Thursday, May 25, 2023
Loving Self is Critical Now | Alcazar
Loving Self Is Critical Now
It is so important for you to love self, more than anything or anyone. It is of grand import for you to love self. For if you do not love yourself, the evolution that you are wishing for cannot happen. Loving self is critical now. It is so important to love yourself more deeply than you have in the past. Can you open just a little more this beautiful heart of yours? Just visualize the physical heart expanding a little. Because remember, your cells are listening. Your cells are feeling your thoughts. So, if you visualize your physical heart expanding a little, the cells in your heart get that message. And if you have a strong intention, you are not just saying the words, but you really wish for your heart to expand, it will.
Realign to a Higher Reality
New Year's 2023