(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
And the so called “fall” of Humanity happened very simply through “vanity.
Humans thought they could do it all without God, without Divinity, without their very own Essence. We each took and have taken the whole idea/reality that we could do it through the “Mind”, and through controlling life, and we forgot the Heart, we forgot that creating is an endless unfolding of our dreams. That it is miraculous, and magical.
The Atlantean peoples had it all and learned to create anything in form. They knew health, wealth and happiness but they eventually thought that they could do it without their Godhead. The grand separation. And it destroyed them all.
Now we are undoing it, retracing the fall in reverse, moving back to the One first, and rediscovering that health, wealth and happiness, and creative genius must follow.
It Just IS.
Don’t try to grab anything. If you are creating it will arrive in Divine timing and the manifestation that you are a part of. If you need to cultivate one thing for this all to happen then let it be Loving, Joyful Patience.
Shine On
I So Love You
PS And maybe your reluctance of declaring fully your own Magnificence is an ancient fear of your own vanity. Vanity is your ultimate shadow which you now know and can Love the knowing of.
And there is no need to keep looking back at your “fall”, seeking “forgiveness” and forgiving all the players in the act of your fall.
Why? Because you have never been condemned.
Love, the Love That You ARE, the Love of Source condemns NOTHING. It is like condemning energy (Absolute Nonsense). That is the core fear planted within you that the darkness you have experienced was somehow your fault when even Darkness Just IS. Just part of the echoing of LIGHT/DARK in the duality reality of Freewill experience, the Point of Choice.
So until you claim who you truly are before all Creation, the Light and the truth and your fullness of Presence waits within you.
If you know the difference between vanity and the truth of You as the Holy of Holy then step boldly Beloveds.
Allow your High Self to enter your body, to take sovereignty and be fully immersed
The Fall | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/04/2023 09:44:00 PM