiet will be replaced with a huge burst of energy and learning. Rather than viewing it as something to be slogged through, think of it as a recess with grounding and self-care as the order of the day. When you move into the dizzying pace that will arrive shortly, you will be thankful for down-time you have now. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner