(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Back to Basics.
All this separation between “spiritual ” work and action, and “non-spiritual” work, is nonsense.
I hear it all the time with healers, teachers, etc, and people who do not think they have their “Purpose” yet and are waiting for it to magically appear.…….Nonsense again….. caused by this same false separation and judgment.
And Oh this continual and persistent comparison/separation of male/female, Goddess/God, Sisterhood/Brotherhood.
Truth and freedom is in the Heart and the Knowing not in the “situation”.
My daily life is my ‘work” (play) and I take to it my All.
I was free of my “work” when I could walk out of the University grounds, and no matter what had transpired, I could be with the trees and the pedestrian scene as it was presented in that moment.
I could stop and watch the children playing. I could smile at a passing stranger and perhaps share a kind word in conversation.
I could whistle, and above all feel my Smile. My’ “at homenesss’ with myself and life circumstances.
To be free of the “grind” the “mundane” you would do well to ensure that you are not just “getting away” from something that binds you, but rather be moving to something that liberates you.
There is a huge difference.
And what liberates you is already within and right in front of you in your next moment of choice. Hidden in plain view.
Perhaps this is why so many sincere “Lightworkers” have difficulty because they have separated the nature of their work from their own nature of Truth and the power of their Light.
How can we share with those waking up if we are not in touch with them?
I so love and honour those with the Warrior Truth who hold their space, their grace, and their Light in the “marketplace”.
HUman Shine is growing and evolving everywhere.
Just look for it and you will see it.
I So Love You
Back to Basics | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/17/2023 12:35:00 AM