Saturday, May 13, 2023

It is Time for Deep Friendship | Alcazar

It Is Time for Deep Friendship

It is time for a deeper friendship, an expansion of that which we are choosing to share with you. We are inviting you to bring more of the world into this Stargate family. It is vitally important at these times. We have said over the last months much change is about to occur. We have said that there is going to be yet another acceleration. And this acceleration is going to move you along your path. And if you are wanting and expressing your life in love and joy and the desire to awaken, you will be supported with this. And those who are still stuck in negativity, anger, frustration, their energies will also be amplified in that direction. This might seem rather harsh, but from the greater perspective, when people are moving deep into those difficult experiences, that negativity, there is a chance, an opportunity for them to say, "Enough of this. I do not want to live like this." And as soon as they come to that understanding, their energy starts to change. They start to refocus. And so even those who are being driven, accelerated into the lower frequencies have an opportunity to change through that process.


Stargate Circles Livestream

April 30, 2023