Motivation | Heavenletters
APR 29 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
“Beyond” is a key word for you today. You are called to go beyond wherever you have been before. You are called to go beyond everything. To date, you have not gone far enough. What I mean is you have not believed enough in Me or yourself or goodness and mercy, and so you have believed in fear and other lesser things. It is disproportionate the attention you have given to lesser things. You have been chased by shadows, and you keep looking behind you, as though you want to see them reappear.
Better to look straight toward where you are going. Face front. We are talking about firsthand motivation rather than shadow motivation. If your motivation is to be safe, you will constantly look over your shoulder. If your motivation is to go forward, you will go forward. In any case, you are racing to Me and to truth and to your destiny. The past is not your destiny. I am your destiny. Look in front of you. Look where you are going.
External motivation is not enough. Motivation for results is not enough. Motivation has to be deeper than that, and satisfaction comes from deeper than that.
Appearances are not good enough for you anymore.
Only truth is good enough for you now.
And We come back to the truth of following your heart because your heart knows what it is reaching for. Your heart knows what lasts and what is ephemeral. Ephemeral is what never was anyway.
Dreams are not ephemeral. They are true. But the object of the dream may be ephemeral. There is only one thing you can reach and find within it your fulfillment. Your fulfillment is not outside it.
Motivation for outside gain is not so helpful nor is it so worthy. In other words, it is not enough.
Let Me be your motivation. Whatever it is you do, do it for Me. That alone lifts you out of where you have been, and you do need to be lifted out. You do need to depart from old tracks. You need to start coming Home which is the same as to say coming to Truth.
Anything less just doesn’t do it for you anymore.
And your truth and My truth are the same. Truth cannot be less and still be truth.
What motivates you?
You sort of think, “Oh, dear God, my daily life motivates me. You don’t quite know what it is to have physical needs to take care of. It is quite enough for me to put one foot after the other. Just to get through a day is sometimes the best I can do. To get through the morning. To get through an afternoon. To get through an evening. Sometimes it is all I can do to get through. To go beyond? I have all I can do to take care of what is right before me now.”
What motivates you states how far you will go.
Listen to what I just said.
I know you have daily needs to attend to. But I ask you to see beyond them. Otherwise, you go through daily motions, and your life is lived in pay checks. That is not enough of a reward for you. Good marks at school are not enough of a reward for you. Winning a prize is not enough of a reward for you.
Only I am reward enough for you. Only the love of God is big enough for you. Only the encompassing truth and love of the great THAT I AM is enough for you.
Whether you know it or not, all you do is for Me. You might as well know it. A bone is not enough for you. Only I am enough. And you have already won Me. Now accept what you have always had. And do that for Me also, for it is My yearning for you that you must fulfill.
What I am saying to you is that you yearn for a higher purpose. The mundane is not enough for such a one as you.
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Motivation | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/29/2023 09:46:00 PM