(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
Our Natural state of being is love. We are love.
We come from love and we will return to love. We are here to remember and integrate that higher vibration, the frequency of love.
With love we feel joy and happiness. We can feel swept away in the bliss, the euphoria, the flood of emotion that cannot be contained so it pours out of us in song, laughter and even tears.
Our bodies, as form, need to learn how to hold and maintain that frequency. The density of our bodies have difficulty stabilizing this frequency therefore our batteries, if you will, run low and need to be recharged. Low frequency draws on our batteries and drains our reserves.
Some days the drain takes us so low we wonder how we will ever recharge.
When we are in that low reserve we are even more vulnerable to low frequency energy vampires.
There are many indicators that our batteries are running low.
We feel bad. We get snarky, grumpy, or sad. Our energy level wanes and we don’t want to do our normal routines.
We haven’t the desire to be creative, make dinner, paint a picture or plant our garden. We sit in front of a tv program and veg.
This allows even more low frequencies to take hold and the way out becomes increasingly more difficult.
Negative thought patterns rise and are now running the program.
This does not make us bad people. This makes us vulnerable.
All we really need to do is remember this is not who we are.
More than ever we are shining bright.
We are remembering who we are and that we are love.
But we are also human and maintaining that level of frequency takes practice and upgrades.
This will take time.
Because we forget our natural state of being is love, we welcome any outside help to recharge our battery.
That charge can come from a song, music or laughter from a child.
It can be an element of nature like a tree swaying in the breeze or a flower bud ready to open.
It can be a hug from a friend or a smile from a stranger.
The low frequencies that thrive in low density are experiencing a supply chain problem.
There are fewer and fewer sources to sustain them so they are seeking for a foothold wherever it becomes available.
They show up as negative thought forms.
I have been noticing lately how negative thoughts interrupt my day.
I had a long day and I am tired. Now I am grumpy.
Nothing about my situation merited the negative thought.
Quite the opposite actually. I should be feeling accomplished, satisfaction. Gratitude.
However it happens, my battery gets low and my vulnerability attracts attention.
The thing is I remember love. Immersed in nature daily, I know love is surrounding me.
The negative thought is the thing that doesn’t fit in. It actually stands out like a sore thumb.
When I pay attention I notice the negative words and the low frequency thoughts.
I single them out and firmly identify them. ‘This thought is not of love. ‘
So I surround it with thoughts that I do want.
I call this a Thought bath.
I give myself love and hugs in thought form.
I bolster my being with praise and assurance.
I send my cells waves and waves of love and gratitude.
I remind myself that I am, we are, the Christed light of love that beams from within, straight from Divine source.
I shine bright from within and spin it throughout my body as a jacuzzi of healing vibration.
I shower in the violet flame, wrap myself in a towel of golden light and moisturize with the silver white light that permeates through my skin and back into every cell.
I wash away the negative energy and recharge the cells of my battery.
My feet are grounded.
My connection to source back on trickle charge, I am ready to go again.
Each thought bath connects to love and helps sustain my higher vibrational flow.
Be mindful, set up protection, give yourself love
The negative thought forms are like flying monkeys right now.
As we all know, they don’t like baths.
Much love to all
Thought Bath or Recharging your Battery | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/11/2023 03:08:00 AM